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FlytrapCare Forum periodic photo contests

Moderator: Matt

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By Panman
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Tis the season!
Whether you are celebrating the holidays this month or not, I hope you will want to participate in our December Holiday Extravaganza Photo Contest. We want to see you most festive winter CP photos. Here are some ideas:
- Dress your flytrap up as Santa
- Show us your CP showing festive colors (I know I saw a candy cane colored nep somewhere)
- Include a shot of your CP adorned with frost in a winter wonderland

You get the idea. Think winter, holiday, and festive and show us what you have got! Oh, and prizes! This month there is not one, not two, but three prizes to be had. Three prizes means three winners!
1. Matt and Leah are providing a VFT ‘Flaming Lips’
2. I will be providing a Drosera filiformis ‘tracyii’ cutling
3. Apollyon will be providing a Drosera Capensis "Bainskloof"

Yes, I said cutling, not cutting. It is rooted and growing, it just isn't mature yet.

As with our other photo contests, the winner is responsible for shipping. There will be alternate prizes available that do not involve a shipping cost if necessary. Remember, only one entry per person, and it must by your own photo. Anything else disqualifies you (although we still would like to see the pictures). Don't forget to click the thumbs up for your favorite pictures!

To get you in the mood, here is Santa VFT!

Good Luck!
Last edited by Panman on Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:08 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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By Panman
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Here are our prizes!
Flaming Lips

Tracyii (she got too close to the lights)
IMG_01122020_131233_(1080_x_1440_pixel).jpg (353.75 KiB) Viewed 7067 times
Drosera Capensis "Bainskloof"
Last edited by Panman on Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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By Panman
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The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
SP2.jpg (440.88 KiB) Viewed 7060 times
We had our first freeze last night. All of the pots are frozen solid as I move them into the shed. My biggest concern in Atlanta is the repeated freezing and thawing.
Ben Goudge liked this
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By ChefDean
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I was going to post that gif of the trap closing around the beard. But, NOOOOOOO! It has to be my pic.
Dang rules!
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By ChefDean
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Panman wrote: Tue Dec 01, 2020 9:46 pmI know, right? Have you had any snow?
It actually snowed all day yesterday, but nothing stuck. Now it's just cold, and rain is forecast the next couple of days.
I already put my babies to bed in my garage about the same time as you, right after a good, hard frost.
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By Panman
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Now that the flush of first of the month seed order posts are done (thanks again @ChefDean) I wanted to bump this up on the list. Submit your favorite holiday or winter photo for everyone to enjoy. See the top of this thread for ideas and rules. Who knows, you might end up with one of this month's great prizes! And be sure to give a thumbs up to your favorite picture.
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By Panman
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Berrybob wrote: Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:03 pm The snowmy peaks of Kilimanjaro (s. Kilimanjaro x lunchbox)
I see what you did there. Clever.
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By BullwinkleII
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To be honest I cant see the point of ever doing anything ever again after seeing the Santa VFT Muppet animated GIF in the first post.

I mean... how can anyone top that in any field of endeavor - ever :)

With that in mind, I'm not really entering this due to being on the other side of the Pacific pond, but here is my entry.

Red, green, and a shot glass that will be filled with festive spirit rather than distilled water just as soon as the Flytrap gains it's land legs (actually it's already transplanted and I'm doing well :D ) ...
20201214  holiday spirit.jpg
20201214 holiday spirit.jpg (630.73 KiB) Viewed 6558 times
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By Nepenthes0260
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I added some snow to my ceph setup to help them enter their light winter resting phase. Here's a snowy pitcher of Cephalotus follicularis "Agnes"
Ceph "Agnes"
Ceph "Agnes"
IMG_9598.jpg (1.78 MiB) Viewed 6533 times
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