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By Nepenthes0260
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Sundews69 wrote:So what I found is a good deal then....
I can also get sarracenioides for $30.
Do you have sarracenioides clones 02T AW and 02SG AW by any chance?
I grow both... too small to tell how they'll look when mature.
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By Nepenthes0260
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NightRaider wrote:
Sundews69 wrote:I'm gonna get one for $25 and maybe free shipping (idk yet)...apparently a great deal!
Idk where you keep finding these deals at but props to you, even I wouldn't have blinked twice at it for that price.
Well the earlier photo posted of Ewok was from Nancy's growing setup, so perhaps her. :lol:
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By Sundews69
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Nepenthes0260 wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:49 pm
NightRaider wrote:
Sundews69 wrote:I'm gonna get one for $25 and maybe free shipping (idk yet)...apparently a great deal!
Idk where you keep finding these deals at but props to you, even I wouldn't have blinked twice at it for that price.
Well the earlier photo posted of Ewok was from Nancy's growing setup, so perhaps her. :lol:
(Dang it, how'd you know? I'm trying to keep my secrets secrets lol)
By Sundews69
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Nepenthes0260 wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:48 pm
Sundews69 wrote:So what I found is a good deal then....
I can also get sarracenioides for $30.
Do you have sarracenioides clones 02T AW and 02SG AW by any chance?
I grow both... too small to tell how they'll look when mature.
Is one easier growing than the other?
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By NightRaider
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Quick update: plants came in today after 10-11 days in transit. Everything except H. tatei looked good, skeptical they (came as 1 big juvie and 2 smalls) will make it but we'll see. All the traps were brown from either rot or cold damage but the rhizome was still hard so I potted them up anyway, so I'll update if I see any growth from them. Argentii looked perfectly healthy at least, albeit tiny but that's really not unexpected. I'll try to post a longer update with some pictures tomorrow once I get the other half potted up.
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By Camden
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Man, sorry to hear about the tatei. I guess it is always a bit of a gamble when it comes to overseas :/

It is kinda weird that the Argentii was fine but the tatei wasn’t :roll: Were they in different packages?

Oh, just wondering, when they gave you your tracking number did they say it was through DPD but then actually ended up being by another carrier (ex. post Italian)per chance?
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By Sundews69
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Yeah, really sucks that the tatei didn't arrive in great condition. Hopefully it recovers.

I just realized how large this thread has gotten lol. I expected only a few replies when I first started it .
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By NightRaider
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Camden M wrote:Man, sorry to hear about the tatei. I guess it is always a bit of a gamble when it comes to overseas :/
Yeah, like I said it's not definitely a goner, but whatever happens it was only like $15 so it was worth the gamble. I was fully expecting a loss or two anyway this time of year, so I'm just happy everything else looked good. Looking back at yours, I'm seeing one that looked pretty similar that you got new growth out of so hopefully that means the rhizomes may still be good enough to pull through.
Camden M wrote:It is kinda weird that the Argentii was fine but the tatei wasn’t :roll: Were they in different packages?
Nope, they were all together and packed the same, just in different bags. This really had me puzzled too, but maybe Argentii is just a little more cold tolerant or maybe it was just the heli being kept too wet or something, I honestly can't say.
Camden M wrote:Oh, just wondering, when they gave you your tracking number did they say it was through DPD but then actually ended up being by another carrier (ex. post Italian)per chance?
Just went back and checked the email and nope, email said EMS and that's how it came through Poste Italiane. I can't remember if it said anything on the order page that could've been different, but the tracking number email was accurate at least.
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By NightRaider
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So here's everything potted up now. Tatei looks far worse today with the pitchers almost completely shriveled up now. Still gonna leave it in there for another couple weeks but I'd be really surprised if I got anything out of it now. Flytraps were all pretty small but came with multiple divisions or growth points, pretty clearly TC'd and I don't know how well hardened off they were so I put them in my highland chamber for now where they should stay very humid. Brocchinia were both pretty healthy, even if the hectioides was pretty small. Not complaining at all though, my reducta was probably even younger when I got it. Drosera both looked good, neocaledonica actually had what looked like a leaf strike. Lastly argentii: color seems like it may be a little worse today, but it's still green and doesn't seem to be browning or anything. Considering it's about the size of a penny it can probably go either way, but at least it seems to have a pretty good chance of making it as of right now.
tatei.jpg (547.7 KiB) Viewed 2138 times
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By Camden
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Nice. Tbh, now, after seeing yours come in, I think I may have gotten really fortunate with the weather/shipping. Don’t think I’ll order again until summer and see how it goes.

For the Argentii, I think that bagging and putting it near an area that has like drops down to the 50’s (IIRC your setup gets down to low 60’s(maybe add some ice cubes right up next to it)) then slowly hardening it off would do it well.
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By NightRaider
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Camden M wrote:Tbh, now, after seeing yours come in, I think I may have gotten really fortunate with the weather/shipping. Don’t think I’ll order again until summer and see how it goes.
Yeah I knew when I was ordering that it was going to be iffy weather-wise but we were still around 45/50 at night at the time, but it taking another 3 weeks to arrive between processing and shipping probably put it too much later into winter for it to have a chance.
Camden M wrote:For the Argentii, I think that bagging and putting it near an area that has like drops down to the 50’s (IIRC your setup gets down to low 60’s(maybe add some ice cubes right up next to it)) then slowly hardening it off would do it well.
Yeah right now it's getting 90%H/72°F day and 100%H/60°F night after I just bumped the cooling system down a couple more degrees, so I think it should be good where I have it. If it ends up looking a little rough, I may set it to drop down a little more.
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