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By Apollyon
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Very true. Those components in fertilizers are essential for different kind of plants in pots. I feel a lot people are so scared to experiment that they never tried. Dyna-gro for instance. It's crossed my mind before but I thought CPs were limited to "seaweed" for its gentle properties. I use the classic on my other plants. I've thought about using it more recently after I saw the stuff about foliage pro and looked into it. francisfaustino (guy i bought my cephalotus from) uses fp on his eden black as well as "protekt". My dynagro is a 7-9-5. Maybe spray some of that for root growth and supplement nitrogen from bloodworms or something. It could be that there are elements in the typical fertilizers that would make a difference. Trace amounts of magnesium or iron, etc. I believe Maxsea is loved because it's generic and gentle on the plants. It really eliminates the guesswork of other fertilizers. I honestly believe that there would be a sweet spot with root fertilization but I believe there's more of a risk with environmental conditions that would keep it from the mainstream. For instance, Maxsea "1/4 to 1/2 tsp per gallon" is a universal measurement that works with every CP I own from byblis to nepenthes. I don't think I could get away with 3 pellets of osmocote in a 2.5inch pot for a typical sundew, but possibly one pellet in a high light environment. People's growing conditions are different so when we hear someone spiked their plant with fertilizer and it died back, we're usually assuming its incompatible. I have a lot of seeds sprouting for Drosera Serpens (apparently loves being fed). When they mature some and I separate them, I think I'm going to use osmocote like my Regia and see where it lands.
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By GreenOhio
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Gave Wally a haircut. Dormancy is a few weeks away.
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By GreenOhio
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Pot's been frozen solid for 2 weeks. Wally takes the cold like a champ.
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By MikeB
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One of the things on my list for the upcoming weeks is to take my Wally cultivars (half a dozen 4-inch pots) and combine them into one big pot.
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By Benny
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MikeB wrote:One of the things on my list for the upcoming weeks is to take my Wally cultivars (half a dozen 4-inch pots) and combine them into one big pot.
Lol. I thought the same thing (granted I don't have Wally). I had a sudden urge to throw every flytrap I have into a single pot!

Love looking at the updates @GreenOhio. Keep it up!
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By Apollyon
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I have to get my Wally sprout ready for the season lol. Little guy had enough time to harden off but didn't grow at all. It's about the diameter of a quarter. It's going to be overwhelmed by the massive pot size I have for it.
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By GreenOhio
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My guess is you'll be overwhelmed when your Wally takes off in its new mansion come Spring. :)
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By GreenOhio
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Wally is a fun one to grow, but not to repot.
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By GreenOhio
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Why have one pot of Wally when you can have many?
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By GreenOhio
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Sorry for the lack of updates, life's been a bit busier this year. I ended up repotting some of the smaller pots into a larger ones as I could see the Wally in the smaller ones were struggling. The original idea was to have multiple pots of them to use for both experimental and control groups for my fertilizer experiment. I decided to hold off on that cause they were struggling, but may try it here soon.
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