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By eriction
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The April seed bank bonus is super tempting :D anyone have recently pics of their FTP OP seeds they've sown?
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By ChefDean
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eriction wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:42 am The April seed bank bonus is super tempting :D anyone have recently pics of their FTP OP seeds they've sown?
Here's one.
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By PhilM
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I just started stratifying my FTS VFT op from the April bonus. cant wait to see what comes out!
By PhilM
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Well that is a mistake I have been making for entirely too long- Thanks for the correction!
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By MaxVft
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elaineo wrote: Mon Sep 13, 2021 4:48 pm FTS Seedbank seedlings planted earlier this year. I had sowed more seeds in the pot, but I think this guy ate all his siblings. It will be a beast when it grows up 8-)
Isn't it interesting how well vft seedlings redden up outdoors? Most of mine also look like all-reds. :D
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By Panman
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I suggest cutting your teeth with some sundew seeds to get started. Then try flytrap seeds, especially of you are paying for them. When you are eligible, there are some in the seed bank you can try.
By ELee
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I planted some SE No. Carolina seeds I got from FTS on 4/20/22. I did one pot with sixteen seeds, then planted the rest among some flower stalk cuttings. The cuttings have not produced, but the seeds did. I have a total of fifteen little VFT’S! At what point should I transplant? Any recommendations on LFS vs. peat/perlite /sand? My standard VFT mix is 5 parts peat, 3 parts coarse silica sand, 2 parts perlite. The seeds are germinating on this mix as substrate, with about 1/8” of sifted pure peat on top. First germination occurred in 15 days from planting. I would be interested to hear of others who are growing these seeds from FTS as well! The attached pic shows only two pots, as one VFT seedling looks pretty much like any other!
FTS SE No. Carolina VFT sprouts 5/20/22
FTS SE No. Carolina VFT sprouts 5/20/22
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By MikeB
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ELee wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 2:06 am At what point should I transplant?
If the seedlings aren't crowded, I would leave them alone and let them grow. They can probably sit in those pots for 2 or 3 years before they need more room (and fresh soil).
ELee wrote: Any recommendations on LFS vs. peat/perlite /sand? My standard VFT mix is 5 parts peat, 3 parts coarse silica sand, 2 parts perlite.
That's a good soil mix for flytraps.
By Dan V
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Here are some pics of the FTS Venus flytrap OP seed from Brunswick County, NC. sown on 2/7/22.
Pretty good seed germination rate of 20 out of 25 using a heat pad under the pot and a humidity dome, I also stuck a few flower stalk cutting in the germination pot as the "timing" was right.
The largest seedling is just under 1/2" and hoping for a "giant" lol. Seems to be a variety in the colors but probably too early to tell for sure as they are still quite small. Going to skip dormancy this year so by this time next year I should have a good idea of any "unique genetics" from these seeds that are otherwise not yet common in cultivation.
Largest seedling lower right 1/2" dia.
Largest seedling lower right 1/2" dia.
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FTS  Brunswick County, NC seedings 2/7/22
FTS Brunswick County, NC seedings 2/7/22
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By MikeB
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Don't underestimate the seed-grown typicals: Matt and Leah have some very nice plants in this category.
FTS 1.jpg
FTS 1.jpg (604.39 KiB) Viewed 5650 times
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By nycredneck
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Just bought some seeds from the FTS and looking forward to getting them planted. I will document their progress in photos.
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By kronos1996
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Whatever became of Dionae’s “Black Traps” seed grown? It looked like it had a lot of potential as an intensely colored cultivar.
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