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By Tarzanus
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They are, aren't they :)

I have fed the trap on the photo and yesterday it just re-opened. That's how it looks now, 5 days after the first photo. It's the one on the left on previous photo. They are growing way faster than I thought they would.
IMG_0502.JPG (115.46 KiB) Viewed 13679 times
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By northerngardener
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Hello Fellow Insect (Other small creatures may apply) annihilating Perennial Herb growers.

Just so I'm on the same page here, is "Fuzzed extreme" the going handle for the unique varieties we may cultivate from this particular mix of genetics. I for one have some high hopes for my little investment. One seed that caught my eye is the 11th seed in the 10 seed Fussed x Fuzzed Tooth packet I had ordered from Matt. The seed looks like two seeds fuzzed together. Of 81 seeds planted on Feb 15, first five sprouts Feb 21 = 1 Green/red , 2 large green. 2 large blood red. To date Feb 25 there are 18 sprouts with quite a range of colors. I'm pretty happy with the quick results, diversity and vigor of of the seeds I received.
20170225_235455.jpg (257.77 KiB) Viewed 13631 times
20170225_235940.jpg (333.51 KiB) Viewed 13631 times
By uusa2000
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jht-union wrote:(Edit:) I will try to take more pics later in the future when the plants are not flooded. :)
Seed growns: I didn't found many of plants having tooth variation but instead more plants with the red pigmentation. Even with the rainy days and days so cloudy, the plants which are all green in the outside maintain a very extreme red on the inside.

This is my VFT Long Maroon Monster, which was sent by Matt almost 2 years ago I think and it looks a lot like FTS Maroon Monster. This VFT is still small but it has shown to be a great plant with vey deep red coloration inside and the leaf blade with a combination of red in the margin with green....this plant certainly is growing well and grows vigorously like FTS Maroon Monster. The plant next to it looks a bit like Long Maroon Iris except that that the leaf blade is much more thinner and doesn't grow as vigorously as this one. Also, compare the other surrounding red plants and you will understand why this is a great VFT! I will put this VFT in TC this summer! :)


More comparisons of green vs red VFT's:

Some bigger VFT's with no name yet, the traps are very big and grow very vigorously, they remind me of yet another FTS VFT such as FTS Etna.
I didn't measure the leaf blade, but of course you can see it is very large:

This is another VFT ( no name yet) grows like the other VFT above and looks like FTS Etna except that the teeth are much shorter and wide:

And this is another:


And more small VFT's:

Dionea was mentioning a lot of tooth variation, in this case, the ones I have show more red pigmentation and not much tooth variation. These are very appealing to the eye as they are completely all green and then the inside is completely deep red.

And yes, they are submerged in the water:


A very interesting VFT with traps that look like cupped traps, small traps but the leaf blades are long:


I am in the process of putting more pics of my plants in here: ... 15429.html

Enjoy! :)
Why are traps submerged? i like how your media looks, What kind of media mix do you use?

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By uusa2000
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Dionae wrote:Update. The plants have really taken off after a week of constant thunderstorms. I'm really surprised at how big they are for being deflasked late last year. Most might flower next year :D .
What Media mix do you use?

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By bijillon
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uusa2000 wrote:Image grown from seed

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Jow old are they

Happy Growing,

By uusa2000
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bijillon wrote:
uusa2000 wrote:Image grown from seed

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Jow old are they

Happy Growing,

Sowed in November

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By boarderlib
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northerngardener wrote:Hello Fellow Insect (Other small creatures may apply) annihilating Perennial Herb growers.

Just so I'm on the same page here, is "Fuzzed extreme" the going handle for the unique varieties we may cultivate from this particular mix of genetics. I for one have some high hopes for my little investment. One seed that caught my eye is the 11th seed in the 10 seed Fussed x Fuzzed Tooth packet I had ordered from Matt. The seed looks like two seeds fuzzed together. Of 81 seeds planted on Feb 15, first five sprouts Feb 21 = 1 Green/red , 2 large green. 2 large blood red. To date Feb 25 there are 18 sprouts with quite a range of colors. I'm pretty happy with the quick results, diversity and vigor of of the seeds I received.
Any VFT grown from seed is a 'typical', and should be labeled that way as to not muddy up the cultivar pool. Great to see your doing well with the seeds though. You should have some great typicals in the next couple of years. ... 30434.html ... 31990.html
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By boarderlib
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TampaTraps wrote:Do you guys think buying 2016 seeds from FTS will still be able to grow right now?
Matt won't sell garbage. So yes, given good conditions they will grow.

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By TampaTraps
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boarderlib wrote:
TampaTraps wrote:Do you guys think buying 2016 seeds from FTS will still be able to grow right now?
Matt won't sell garbage. So yes, given good conditions they will grow.

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Cool, just bought some RED seeds... Too bad the fused-tooths were out of stock, those look awesome!

How do seeds work btw, are they guaranteed to get the same plant the seed came from or is it always something different?
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By boarderlib
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TampaTraps wrote: Cool, just bought some RED seeds... Too bad the fused-tooths were out of stock, those look awesome!

How do seeds work btw, are they guaranteed to get the same plant the seed came from or is it always something different?
Seeds are pretty much a genetic crap shoot. For example the reds are much more likely to provide red plants. The plants grown from seed should always be labeled as 'typical'. All cultivars came from seed at some point though, that's why people like to grow from seed.

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