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By Sundews69
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That really sucks man. Sorry to hear that. I guess it does make my decision a lot easier though!
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By Camden
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Wow, it’s a fast grower compared to what I’ve heard. Id say they’re growing just as fast, maybe faster than my Hamata tbh.
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All the green new growth is under me :o
Last edited by Camden on Mon Dec 12, 2022 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Sundews69
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Good to know!! Have you heard of exapenndiculata "Ewok"? I'm looking at one and it looks cool:
exappendiculata Ewok.jpg
exappendiculata Ewok.jpg (234.82 KiB) Viewed 2255 times
By Sundews69
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Is the difference just that it's really hairy? If I get it I want to make sure it's worth my buck and not just a normal exapenndiculata.
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By Camden
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I think it's hair and size. Pure expen gets much larger from what I hear.

Edit: just realized how that came off, it is still pure species what I was referring to was referring was normal/typical expen.
Last edited by Camden on Mon Dec 12, 2022 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Nepenthes0260
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AW's "Ewok" is a pure exappendiculata clone from "Apacapa" (more reading: ... ndiculata/). The small size and extreme pubescence result from natural variation in the species; very unlikely to be of hybridogenic origin. Definitely a notable clone; highly recommended!
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By Sundews69
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Sounds cool! What would you say is reasonable price for a juvenile plant?
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By Nepenthes0260
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In the states? Maybe $40-60? Importing directly from Wistuba is probably your best bet if you're looking to acquire numerous rare clones for a cheaper combined price than buying them all individually in the US.
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By Sundews69
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So what I found is a good deal then....
I can also get sarracenioides for $30.
Do you have sarracenioides clones 02T AW and 02SG AW by any chance?
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By NightRaider
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Sundews69 wrote:Sounds cool! What would you say is reasonable price for a juvenile plant?
There's one listed here on eBay right now for $50+15 shipping which is as good as anything I've seen. If I was a fan of ewok I'd honestly consider nabbing it myself, but for whatever reason that clone has just never done it for me.
Also can vouch for the seller, got a few plants from them once before.
By Sundews69
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NightRaider wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:04 pm
Sundews69 wrote:Sounds cool! What would you say is reasonable price for a juvenile plant?
There's one listed here on eBay right now for $50+15 shipping which is as good as anything I've seen. If I was a fan of ewok I'd honestly consider nabbing it myself, but for whatever reason that clone has just never done it for me.
Also can vouch for the seller, got a few plants from them once before.
I'm gonna get one for $25 and maybe free shipping (idk yet)...apparently a great deal!
By Sundews69
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What are good prices in the US for:
huberi Angasima
minor "Big Orange"
minor selection 1
neblinae Cerro Neblina
ionasi G
Can't find to many of these to get a good idea
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By NightRaider
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Sundews69 wrote:I'm gonna get one for $25 and maybe free shipping (idk yet)...apparently a great deal!
Idk where you keep finding these deals at but props to you, even I wouldn't have blinked twice at it for that price.
By Sundews69
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NightRaider wrote: Mon Dec 12, 2022 9:21 pm
Sundews69 wrote:I'm gonna get one for $25 and maybe free shipping (idk yet)...apparently a great deal!
Idk where you keep finding these deals at but props to you, even I wouldn't have blinked twice at it for that price.
I'm gonna get it but I'm just waiting for a response from the grower. I can share a division with you when it's older.
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