Sarracenia flava var. ornata

Sarracenia flava var. ornata "light veining"

Sarracenia leucophylla x oreophila

Sarracenia leucophylla x oreophila

Sarracenia x "Daina's Delight"

Whoa! Is that color for real on that Sarracenia?!! Yes, yes it is :) That's often how the conversation goes when someone sees a healthy Sarracenia x "Daina's Delight" for the first time. The hot pink coloration of the upper pitcher and hood make this one immediately stand out in any collection -- a must-have plant! Pitchers on a mature plant can top 24 inches (2 feet) in height.
As low as $39.95
Availability: In stock
S. x "Daina's Delight" originates from New Zealand. It was developed by Mark Edwards in the 1990s and named after his daughter Daina. It is a complex hybrid of S. willisii x leucophylla. After a naming mistake in the tissue culture lab, this plant has also been in circulation under the name "Dana's Delight".
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