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By IGotInStanford
Posts:  41
Joined:  Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:48 am
Hey guys, so I know that heliamphora tatei is the only heliamphora that produce it’s own enzymes. Does anyone know if a hybrid involving helianphora tatie also produce enzymes? Thank you
By iamjacksplants
Posts:  591
Joined:  Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:13 am
I'm not sure if I buy that. All my heliamphora digest whatever I put in the pitchers just fine. How are they doing that if they aren't producing their own enzymes?

Happy growing,
By CpKid
Posts:  389
Joined:  Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:13 pm
I always thought that heliamphora used bacteria to break down insect matter, then absorbed the nutrients. I'm not sure though, I've never been fortunate to own one myself
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By SundewWolf
Posts:  2219
Joined:  Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:38 pm
I also read they don't have enzymes and rely on bacteria to break down the food into useable nutrients. Is this info correct? idk, I forget the source and haven't look at any specific literature on this again. I just squirt MaxSea and fish pellets into all the pitches and all my Heliamphora seem to grow fine.
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By iamjacksplants
Posts:  591
Joined:  Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:13 am
Not sure. I know I have read the same thing. I also know that I have accidentally dumped the contents of a number of heliamphora on many occasions, whether repotting, unpacking, dividing etc. and they never seem to have any problems refilling with fluid and digesting whatever I put in there. Usually crickets. And like nepenthes, if you toss a live cricket in a dry pitcher, the movement of the cricket trying to escape will trigger the pitcher to produce more fluid. I guess the bacteria is still in the pitcher from the previous fluid? I don't know.

Happy growing,

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Trying My Hand With TC

So any sggestions, guidance, etc,?

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