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By Apollyon
Posts:  1663
Joined:  Tue May 05, 2020 2:49 am
My grow list seems to constantly grow :/


D. Muscipula - DC XL - Eb
D. Muscipula - Akai Ryu - Et
D. Muscipula - "Fused Tooth" (Jaws? Typical.) - Eb
D. Muscipula - Alien - Eb
D. Muscipula - Typical - Eb
D. Muscipula - FTS Maroon Monster - FTC
D. Muscipula - FTS Purple Ambush - FTS
D. Muscipula - FTS Archangel - FTS
D. Muscipula - SD Kronos - FTS
D. Muscipula - Schuppenstiel I - FTS
D. Muscipula - Angel Wings - CP
D. Muscipula - Trev's Dracula - FTS
D. Muscipula - Wally - Eb
D. Muscipula Unknown Type - FTC
D. Muscipula Freaky Star - FTS
D. Muscipula Fused Tooth (Really this time) - FTS
D. Muscipula FTS Towering Giant - FTS
D. Muscipula B52 (Ironically one of the last I got) - FTS
D. Muscipula Cupped Traps - FTC Forum
D. Muscipula Seedlings - Germ. ~ 8/20/20
D. Muscipula - King Henry


D. Tokaiensis - Eb
D. Spatulata "Fraser Island" - FTC
D. Spatulata "Tamlin" - FTC
D. Binata var. Multifida Extrema - Eb
D. Binata "Marston Dragon" - Eb
D. Binata Small Red Form - Eb
D. Filiformis var. Floridana "Florida Red" - Friend
D. Filiformia var. Tracyi - Friend
D. Filiformis - Carolina Sunset - FTC Forums
D. Filiformis 'California Sunset'
D. x 'Dreamsicle' - FTC
D. x 'Nightmare' - FTC
D. Graomogolensis - Eb
D. Capensis Typical - Eb
D. Capensis Alba - Eb
D. Capensis 'Big Pink' - Eb
D. Capensis 'Hercules' - CC
D. Capensis "Bainskloof" - Seed Grown
D. Regia - CP
D. Burmannii - Eb
D. Burmannii Humpty Doo - Forum
D. Burmannii 'Perlata' - FTC
D. Latifolia - Eb
D. aff. lanata 'Flying Fox Creek, NT - CP
D. aff Ordensis x Darwinensis - FTC
D. Paleacea (Pygmy) - DA
D. Pulchella (Pygmy)- Eb
D. Scorpiodes (Pygmy)- CP
D. Micanthra (Pygmy)- CP
D. Platystigma (Pygmy)- CP
D. Sargentii (Pygmy)- CP
D. 'Carburup' (Pygmy) - Eb
D. Verrucata (Pygmy) - FTC Forums
D. Trichocaulis (Pygmy) - FTC
D. Roseana (Pygmy) - FTC
D. Squamosa - Eb
D. Auriculata "Anglesa" - FTC
D. Serpens - Seed Grown - Germ. early Sept. 2020
D. 'Watari' - Eb
D. Spatulata x Ultramafica - Seed grown - Germ. late Sept. 2020
D. Madagascariensis - Eb
D. Anglica Alaka'i Swamp, HI - FTC
D. Affinis (From seed) - FTC
D. Grantsaui "Serra de Canastra" - FTC
D. Intermedia - FTC
D. Adelae - FTC


P. Esseriana - Eb
P. Ehlersiae - Eb
P. Moranensis - Eb
P. Moranensis var. Roseii - FTC Forums
P. Moctezumae x Agnata - FTC Forums
P. Huajuapan - FTC Forums
P. "Pirouette" P. agnata x P. (moranensis x ehlersiae) - Eb
P. Gigantea - Eb
P. Cyclosecta - Eb
P . Emarginata - CC
P. Spec. El Mirador - Eb
P. Spec Sumidero I - Eb
P. Spec el Sumidero I x Cyclosecta (Seed grown; it LIVES) - My First Cross
P. Primuliflora - Friend
P. Laueana - Cascade Carnivores
P. Gypsicola - Cascade Carnivores
P. Jaumavensis - Eb
P. Debbertiana - Eb
P. Laueana x Emarginata - FTC

Multiple ping leaf pullings


C. Follicularis - Eb
C. Follicularis - Hummer's Giant - Charles Brewer
C. Follicularis - HG x Phil Mann - Eb
C. Follicularis - 'Eden Black' - FTC


S. 'Judith Hindle' Eb
S. Flava "Extreme Red Throat" Bay Co. FL - Mike Wang
S. Flava var. Rugelii Clone A - MW
S. Flava var. Rugelii Clone#1 Santa Rosa Co. FL - MW
S. Flava var. Ornata Improved Black Veins
S. Flava 'Killer' Okaloosa Co, FL
S. Alata Black MKA58 Stone Co, MS - MW (Looking forward to this one maturing).
S. Alata Red Stone Co, MS
S. Smurf
S. Leucophylla 'Pink' - Baldwin Co, AL
S. Leucophylla 'Neon Pink' Baldwin Co, AL (possibly same clone)
S. Leucophylla Eastern AL -MW
S. Leucophylla (Pretty White x Solid White)
S. Leucophylla Hurricane Creek Clone A
S. Leucophylla Hurricane Creek Clone E
S. Leucophylla Hurricane Creek Clone F
S. Wilkerson Red Rocket F2 x Red Sumatra - Seed Grown FTC
S. Alabamensis
S. 'Hummer's Hammerhead' - FTC
S. 'Readii' - FTC
S. Purpurea ssp. venosa "Tattnall County, Georgia"
S. 'Black Widow'


N. Bellii x Aristolochoides - Eb
N. Glabrata x Aristolochoides - Eb
N. Boschiana x {Maxima x [(Stenophylla x Lowii) x (Rokko x Veitchii)]} - Eb
N. Rafflesiana x Mira - Friend
N. Maxima BE-3786 -GoE - BWG
N. Maxima BE-3067 - GoE - BWG
N. Veitchii ("Big Mama" x "Pink Candy Cane"), CAR-0001 - Carnivero
N. Ampularia 'Black Miracle' - PRE
N. Naga "Dark" - Carnivero
N. Veitchii BE-3734 - Carnivero
N. Rafflesiana - PFT
N. Smilesii - Seed Grown
N. Briggsiana (Lowii x Ventricosa Red) - FTC Forums
N. Ventricosa x Aristolochoides - FTC


B. Aquatica Maroon "West Alligator River"
B. Aquatica "Robust Form" - CP/Seed Grown
B. Liniflora - Seed grown - FTC
B. Rorida "Lake Campion" - Seed grown - FTC
B. Filifolia 'Giant' "Pago" - FTC
B. Guehoi "Kimberley" - FTC

Working with and germinating these: topic48372.html


U. Humboldtii - Eb
U. Alpina - Eb
U. Nelumbifolia -Eb
U. Quelchii - FTC Forums
U. Vulgaris - Eb
U. Inflata - Eb


H. Minor 'Burgundy Black' - FB
H. Minor BE-3250 - BWG
H. Heterodoxa - CPN


G. Hispidula - FTC


D. Californica - Seed grown - FTC Forums


S. Graminifolium - DA
S. Debile - DA

Seeds Sown:

D. Grantsaui Serra de Canastra
D. Burmannii Various forms
D. Venusta

Interested in acquiring Sarracenia (preferably species/loc. data like a psit or rosea) or really anything that I don't have from the different genera listed. Gemmae work too.
Last edited by Apollyon on Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:12 pm, edited 45 times in total.
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By Apollyon
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Joined:  Tue May 05, 2020 2:49 am
Updated to add new plants. A few Nepenthes, two pings and a Sundew. Looking forward to next season where I'll begin to see some flowering. Want to experiment with making some hybrid pings.

Hoping to find a N. Veitchi Bareo BE-3734. Missed my chance because I was out of town for a while :(
By Propag8
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Very nice collection if that's small then mine is virtually microscopic lol.
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By Apollyon
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Propag8 wrote:Very nice collection if that's small then mine is virtually microscopic lol.
Thanks man. lol it was small when I first made the post. It's definitely grown a lot since then :lol: Still seems to be growing though.
By Propag8
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You probably won't stop. The road to recovery is first admitting you have a problem but hey whos going to admit that lol.
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By Apollyon
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Propag8 wrote:You probably won't stop. The road to recovery is first admitting you have a problem but hey whos going to admit that lol.
Right? I'm over here collecting new plants weekly :lol: I have a friend locally in the hobby and when he found out I was growing them too he threw a bunch of different plants at me, whether I asked or not lol. My recent kick has been Nepenthes
By Propag8
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Nice cant complain about free plants.I'm all about flytraps at the minute but they say its a gateway plant and ill be on to something harder soon.
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By Apollyon
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Propag8 wrote:Nice cant complain about free plants.I'm all about flytraps at the minute but they say its a gateway plant and ill be on to something harder soon.
This is too true :lol: . I started with a Fused Tooth starter plant on ebay to fight off some gnats on my bonsai trees. Then I read pinguicula would be better suited for it (had no idea what a ping was). Now I'm getting cold sweats and shakes if I don't get a plant fix lol. I've been pretty active in propagating this stuff though (what I'm able to anyway). Got involved with some CP facebook groups and the it was a downward spiral from there.
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By zendercosm_11
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That sounds like a really solid collection, the number of plants aside. I truly love any s. flava hybrids & all forms of d. binata. Your nepenthes list also really catches my eye—veitchii hybrids are such show stoppers! Great job building an awesome collection!
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By Apollyon
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Updated list to include a bunch of additions including my first Byblis :D A lot of pygmy sundews (they're growing on me), and some weird flytraps.
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By Apollyon
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zendercosm_11 wrote:That sounds like a really solid collection, the number of plants aside. I truly love any s. flava hybrids & all forms of d. binata. Your nepenthes list also really catches my eye—veitchii hybrids are such show stoppers! Great job building an awesome collection!
Thanks a lot man! Flavas are my favorite as well. I purchased the majority of my plants from a guy named Mike Wang from the Sarracenia forums. He probably has the most extensive collection of Sarras in the United States. Hundreds of types. He always gives you the best he has to offer and will give you recommendations and tips to get them going. He also gives a free plant when you buy from him. I bought 2 and he gave me two extra Flavas because I told him they were my favorite species. He's a good guy. Here's a link to his page: ... oL-4l9bpQQ

Nepenthes weren't my favorite to start out with but I grew to like them a lot. Veitchii is definitely my favorite species as well and it's a bonus I can grow them lowland because I have a lowland climate and don't need to really accommodate.

If you're interested in D. Binatas I'm currently harvesting seeds (though it's a toss-up on their viability) that I could send you in a couple of weeks to try out. I also have a ton of actual plants that are potted, growing in 2.5-3.5inch containers I was thinking about selling soon if you're interested. I have about 10 Marston Dragon and 5 Multifida Extrema. They divide quite rapidly I noticed. The multifidas can get very robust. Definitely my favorite binata.
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By zendercosm_11
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Thanks, Apollyon. I really appreciate your kindness & enthusiasm in this area. I will go check out that Sarracenia seller you mention. I might take you up on some of those offers in the future. :D

I assume you are growing most of your plants outdoors?
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By Apollyon
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zendercosm_11 wrote:Thanks, Apollyon. I really appreciate your kindness & enthusiasm in this area. I will go check out that Sarracenia seller you mention. I might take you up on some of those offers in the future. :D

I assume you are growing most of your plants outdoors?
Yeah lol, it started with a flytrap and it became an obsession. Overshadowed the bonsai trees that I purchased them for :lol: I'm always adopting new techniques and methods to try to get the most out of them. Eventually I look towards bringing new things to the table. Complex crosses and the like further down the road. My next cross I'm going to try for I think will be filiformis FL red x tracyi. Those will probably flower at the same time. The tracyi was a gift and it isn't fully mature yet though. I'm interested to see what pops up from that. Also going to be crossing a lot of my pings to replicate some awesome looking hybrids I see that are never available.

Definitely. My friend referred me to Mike Wang and told me he's the only one he'll buy from. I can see why now. If you're interested in Sarras then he's the guy to talk to. That and he's an honest seller and good guy. He has fair prices too. Rather support someone like that myself anyway. The extra plants are a nice touch.

That'd be awesome man! :D They're getting pretty decent sized now compared to what they were when I got them. I was thinking of clumping some of them but they're doing fine dividing on their own. The multifidas are getting due for a re-pot to get some more room to grow.

Anything that can grow outdoors I tend to go that route. If anything to accommodate all of my plants lol. My climate can be pretty abusive to some plants but it works well for some Drosera (particularly the Australian types). The binatas I grow outdoors in full sun which is great because they can get large. Because I have them grouped together they're usually catching something but I tend to supplement them with Maxsea every couple weeks or so just so they always have something to work with.

As far as the seeds go, I could give you some packs with an SASE. Honestly I would just like to see how they turn out.
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By zendercosm_11
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That drosera cross does sound pretty awesome, from an imaginary standpoint. Hoping that turns out really nicely for you—I definitely would be interested to see what a mature one looks like, when you get it done. Your climate sounds more tropical—can you grow drosera Adelae outdoors?

My climate sounds like it’s a lot more forgiving than yours. Sarracenia, Dionaea, & the cold-hearty drosera love being outdoors in m my area. But I bring any carnivorous plants into my garage over winter; due to the wacky humidity index (temperate deciduous forest). I dare not take my nepenthes outdoors for any reason—they’re all mostly highlands that live in my guest room. Lol.

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