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By Eduardo
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Joined:  Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:18 pm
Hello! Brand Spanking new to the forum and to CP! Thanks for posting about GA3. Here's where I'm at...I have a mad scientist room in the basement with a 4 level plant rack using T5 grow bulbs. Temp about 70 F. Im using 4X4X6" deep pots with 50/50 peat/perlite in trays. Sitting beside me are seeds of D. burmannii, cistiflora, macrophylla, intermedia, filif. tracyi, rotundifolia, and binata waiting to be sown. GA3 is ordered but not here yet. Would like to experiment with GA3 if necessary to speed up germination but if protocols exist that work I do not want to reinvent the wheel. Any help would be appreciated and thank you for your help! Oh and Im in central Ohio.
By jose
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Just surface sow the burmannii and binata seeds. Do the same surface sowing for the rotundifolia, intermedia, and tracyi but stick those three bagged in the fridge for 4 weeks to stimulate winter. Then put them under the lights.
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By Apollyon
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If you're looking to try GA3 on those seeds; the only one I tried with was Burmannii. I soaked it in a 250 ppm mixture and got a couple germination in about a week I think. It's hard to tell with my chosen media though I believe that's all that came from it. Going back, I'd do a weaker concentration for the seeds. Maybe like 100ppm. Also a factor would be the concentration and the GA3 itself. I tried 250 on a tuberous seed and got nothing. It's quite possible I fried those. On my most recent attempt, I'm still waiting before I say they're just done. I got some byblis rorida germination so I know that the stuff was still good and they're early risers compared to some others.

Edit: As far as macrophylla goes, GA3 would be your play if you want to have a tuberous sundew right now. If you have enough, try something like 100ppm, 150, 200, 250 etc. I read 250 so I went with it but I didn't get a response. I'll be honest though,I accidentally knocked the pot over after about 2 weeks so I can't say definitively that it doesn't work. Deep down I feel like the 100-200 range would be more effective. I'll probably go with something in that range next time.
By Dan V
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Mixing/diluting with water, right - not ethanol?
By Dan V
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Never mind, I googled it- dilute with a tiny amount of alcohol then mix with water.
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By Apollyon
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Yeah, what I did with mine was use a dropper to put a couple drops of warmed up alcohol on it to help it break down. Speeds up the process considerably. You could put the GA3 in water straight up but it will likely take over 24 hours to break down. I was conservative with the alcohol but it usually breaks down in about an hour or so that way.
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