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By Veronis
Posts:  2202
Joined:  Fri May 29, 2009 8:41 pm
I thought this would be a cool thing to do to get to know each other a little better.

If you have a pic of yourself please attach one!

Since I started the thread I'll go first.

My real name is Kelby. I'm 31 from Harrisburg, PA. I'm divorced and have a 4 year old son who I adore.

I work at a consulting firm where I do software/data testing, reporting, and spec development for pension administration system installations. It's about as exciting as it sounds. :D But it pays the bills, is challenging, and I work with really great people.

I like helping people and fixing things, and I'm a huge zombie fan. I like reading, video games, building and fixing computers, cooking on the grill, and I ranger at regional Burning Man events. I'm analytical and tend to be long-winded.
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By Matt
Posts:  22528
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
Good idea Kelby. I'll go second. Sorry if this is a yawn for most people ;)

My name is Matt Miller. I was born in St. Louis, MO and lived in Festus, MO (my parents still live there) until I was 18 and went off to college at the University of Missouri. When I graduated, I wanted to move somewhere out west. I ended up doing my graduate work at the University of Arizona in Tucson. I fell in love with the desert and I miss it greatly. I graduated from there in 2001 with a Master's in Applied Mathematics. I promptly went to work for Raytheon Missile Systems, also in Tucson. I worked there for 5 years as a radar software engineeer while living in Sahuarita, AZ until I got an offer from a friend of mine from graduate school to work with him on web stuff. I taught myself PHP, MySQL and Apache (already knew a fair amount of Linux) and took the plunge from a safe secure job to an uncertain future. That was 5 years ago and I've never regretted it!

I'm part or full owner of a few websites including,, and, of course, and I am involved in many other web sites.

True story - I met my wife Leah on July 26th, 2006 on an airplane when I was on my way to a friend's wedding in Montana. We fell madly in love. I never believed in love at first sight, but that's what it was! I packed up my stuff in Arizona and moved to Montana two weeks later. Leah and I got married on February 14th, 2007. We married ourselves in a hot spring in the middle of the woods in Idaho.

I loved living in Missoula, MT and still miss it from time to time. But we had to move to Boulder in July 2007 so that Leah could do her mandatory internship to complete her PhD in psychology. We ended up staying there for two years because Leah got a job where she did her internship. We both like Boulder in many ways, but neither of us wanted to settle down there. So we started looking for a new place to try living that neither of us had experienced before. We ended up settling on Ashland, OR and we moved here at the end of July 2009. I'm loving it so far!

As for hobbies, I have a ton. I used to hunt and fish a lot, but I haven't done much the last few years, but I really want to do some salmon fishing this fall. I still make it back to Missouri every spring to do some turkey hunting and visit my family. I miss having elk meat in the freezer though. I love putting together computers. I basically enjoy learning anything technical and learning stuff in general. I play some video games, mostly turn based strategy games like Civilization or first person shooters. Obviously I grow a lot of carnivorous plants and that obsession has pretty much taken most of my time lately. I love to watch and play all sports with the possible exception of hockey and soccer, but I'll even watch them from time to time. I'm watching my favorite baseball team, the Cardinals, lose to the Dodgers right sad, but it isn't over yet! Love fantasy football! I really got into tissue culture this year too. I've done a ton of running through my life and I love being active, especially in the mountains. I did track and cross country through high school and continued from there. I did a marathon in 1999. And I still run about 3 days a week now.

Some of my biggest athletic achievements include:
  • Finished Heart of America Marathon in 1999 in 3 hours 40 minutes
  • Ran a half marathon in 2008 in 1 hour 29 minutes.
  • Ran the 2008 Pikes Peak Ascent (over 13 miles and almost 6000 feet of vertical ascent) in 3 hours and 18 minutes.
  • Have done multiple triathlons culminating in my 2008 Ironman Vineman Triathlon finish in 13 hours 22 minutes - Photo finish here
  • A lot of rock climbing including all 54 of the peaks in Colorado over 14,000 feet (called the Colorado 14ers). A video of me on what most consider the hardest 14er, Capitol Peak. The part I'm on here is a very exposed section called the Knife Edge:
  • A 42 mile rim-to-rim-to-rim run of the Grand Canyon (South Rim to North Rim and back) in 12 hours and 30 minutes. I think this is the most amazing run I've ever done.
  • Finished the 2008 San Juan Solstice 50 miler (billed as America's toughest 50 miler with most of the course above 10,000 feet in elevation) in 12 hours 36 minutes.
My new exciting adventure is trying to start an online carnivorous plant nursery. It's a ton of work, but I'm excited about the future for it. I've got a lot of building of stock to do so I can offer many people awesome plants, but I think I'm on my way with the help of tissue culture. It should be an exciting next few years. For paying the bills, I do have a "full-time" job working from home doing contract web work for an orthopedic surgeon out of Missoula, Montana for his many websites.

Anyway, I'm sure that's way more information than most people wanted, but yeah, that's me...Matt. Oh and here's a photo of Leah and I in Boulder on top of Red Rocks:
By lemonlily
Posts:  3168
Joined:  Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:54 pm
Lol at the "you two fell madly in love" and the "you married yourselves"part. Yeah, I know, you and your wife. Not yourelf self. Ahem. Excuse me. Sorry 'bout that. :oops:

And me? I'm Lily amd that's about it I think. I live in Vancouver and I'm 12 maybe? I mean, I am. I've been annoying people by saying "maybe" after words. I annoyed my friend today. It was funny. But what else?

EDIT: Wait wait wait!!! I love to annoy people until they can't stand me anymore. But I let them do it back. I'm fine with it. And, I can't really get annoyed by sound myself. Fun stuff. LOL maybe???
Last edited by lemonlily on Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
By dionaea muscipula
Posts:  1956
Joined:  Tue Jul 14, 2009 4:13 am

... i will redo this later... its a bit out dated and quite embarrassing..
Last edited by dionaea muscipula on Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
By MichaelG
Posts:  443
Joined:  Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:10 am
My turn! I'm Michael, I became a mom Thursday October 1st at 9:09 pm. I had a beautiful baby girl named Abigail. She's pretty much my life right now since she's only a week old today and she's doing more every day. I love to watch her! Thank god I have so many people I can rely on to take care of her when I get too tired.

Anyway, I live in North Carolina and go to NC State University for elementary education. I'm 18 years old and in my first year of college.

Here's a picture that was taken two days after Abigail was born.
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By hackerberry
Posts:  1704
Joined:  Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:58 pm
Wow Michael, all those time I thought you were a guy. Well, it's good to put the face on the name or however you call it. Congrats on the darling baby girl. Abigail is a really nice name!

By Esly
Posts:  385
Joined:  Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:51 am
GAH! NOOOO. I had like all the info down.. then my comp froze D: Then it stoppped responding.. so i had to close down the window thingy... so i have to start all over. ):

Anywaaayyys. I'm Esly! Im a 13 year old chickiee. Im an 8th grader...
I loveee to joke around and have fun!
Im funny... well, thats what people say. And I usually think outside the box so I can come up with ridiculous stuff and sometimes it seems oh-so-reasonable. :D
I'm currently learning the piano.. I can only play the Harry potter theme XD I plan to learn the guitar, ukelele, and inprove on my singing. I've been singing for... a few years My voice is pretty strong. I can sing 3 octives high. I began to like the uke.. in the 7th grade. :D Its like a small guitar... I like to create my own music. I'm currently working on a song... but i have like nothing. Haha.
I like baby ducklings. :D They're sooo cuteee. I'm obsessed with Sundews. I know the basics, but i plan on like... mutating them.. and create a giant sundew that can eat people! :twisted: Haha. Welll not reallly. But i do want to make my own sundew... Like the actual plant, but i know its gonna take forever.
Tom Milsom and Nickasaur inspire mee. I love Tom Milsom's music it means so much.. I just noticeed I'm like jumping around from like different subjects :D
Haha. You're probably confused eh? weeell. aoethapowtjeriymaeuwrmpstynm HAHAHAHA! Random letters pwn :D
My favorite number is 457,214,795,675,123,246,053 and 1/2 :D Haha Weeell not really. I can never make up my mind ! I think i'll go with... 24 and 1/2 :D Yeah that's my fav. number.
Weeeelll.... Talk to meehhh. I'll brighten up your day cuz I'm awesome likee that :D
Lawl XD
Did i mention i get confused easily? Haha.
Hehe Supercalifragilisticexpialidociously Cute eh?
Hehe Supercalifragilisticexpialidociously Cute eh?
D.jpg (494.25 KiB) Viewed 17672 times
By MichaelG
Posts:  443
Joined:  Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:10 am
HA! wow, my head is spinning from that post, Esly!!

HB, well, now you know I'm female!! Lol, and thanks. I think she's gorgeous too.
By Aging_Bourbon
Posts:  2799
Joined:  Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:14 pm
MichaelG wrote:HA! wow, my head is spinning from that post, Esly!!
Yeah yeah we all know Esly's a werid (awesome)
MichaelG wrote:HB, well, now you know I'm female!! Lol, and thanks. I think she's gorgeous too.
He just knows.. trust me

By branpera
Posts:  235
Joined:  Sat Aug 01, 2009 5:36 am
My name is Brandon I will be 15 soon on OCT. 19th.
you can also find my pictue here ... 092#p22602
I was born in BaltimorE, MD. I moved to Long Island NY in second grade. I like and have played alot of different sports, but right now im best at running, playing tennis, and soccer. I like to watch foot ball, and the one time I played it this pass summer I broke my arm so ill take that as a hint not to get into playing it. I like going on vacations anywhere to mostly I have hiked on my vacations, and im most proud of hiking the grand Cannyon when I was 11. OOOO and I love to ski Im prity good and it and I can ski stuff like <> <> dubble back diamonds o ya!. 8-) Recently this summer I have found all plants very interesting with my favorite the VFT and other CP aswell as Cactii. There are so many other plants that I think I will end up having such as a Bonsi tree.
O and also I forgot to mention that I think I am nocturnal. I stay up to 12-2 on weekends and days that I dont have school the next day and sleep untill 11-12
By Esly
Posts:  385
Joined:  Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:51 am
allenc666 wrote:
MichaelG wrote:HA! wow, my head is spinning from that post, Esly!!
Yeah yeah we all know Esly's a werid (awesome)

By lemonlily
Posts:  3168
Joined:  Thu Oct 16, 2008 10:54 pm
Haha your hair!!!
By archimago
Posts:  136
Joined:  Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:50 pm
My name is Donald Doss. I've been growing flytraps for about 3 years. I started with one from Lowes. It has divided quite well. I am a 40 year old college student. I hope to complete my marketing degree in the spring.
I am happily married and have two kids(boy10, girl15).
I don't have time for many hobbies. My flytraps would count as a hobby I suppose. I also used to draw quite a bit. I've recently started again. I began learning the banjo when school was less demanding. I plan to pick it up again after I graduate.
I am a local commercial producer in SW Missouri. It is truly horrible work at times, but there are moments when it can be good. For example: shooting commercials for local car lots is horrible. It is cold in the winter and baking hot in the summer. Dealing with car salesmen's egos is also very demanding. On the plus side: hanging out of an open sided helicopter 800 feet in the air to get aerial shots of the dealership is pretty awesome. So I guess it's a trade off.
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