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By Cleo_13
Posts:  295
Joined:  Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:35 pm
I figured I'd post here. My name is Grace, but I use my middle school nickname, Cleo, on the internet. I'm a 20 year old student at Corning Community College. I'm going to transfer into a veterinary technician program next semester, but still have to decide between two schools I've gotten into. I hope to bring as many of my plants as I can. I love pretty much anything to do with raising/helping/growing living things. I started getting into plants with a cactus named Feliks that I bought a long time ago and still have. I was in a succulent phase for a while, then moved into African violets, then herbs, and now carnivorous plants. I recently got some spider plants and also an asparagus fern. I named all my plants at first but, as I now have so many, not all of my plants have names. I plan to fix that soon. I name them all after characters from my favorite anime. On a non-plant note, I love squirrels, and had one named Pola that I hand-fed for almost three years before my neighbors trapped her. I still hold a deep hatred for those neighbors that will likely never go away.
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By roarke
Posts:  2415
Joined:  Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:11 am
We are two twin brothers. I cultivated a fev years ago some VFT, but didn't worked out than. Curently we grow CP with more knowlodge, thanks to this forum. Photos tommorow.
Last edited by roarke on Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
By Marine botonist kid
Posts:  166
Joined:  Sun Jan 05, 2014 11:55 pm
My name is adam. I currently know three programming languages including: batch, HTML, and Python. i have a natural green thumb, when it comes to nearly any plant, i can grow anything from moss to trees and anything in between. i want a greenhouse but they are out of my price range. i have three orchids, about 30 big mouth vft's, 6 drosera spatulata, 8 sarracenia, and a nepenthes miranda, i really want an ampularia though. i am 17 and a senior in highschool. i plan on going to college in florida to be a Marine Biologist, Botanist, and Minoring in Programming. i really want access to a lab so i can splice the DNA in a sarracenia or drosera or anything large growing to recombine it with a flytraps DNA. i live in north carolina and have spent over 300 in my carnivores. i am also a quick learner.
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By Maiden
Posts:  1049
Joined:  Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:46 am
I guest its my turn :)

My name is Francois Boulianne, i have 37yo.
I live in Montréal Canada, in the big white crown.
Im mostly an heliamphora/cephalotus grower.
My #1 hobby is bodybuilding. I begun this sport 15 years ago, at 125lbs. All the story begun when a friend of mine wanted to go to a gym, but was too shy. At that time, i had long hair, leather jacket and all the package.

The first time i lift a dumbell, my life changed. 15 years later, im 220lbs, for 5p10.

My other hobby are cps of course, NHL hockey, cps, NFL football, cps, playing guitar, playing chess and cps.
Here a picture of me with my idol Branch Warren from texas. He is in the top 5 of the most muscular mans on the planet.
I look little with him.
me with branch warren by dals009, on Flickr

I speak many languages, english is the third i learned, 3 years ago. Thats why its not perfect, as you can see.

Chess game is also very important in my life. I play serious competitions when i was younger, and for those who know world ELI rating, my rating was 1880ELO.

Im also a c++ coder, i love playing with windows code etc.

Cout<<"its a nice hobby too!"<<endl;

I learn from a friend years ago.

My day job is very stimulant also. Im in security world. I work as private bodyguard for GARDA. Im also a teacher at the national police school. I teach tactic defence, handcuffs and telescopic stick manipulation, for future police officers, and military.

Here my new toys from last month.
The new pearless model. Double lock. Pretty cool.

my new handcuffs and 26inches telescopic stick by dals009, on Flickr

In not married, but i have a girlfriend named Stephanie living between me and my plants.


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By bvalente
Posts:  892
Joined:  Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:58 pm
My name is Brian Valente, 24 years old, and am new to growing. I recently bought some VFT from a local nursery and from here in FTS and am really passionate about this hobby. I am a quick learner and always feel there is something to learn from everyone, not just on here but life in general.

Before this, I played Division 1 college baseball at Eastern Michigan University. I was a Rawlings All-American coming out of highschool and was fortunate enough to play college and professional baseball for the Joliet Slammers, near Chicago. I have traveled all across the US for baseball, living with host-families from Cali to Virginia and have made many lasting friendships along the way. I am very fortunate to play baseball as long as I have, but now I am done and pursuing new passions.
pitch.jpg (26.13 KiB) Viewed 10616 times
walk.jpg (93.42 KiB) Viewed 10616 times

I have graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Science and work at a local hospital in Cardiac Rehab and Stress testing. It was during my internship at this hospital that got me into wanting to grow plants. One of the patients I was fortunate enough to work with for months and get to know, used to grow peppers. So every day I would talk to him about them and life in general. Then one day during my internship for their annual "White Elephant" party, someone gave away a death cube VFT, and that's when it clicked.

I wanted to grow VFT.

So that winter I tried to find some in local nurseries, but none were in stock. After a few months I eventually found one and at the same time, found this site. The rest is history. Throughout researching and talking to people on this forum, I feel pretty knowledgable on what I am doing and am very passionate about this hobby. A lot of my friends joke with me "How do you go from a college/pro athlete working in cardiology to growing VFT and peppers?" :lol: :lol:

But I love it. I have about 14 VFT (ranging from babies to young adults) and this winter will be my first dormancy. I also recently started growing some Habanero and Jalapeno peppers.

Anyway, enough rambling on. I really love this hobby and learning from everyone on here.
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By Azurei
Posts:  40
Joined:  Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:02 pm
Well......this is me looking all grown up and sensible *snickers* :lol:


And......well.......make of this what you will....


I think that says it all tbh, but I will go on....and on....and on....haha, I am known for my long essays and whittering on like some crazy person :shock:

I am 28 years old and have three children, ages 10, 7 and 3. I have been a carer for the elderly, a barmaid, and various other small jobs over the years. I used to own and breed many different species of reptile, including some quite rare species that I successfully hatched in my home made incubator :D I have some back ground in biology, my mother is a qualified biologist and it is my chosen area of interest. I have knowledge of veterinary medicine to some degree, co-treating my herps under guidance from my exotics vet being one example, but also through self study. I currently own and breed budgies and have always loved birds (and animals in general). I hope one day once the children are older to go for my degree in biology, genetics are of particular interest to me.

Despite being quite a skinny weak looking woman I am quite happy to give anything a go from probing a snake to tell it's gender to changing brake discs on a car, I am happy trudging around in winter in horse fields and stables, feeding the cattle at 4am, or swimming around in the sea on a hot summers day, I have such a variety of interests and an unyielding thirst for knowledge, I try to cut out few pursuits from my life, trying most things that come up, after all you only live once as they say :D I seriously doubt I will ever get bored of learning, I am happier reading science papers of an evening than I ever am watching television. There is so much I have done with my life it would probably take a books worth of writing to tell about it, but there's a taster :lol:

Extra photos, some of my birds, past chicks, and my two boys Maverick the Staffordshire bull terrier, and Bruno the german shepherd cross Staffy mutt:


Alas.....I have to admit I have also been a bit of a world of warcraft addict on and off for the best part of a decade, but I won't bore with that, just the one photo lol:
Last edited by Azurei on Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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By Feline Ferocity
Posts:  42
Joined:  Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:30 pm
Ok so a bit about me, who I am and what I do...

My name is Kat, I'm 29 years old and I live in Worcestershire UK.

Er.. where do I start lol.

I run a small bird aviary from my home where I own a green cheek conure, a cockatiel and 15 budgies. I take in sick birds and rescue/rehomes too and nurse them back to health. Some birds come to me and can't be treated back to full health so they are cared for by myself until the end. I'm not a vet or veterinary trained, or a recognised rescue center either, it's just something I do with my time/life.. every animal deserves a chance no matter how small or cheap they are.

I am the local crazy bird lady/dr doolittle/bird tamer-whisperer-trainer lol

I have other pets too, a big rottweiler/german shepherd cross breed dog and two ball/royal pythons (a normal and a bumblebee).

I volunteer down at the local rabbit and guinea pig sanctuary every week too.

My real job, I work for Telecom Plus ( I save people money on house hold utility bills, gas, electric, broadband, landline and mobile phones).

I am a photographer in my spare time, and have been lucky enough to get some images of mine published by the BBC, BirdTricks and images placed on canvases and hung in peoples houses (still makes my tummy go all butterfly like when I think about it!) And I also have my own facebook photography page where work can be shown/seen etc.

When I have a lot more spare time, me and my hubby go on ride outs on the bike.

If you're still with me and haven't died from boredom, there are a few photos of stuff in my life.

This is me on the hubby's bike (Aprillia slFalco 1000)




A hand full of my ever growing flock

Rogue my dog

And a random fuzzy monkey

Well... hope you enjoyed reading about me lol Image

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By Azurei
Posts:  40
Joined:  Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:02 pm
Haha woman, you're inspiring me to add more photos to mine now :P also you really should frame that photo of you on the bike, it's awesome.
By Feline Ferocity
Posts:  42
Joined:  Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:30 pm
Lmao, eating ice cream is serious business but it ruined the photo. I won't frame that one but I'll get better ones to frame later on lol

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab3
By Azurei
Posts:  40
Joined:  Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:02 pm
I actually think....from an arty point of view the ice cream is great! it's like it's making a statement, plus it tastes good, why not openly have ice cream in your life and your art :D more photos is also good though :D
By bannister
Posts:  236
Joined:  Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:17 am
I'm Ben. I do creative things. You name it, I can probably do it: graphic design, video, websites, photography, drawing, etc. I also sometimes make YouTube videos under mrbenjaminbannister (which needs to be updated with two new videos I've done).

My story if you wish to read it all:
Like most people, I never thought I could keep plants alive very long. I tried some cacti and lucky bamboo and they died after a few months. I then tried again with a regular house plant in 2012. I told myself if I could take care of it for one year (indoors with winter heating as well) and it was still alive at the end, I will try others.

It was then last November that I discovered terrariums. I basically went crazy and made one for everyone I know for Christmas, and it was a lot of work! Being a perfectionist I am, I move almost each stone/plant/mound of dirt to exact positions, it was horrendously tedious but I completely enjoyed every minute of it.

Then I wanted a Venus Fly Trap terrarium. So it began with VFTs. Then I discovered the world of other carnivorous plants (through this forum and others), and month by month, I discovered something new that I would read everything about, and then buy it after figuring out if I could care for them. So it went from VFT > Darlingtonia (I love a challenge) > Sarracenia Minor > Drosera > Pinguicula > Heliamphora (another challenge). I chose not to grow Nepenthes because they look too much like male anatomy to me. lol. So now I have 6 carnivorous plants, and countless other houseplants.

I then decided to consolidate my pots. VFTs went to 3 pots tops (with the rest in pots at work), and I keep no more than 3 pots per species. I have 6 dedicated and idential pots for "centerpiece" carnivorous plants now—the best specimen (I think) of each species. It was initially supposed to be 7 but I couldn't figure out what that 7th plant would be, so it's 6. I now call them The Six Wonders. I will take photos of all of them once right before they go into hibernation, while still looking their peak.

That's that.
By MrsMuscipula
Posts:  473
Joined:  Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:01 am
Hey folks! I'm Maria. I first came to this forum in 2009, when I was 21. I'm back at the crabby, old age of 26. ;) You can find my posts at the beginning of this thread under the username ModeratelyExcessive. Around 2010, I had some changes in my life occur and stopped being active here, though I continued to grow my carnivores! The hobby definitely took a backseat to other things though. I didn't do much more than the needed watering and repotting.

In the last year, my passion for carnivores has been reignited and I'm back after a nearly 5-year hiatus! :D In the time I've been gone, I have met an awesome man and gotten married to him. I graduated college with my photography degree, and bounced around from a few different jobs for a while. Got my first full-time, big girl, health insurance and all, job just over a year ago. I manage a taproom at a local brewery. :) My husband and I also make our own beer together. I still do some creative work on the side and am kind of addicted to blogging.

Some obligatory photos!

I also cut my hair short circa early 2012. Got a pixie/undercut thing going on now.

The husband (who is not fond of photos) and I on our honeymoon in Belgium!

Our very silly girl, Sansa.

And a few of my darling carnivores.
By Koolwalah
Posts:  36
Joined:  Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:08 pm
This is pretty awesome seeing a face for some of the users I see posting. I'll join too!

My name is Jon and I'm 28. Here's a pic of me cheesing in the kitchen:

I've been growing my hair out for about 4 years and loving it. I used to have it long in college too but cut it off due to "love".
I've done a lot of different hobbies in the past. Flash animations on Newgrounds, Various gaming things on Youtube, Drawing, Sewing, Cooking, etc. I live in a small town in NC and hope one day to eventually move somewhere North or North-West.

Looking forward to more posts with you guys!
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