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By Carnies
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First off, he's a really nice guy and helped with understanding SASE's. I traded my cobra, sarracenia leucophylla, and a large s. "Judith Hindle". He sent me two sundews, a humongous sarracenia flava that is now flowering, and some seeds. I am so pleased with this trade! Thanks Panman!
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By Kray
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Panman is very helpful, & plants arrived healthy, well packaged. I would buy plants from him again in future. Thank you Panman
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By elaineo
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Panman is a super generous dude. I was bummed about missing out on the FTS 25 baby flytraps sale, so when Panman offered to sell some of his baby VFTs I was all over that like flies on a sarr. They were packaged in a tall pot of LFSM and arrived in great shape. I think the sale price barely covered the shipping.
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By Lain
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I had no idea this section existed but now I do! Panman is so awesome! I saw Panman was selling some marston dragons bogo. I asked my hubby if he was okay with me buying one since its such a great deal he got annoyed I was buying too many plants/seeds and failing. Then Panman said he needed to just get rid of them so I reached out and he was so generous to offer that and some seeds as well as some cuttings for the cost of shipping. When the box arrived I saw he also threw in baby sarr too!

He packaged it so well that I swear he had to at least use one entire roll of tape (maybe two). It took me 30mins to carefully undo all of the tape and get everything seperated. Every little thing was packed so perfectly and so much more was packed than discussed I wasn't sure whether I should feel thankful or annoyed.

So anyone buying from Panman should never fret or worry unless you have a fear of shipping tape.. in that case stay far away from him!
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By Panman
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Yeah, sorry about all of that tape. I had recently shipped someone a plant and the potting came apart in the mail. This is the second thing I shipped to her that did that. I was bound and determined that wasn't going to happen again ... ever. Just think of the tedious unpackaging process as prolonging the experience.
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By Lain
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Oh it prolonged the experience alright :lol: but nothing tedious about it. No complaints just figured I should give fair warning to anyone with fear of tape. Also, I meant to include that the 30mins wasn't just carefully removing tape. It was also discovering all the little surprises one by one. Just when I thought I was done I'd spot another surprise in the pile of tape that I carefully already peeled into a ball.
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By JaneCP
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Bit late mentioning it, but got several different plants from Panman and all were carefully packed and arrived happy any healthy including a bonus sarracenia!
All the plants are doing great especially his Marston Dragon which is growing like a beast!
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By Panman
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JaneCP wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:31 pmAll the plants are doing great especially his Marston Dragon which is growing like a beast!
I am glad to hear it! I don't know what it is, but the Dragons don't do well for me. I never got them to fully color up and spread except when I had them inside under intense lights. I'm glad someone gets to enjoy them.
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By JaneCP
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Panman wrote: Thu Aug 19, 2021 5:45 pm
I am glad to hear it! I don't know what it is, but the Dragons don't do well for me. I never got them to fully color up and spread except when I had them inside under intense lights. I'm glad someone gets to enjoy them.
They're growing multiple large leaves everyday! I actually had to move them a little away from my other sundews cuz their dew was sticking to the plants around it!
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By Carnies
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Recently finished a trade with Panman, plants arrived today! Sent me extras and the plants were very large! I traded

Dionaea M. 'Wally'
Dionaea M. 'Sawtooth'
Dionaea M. 'Shuppenstiel' Cuttings
Dionaea M. 'King Henry'
Drosera filiformis v. tracyi

Turns out, he added a Dreamsicle and two extra King Henrys. Thanks!
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By thepitchergrower
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Panguy is a really nice person who is always helping out other members of this community. He generously does a many giveaways. When he tried to send me seeds, and USPS messed up, he kindly offered to send a second batch. He is always sharing his plants and his knowledge. Thank you panman.
Last edited by thepitchergrower on Mon Jun 20, 2022 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Adelae
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Just finished a trade with Panman (D. scorpioides gemmae for D. intermedia hibernacula). He sent four whole healthy-looking dormant sundews plus the live sphagnum they were growing in. Everything was packaged nicely and arrived quickly : )
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By optique
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got this sensitive plant from panman in a give away, tnx

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By Panman
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optique wrote:got this sensitive plant from panman in a give away, tnx
Wow. Yours look so much better than mine. Do you have it in regular potting soil?

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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