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By w03
Posts:  393
Joined:  Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:46 am
Great guide! Really encapsulates most of what terrestrial Utrics need, and U. sandersonii is a great suggestion for people just starting with Utrics.

If I could add a few points, there's just some notes on propagation and miscellaneous stuff that might be useful.

Utrics don't have any roots at all - the whole "root mass" is just a decentralized system of modified stems (stolons), so you basically don't need to worry about damaging it when repotting. A really common way of propagating them is just ripping/slicing chunks off and potting them up, whether by accident or intention. Even the chunk doesn't have visible "leaves" it'll usually sprout them in a week or two.

Some species (especially the ones from sect. Foliosa, like U. praelonga) are easily propagated from leaf cuttings.

Most don't self seed, but the common weedy ones and a few others like U. calycifida do.

Some don't like harsh light (U. calycifida in particular burns really easily), but most are lenient about lighting conditions as you said.

U. livida and U. pubescens might be good ones to add to beginners' suggestions, both are pretty much as easy as U. sandersonii and have their own unique flowers.

Again, thanks for the guide :)
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By Wikiwakawakawee
Posts:  688
Joined:  Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:30 pm
Kind of a necrobump, but i wanted to ask if anyone has tried/ had success growing terrestrial ultrics in aquatic situations? I thought i'd post it here in case anybody had the same question :)
By w03
Posts:  393
Joined:  Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:46 am
IIRC it's been tried before but most don't do well fully underwater. There's some semiaquatic species that can do well both in wet terrestrial conditions and submerged to varying degrees. Of particular mention are U. graminifolia and U. biloba, but I've also heard of similar setups with U. dichotoma, U. uliginosa, and even U. prehensilis.

Oddly enough, the reverse situation can also happen, as U. gibba, a normally aquatic species, has been seen growing in wet terrestrial conditions.
By Dewy the Sundew
Posts:  292
Joined:  Sat May 14, 2016 6:14 am
How did i not see this post? This is really great info, I have an utricularia gibba but I am thinking of getting a graminifolia and longifolia and this certainly helped, now I really want a sandersonii, cute and pretty flowers. Thanks alot Grey! :D

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