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By Gary
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Hi all. My son, who works at a Sprouts grocery store, sent me this pic today. They're selling for $10 each, species unknown atm. Would this plant survive in central AZ climate conditions? Humidity fluctuates a lot here, but is mostly quite low, sometimes single digits.
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By StephenB200+
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For 10 bucks I would get one and put it in a make-shift terrarium or something.
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By Intheswamp
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I agree with SB200, if you've got the extra money for it give it a try! I'm thinking that for a nep to make it as far as a grocery store chain that it has to be fairly resilient, maybe one of those "midland" types...neither lowland nor highland. Keep a sprayer filled with water nearby and squirt it a couple of times a day while keeping it in some airy growmix that's watered every day until the watering frequency is determined. I'm no expert, but for $10 I'd give it a shot with the little knowledge that I have. Definitely keep it out of the direct sun...mottled sunlight part of the day would probably be good. Ok...maybe the folks that actually *know* what they're doing will chime in now. ;) :mrgreen:
By Gary
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I asked my son to pick out the healthiest one and bring it home. Time to do some homework and learn about these guys. Good advice on the watering, thanks!
By Gary
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Good thought. Sprouts will likely get more in soon. There were only 4 at the store I visited today (not the one where my son works) and they were very sad and dry. No pitchers, and one was completely dead.
They're in a weird container, it's supposed to have a water reservoir, but until I get my hands on it I can't see how it works.
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By Intheswamp
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Yeah, I meant to remark on those "vases". I'd get them out of those and into a wider/regular pot. You don't want it to dry out but you don't want it sitting in water, either. Good catch!
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By StephenB200+
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AndyNorth has a good point. Get a few, maybe you would even get a female.
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By Intheswamp
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Thanks for sharing that, elaineo! I've only got one nep, and it's a ventrata....a cutting from Panman. It's actually two plants now (I cut the cutting in half with Panman's prompting :D ). I can just see myself trying to get seeds or get seeds to germinate from this plant. If I want more plants like it I'll simply make cuttings...they grow quicker, anyhow!!! Thanks again, elaineo (and you, too, Panman)! :D
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By Gary
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Thanks to all for the helpful information. Looking forward to this new addition to my CP family!
By Gary
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The Nep came home today, and boy, was it's pot dry. The leaves are firm with no wilting, so that's good. That weird water reservoir vase is cute, but useless as a way to keep this guy alive.
I'm repotting it into a LFSM/Perlite mix in a day or two. Right now it's relaxing and enjoying a generous watering and misting. Pics to come.
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By Gary
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Here it is. I haven't repotted yet, I'm letting it acclimate a bit.
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By Panman
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I wouldn't worry about acclimating it before repotting. It will already be so stressed from shipping and living in the supermarket that a repot isn't going to upset it a whole lot more. Especially considering it is likely to be a hardy hybrid.
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By Gary
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Sounds good to me. I already have the potting media ready. Thanks!

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