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By Sundews69
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They had a sign on their website that said "last update of 2022"
By Sundews69
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I just looked at their website now. Can you not buy anything until that countdown ends?
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By NightRaider
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Sundews69 wrote:I just looked at their website now. Can you not buy anything until that countdown ends?
Doesn't look like it. Maybe to prevent people from loading up their carts beforehand and just checking out as soon as it starts?
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By NightRaider
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Nabbed a solid haul from Giardino earlier w/ the 50% off sale, including a $15 argentii. Unfortunately missed out on D. schizandra for the second year in a row :(
Here's to hoping the import goes through without any trouble. I kept my order under 12 plants so I think I should be in the clear on my end - there was no information about non-EU shipping to be found on the website to be certain though unless I missed it somehow, but considering US shipping was offered at checkout and they've done US imports before then hopefully there shouldn't be a problem. Worst case I'm only out $100 or so, but hopefully it doesn't come to that.
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By Bluefire
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You know, if you want D. schizandra I can try to root a leaf cutting for you. I'm sure there's other people who have this plant, too, and might be willing to trade/ sell cuttings.
By Sundews69
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Wanted rajah, argentii, and sarracenioides but I forgot Italy was in a different time zone lol
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By NightRaider
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Bluefire wrote:You know, if you want D. schizandra I can try to root a leaf cutting for you. I'm sure there's other people who have this plant, too, and might be willing to trade/ sell cuttings.
That'd be awesome, I'd be more than willing to work something out with you in the spring once it warms up again. It hasn't been a huge priority for me since they're usually like $30+, but I missed some for $5 last year and then for $7 this time so it just kinda feels bad lol
Sundews69 wrote:Wanted rajah, argentii, and sarracenioides but I forgot Italy was in a different time zone lol
If it makes you feel any better I'm almost positive rajah was gone before the sale even started, and I'm not positive about sarracenioides. I didn't see rajah available anyway or I would've carted one, but I was trying to rush to get my order in so I didn't look super closely.
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By Sundews69
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The picture of rajah was of the plants for sale, not what a mature pitcher looks like so it would be easy to miss.
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By NightRaider
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Sundews69 wrote:The picture of rajah was of the plants for sale, not what a mature pitcher looks like so it would be easy to miss.
I'm gonna level with ya chief, I don't even remember what a mature rajah looks like lmao. I was checking names for a specific other one though so I'm almost positive I would've caught it unless it was buried behind a lot of other OOS stuff, but it looked like they sorted in-stock at the top like Carnivero does so it's probably unlikely. Then again, Nepenthes was the last genus I checked so they could've been available at the start and just gone in the ~10 minutes before I got to that section but who knows.
By Sundews69
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NightRaider wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:41 am
Sundews69 wrote:The picture of rajah was of the plants for sale, not what a mature pitcher looks like so it would be easy to miss.
I'm gonna level with ya chief, I don't even remember what a mature rajah looks like lmao. I was checking names for a specific other one though so I'm almost positive I would've caught it unless it was buried behind a lot of other OOS stuff, but it looked like they sorted in-stock at the top like Carnivero does so it's probably unlikely. Then again, Nepenthes was the last genus I checked so they could've been available at the start and just gone in the ~10 minutes before I got to that section but who knows.
LOL ok. Yeah, I think they sold out super quick. There was one left last time I looked and $13 is insanity.
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By Camden
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That’s awesome you were able to get some good stuff. Keep us updated on the Argentii. Mabey ours will arrive at the same time, who knows.

@Sundews69, if you want Sarracenioides, I might have some in the far future for trade (me playing with keiki paste and all) that is, if you don’t have one by then.
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By Bluefire
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Sundews69 wrote: Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:30 am Wanted rajah, argentii, and sarracenioides but I forgot Italy was in a different time zone lol
I have an H. sarracenioides but it's tiny and slow growing. Don't think it'd be up for offer in the next few years. Best of luck finding one - you're probably on the right track, looking at European vendors. Here in the US they can be quite pricey, though I do recall someone on this forum talking about an eBay(?) Heliamphora seller who's got good quality plants for a decent price.
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By NightRaider
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Bluefire wrote:Here in the US they can be quite pricey, though I do recall someone on this forum talking about an eBay(?) Heliamphora seller who's got good quality plants for a decent price.
That was me, actually. I nabbed my juvenile sarracenioides from TheHeliDrop on eBay for under $20 iirc when they first started listing plants, but it's harder to come by deals like that from them now. I'm not sure if they started raising prices after that or if other people just started grabbing them quicker - I haven't actually timed a drop so it could very well just be the latter since they announce new listings on instagram - but I haven't seen a deal like that from them since then in my random checks a couple times a week or so.

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