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By Intheswamp
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This is my third run at trying to start D. Regia from seed. So far I'm batting 0.000 . :|

I have two pots with seeds in them, they've been in pretty much 70-80F degrees, though one night did drop down to around 62F (quickly corrected). Humidity has been in the upper 90% range. Not great light, but probably (very roughly) in the 8 DLI range...they sit to the side of my Viparspectra xs1000. The grow mix is 50:50 peat and perlite with a bit of finely ground LFSM sprinkled on top of the peat/perlite mix...then the seeds. They've been percolating in the pots for 2+ weeks now. I know that's not a lot of time but I've also got a pot of D. capensis (large form) growing beside them in the same type pot, same grow mix, and in the same environment inside the same large container as the regia seed pots. The capes are going gangbusters...I think every cape seed I planted germinated...of course they do have a reputation for being weeds at times. ;)

So, do cape seeds germinate faster than regia seeds? What is the usual time frame for D. regia germination? I'm letting them ride, no rush to a verdict here, just getting a little antsy. Thanks for hearing my desperate plea for help! :? :mrgreen:
Pot barren of anything sprouting. :(
Pot barren of anything sprouting. :(
IMG_0944 (Custom).JPG (1.06 MiB) Viewed 1709 times
Pot loaded with cape sprouts. :)
Pot loaded with cape sprouts. :)
IMG_0953 (Custom).JPG (1.23 MiB) Viewed 1709 times
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By Shadowtski
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The only way that I have germinated D. regia seeds is by using my water filled test tube method. With bright artificial light and average room temperatures, they usually germinated in about 2 weeks.

My seat -of-pants wild guess for normal germination would be 4-6 weeks.

My 02¢ worth
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By Intheswamp
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Mike and elaineo, thanks for the feedback. Water germination sounds like "the way of the wise" here. When I first started dabbling with planting cp seeds somebody (thanks to whoever!) was to save a few seeds in case "something went wrong". So, I may dig out some of the back-up seeds and try water germination with them...ain't got nothing to really lose! :D Sadly, I was just in town and as usual forgot to grab a gallon of distilled water...I might just use Aquafina bottled water as I tested its TDS a while back and it was something like 15ppm...and I know it doesn't have mildew/mold/mystery spores from my roof in it (I hope!).

The bright light issue is something I need to address. I've been pondering (ain't ponder just a wonderful word!!! :mrgreen: ) reworking my lighting set up so maybe I can work it so that better light falls on the pots. I've yet to incorporate my Yescom225's into my setup, so it looks like a big upheaval needs to happen.
By Huntsmanshorn
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Shadowtski wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:08 pm The only way that I have germinated D. regia seeds is by using my water filled test tube method. With bright artificial light and average room temperatures, they usually germinated in about 2 weeks.

My seat -of-pants wild guess for normal germination would be 4-6 weeks.

My 02¢ worth
Okay, I'm going to try your water + test tube method because for some reason I can not figure, I am having some considerable trouble with regia seeds myself of late. So let me ask you this, what secret soil mix do you use for your just decanted seedlings? Inquiring minds want to know.
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By Shadowtski
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Intheswamp wrote: Mon Nov 13, 2023 10:48 pm @Shadowtski, I've seen the best temperature range stated as being you think 85F would be too warm?
85 would be OK for germination, maybe a little warm for day to day growth.
Maybe toss in a little computer fan to give them a breeze after sprouting.
I don't think 5 degrees Fahrenheit is a deal breaker for these guys, but I'm only a hobbyist grower.
Take anything I suggest with a grain of salt.
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By andynorth
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davinstewart wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:21 pm If you don't have any luck with the seeds, I can send you some root cuttings that should strike easily enough. That's how I got my plants and the process was really simple.
Can you "explain" the process for those of us that are new to root cuttings. I know it sounds straight forward but one can never be too sure. Thanks
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By Intheswamp
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davinstewart wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:21 pm If you don't have any luck with the seeds, I can send you some root cuttings that should strike easily enough. That's how I got my plants and the process was really simple.
Thanks Davin!!! That's really cool!!! I'm going to give this one "last hurrah" and see if I can get them going from seed. Those root cuttings are *mighty* tempting!!!! :D
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