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By Grey
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I'm sincerely sorry that it appears you are being attacked, JackieFarber. I do not believe that to be the case. While there are some members on the forum who are more direct with their advice (both within and outside the confines of this particular topic) at the end of the day we all want the same thing: to offer you the best and most accurate advice possible to ensure you get the most joy out of your plant(s).

I do believe that the wording in some of these responses could be better chosen. It can be very confusing and frustrating when there is an abundance of misinformation and conflicting sources of information regarding any topic, especially one we are new to exploring. Never be afraid to ask us questions, if you have any doubts or reservations about how someone has responded to you please report their post - the moderators and admins will take a look at it and analyse the situation (that goes for everyone: inside of this topic, outside of it, on the moon etc.).

While it is frustrating to have to sift through the various differing opinions and debates regarding individual species care it can also be frustrating for those trying to help (especially in situations where incorrect information is abundant or the particular query has been asked before), as such some can come across as rude or lacking in tact. It is easier for me to comment having seen both sides of the fence multiple times but I assure you we do not wish for new members to be pushed away -- regardless of whether it is misinterpretation or out right attacks that causes it.

We have a fantastic community here and I’m glad to be a part of it… it’s just sometimes misunderstandings can happen and people get upset or angry. I hope you choose to stick around and learn more; carnivorous plants are wonderful and fascinating things and I really think you’ll enjoy caring for them.
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By parker679
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Yeah, I agree with Grey.

If it seemed I was one who was attacking you(jackiefarber) I apologize. I just wanted to make a point that because advice may seem harsh doesn't mean it's bad or that the person is in attack mode.

Jamez can be blunt in his advice but it doesn't make the advice less valid. Jackiefarber asked a question about skipping dormancy because s/he wasn't comfortable with the process. Jamez opinion was that dormancy is something the plant needs and as a person who is making the choice to purchase and take care of a plant you should be willing to give it what it needs.

When the reply is "And it's just a plant, calm down..." it's hard to take the person at their word they they are willing to do everything the plant needs.

And then "cool I don't care if it's not perfect". Jamez was pointing out that the logic s/he used in calling the conditions perfect was false and that was the reply.

I've seen a lot of new users come on this site. For the most part you can tell the people who really want to learn from those who just want the easiest way to grow a VFT. When an experienced user tells you you are wrong in your line of logic, the response should be "why?" and not "oh well."

And to end this absurdly long reply...This is the internet, what I saw was not even close to "trolling on my post". But blunt/abrasive comments on a public forum really shouldn't be all that upsetting, especially when it's clear that the rest of the board not like that.
By erica
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I repotted my trap in 100% sphagnum peat moss about five days ago and he looks sad. The nursery I bought it from didn't sell perlite and the hardware store only sold miracle grow enriched perlite so I used just peat moss. Is this okay?
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By Matt
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Your flytrap looks good to me for a recent repotting. It is lacking light, which is why it is long and spindly and bright green, but otherwise, it looks relatively happy.

When repotting, it's best to fill the pot all the way up to the top with the peat so that there is more soil in the pot to stabilize the soil temperature and allow the roots to grow more deeply. Also, did you wet the peat moss before potting the plant? If not, it is very hard to get the peat to take on water.
By jovenking
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This is the akai ryu seeds I bought but it's not red? Why? I read from the web that it may still turn red when it gets bigger! Is this true?

Where as the low giant seeds I bought but the shape of this seeds is so different from the other VFT seeds it's circular and sprouted within three days and the shape of the seeds is circular not to mention the seedling is red! I am so confused please help!
By parker679
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jovenking wrote:
This is the akai ryu seeds I bought but it's not red? Why? I read from the web that it may still turn red when it gets bigger! Is this true?

Where as the low giant seeds I bought but the shape of this seeds is so different from the other VFT seeds it's circular and sprouted within three days and the shape of the seeds is circular not to mention the seedling is red! I am so confused please help!
Two things.

1) You really won't know until the plant is bigger how it will end up being color wise and shape wise. But red plants to tend to be red form an early age.

2) Seeds from cultivars are not the cultivar itself, they are offspring. So it depends on what the Ryu was crossed with to get the seed. Even if it was selfed there will be green genetics and therefore you can still get a green plant in the seeds .
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By Eric
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I don't think that "Low Giant Seed" is a VFT seed at all. I'm afraid you have been duped. :(
By parker679
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Eric wrote:I don't think that "Low Giant Seed" is a VFT seed at all. I'm afraid you have been duped. :(
I assume it's seed that came from a "Low Giant" plant the same way the "Akai Ryu" seed came from an "Akai Ryu" plant. Unless the seller was stating that you would be able to grow your own "Akai Ryu" and "Low Giant" than he really wasn't duped. Unless you're saying you think that those seeds are literally not VFT's. I think given the pics you really can't make that assertion, but he'll know soon enough as soon as the first leaves form.
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By Matt
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phant0mv87 wrote:How do you guys determine when it's time to water again? A simple press on the moss?
By weight, or visual inspection, I can usually tell how much moisture the moss is holding. Touching the moss is something I also often do. If it's likely to dry out during the course of the day, I'll water. If it will stay damp, I wait until the next day to reinspect.
phant0mv87 wrote:Also, do you guys water from top down or bottom up?
I do both. I most often water from the top down in the summer and somewhat avoid it during the winter months. But I also sometimes water from the bottom in the summer.
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By Dave F H
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Hi there and thanks for the tips in your post
Now i'm sure that you have covered this so If you have I my bad
as I novice I decided to try growing from seed and bought specific soil for flytraps . I then used rain water , soaked the soil
sowed the seeds , placed the pot on a heat mat , tented the pot to retain moisture , and placed under a reptile uvb lamp

all I am getting id fine almost white shoots that just die
What might I be doing wrong ?
I also bought 2 plants from a reputable nursery only to have then go black and rot away
All advice appreciated
By PiranhaPlanter1
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Dave F H wrote:Hi there and thanks for the tips in your post
Now i'm sure that you have covered this so If you have I my bad
as I novice I decided to try growing from seed and bought specific soil for flytraps . I then used rain water , soaked the soil
sowed the seeds , placed the pot on a heat mat , tented the pot to retain moisture , and placed under a reptile uvb lamp

all I am getting id fine almost white shoots that just die
What might I be doing wrong ?
I also bought 2 plants from a reputable nursery only to have then go black and rot away
All advice appreciated
You need UVA rays as well. Sunblaster t5 lights give me the best results. I've been using them for years.

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