FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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List the plants you grow

Moderator: Matt

By Starchy
Posts:  962
Joined:  Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:58 am
Dionaea Muscipula
  • Typical
    • 1 - plant from Lowe's (5/20/12-present) - "Fran"
      • 1 - cloneling from flower stalk cutting (Apr 2013-present)
      • 1 - cloneling from flower stalk cutting (May 2013-present)
    • 1 - rescued rhizome from Lowe's (Dec 2012-Nov 2013 {Given to friend from work})
  • Jaws
    • 1 - plant from FTS (6/25/12-present) - "Sharp-Tooth"
      • 1 - plant separated from "Sharp-Tooth" (6/27/13-present)
  • FTS Crimson Sawtooth
    • 1 - plant from FTS (11/7/12-present) - "Scarlett"
      • 1 - plant separated from "Scarlett" (2/18/13-present)
        • [♣]8 - clonelings separated from 2 mother plants (Jun 2013-present)
  • DC XL
    • 1 - plant from FTR (7/17/13-present)
  • Triton
    • 1 - plant from FTS (8/24/13-present) - "Chip Cuppy Jr."
  • A2
    • 1 - plant from FTR (9/30/13-present)
  • Schuppenstiel I
    • 1 - plant from FTS (10/25/13-present) - "Monroe"
  • Fused Tooth
    • 1 - plant from FTS (10/31/13-present)
  • Coquillage
    • 1 - starter plant from FTS (11/01/13-present)
  • Wacky Traps
    • 1 - plant from FTS (1/22/14-present)
  • Trichterfalle
    • 1 - plant from FTS (1/22/14-present)
  • FTS Flaming Lips
    • 1 - starter plant from FTS (1/31/14-present)
  • SD Draco
    • 1 - plant from FTR (3/3/14-present)
  • B52
    • 3 - plants from FTR (3/31/14-present)

  • Capensis
    • approx 150 - Typical form seed from chtripp (6/12/12 - 10/15/12 :cry: )
    • approx 100 - Typical/Alba form mix seeds from Ras (2/19/13 - Jun 2013)
      • approx 15 seedlings (Apr 2013 - Jul 2013)
      • approx 5 plants (May 2013-present)
    • approx 250 - Typical seeds from bigpurp57 (7/2/13-present)
  • Spatulata
    • approx 50 - Fraser Island form seed from chtripp (6/13/12-Sept 2012)
      • approx 20 - seedlings (9/23/12-present)
        • [♣] 1 - plant (Feb 2013-present)
          [♣] 2 - plants (May 2013-present)
  • Indica
    • approx 100 - seed from SDCP (7/22/12-Oct 2012)
      • approx 25- seedlings (10/6/12 - 11/15/12 :cry:)
  • Aliciae
    • 1 - plant from Cascade Carnivores (12/28/12-present)
  • Burmannii
    • approx 30 - seeds from California Carnivores (1/17/13 - 1/29/13)
      • approx 25-30 seedlings (1/29/13 - Apr 2013)
        • [♣] 4 - plants (Mar 2013 - May 2013 :cry:)
          [♣] 2 - plants (Mar 2013 - Aug 2013 :cry:)
  • Scorpioides
    • 1 - plant from Cook's Carnivorous Plants (2/21/13 - Feb 2014 :cry:)

Darlingtonia Californica
  • Mountain Variety
    • 32 seeds from FTS (12 seeds stratified 6/21/12 - 8/15/12, 20 seeds 6/21/12 - 8/30/12)
      • 12 seeds planted from stratification (8/15/12-Oct 2012)
      • 20 seeds planted from stratification (8/30/12-Oct 2012)
        • [♣] 3 seedlings (10/13/12-present)

  • Purpurea ssp. purpurea (Wellington Co, On.)
    • 1 - plant from meizzwang (11/14/12-present) - "Scherbatsky"
      • 1 - plant separated from "Scherbatsky (Mar 2013 - Jun 2013 {donated to Stanley Rehder CP Garden})
  • Leucophylla 'Tarnok'
    • 1 - plant from Cascade Carnivores (12/28/12-present)
  • Leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek White'
    • 1 - plant from FTS (5/25/13-present)
      • 1 plant separated from mother plant (Jun 2013 - present)
  • 'Leah Wilkerson'
    • 1 - plant from Brooks Garcia (6/8/13-present)
  • 'Scarlet Belle'
    • 1 - plant from Predatory Plants (7/3/13-present)
  • Flava var. Rugelii (clone A)
    • 1 - plant from Mike Wang (5/21/14-present)
  • Flava var. Rugelii (clone AB)
    • 1 - plant from Mike Wang (5/21/14-present)
  • Flava var. Rubricorpora (clone T)
    • 1 - plant from Mike Wang (5/21/14-present)

  • Cyclosecta
    • 1 - plant from Cascade Carnivores (12/28/12 - Sept 2013 :cry:)
  • Yucca 1717
    • 1 - seedling from Jimscott (CPUK Forum) (9/13/12-present)

  • Live sphagnum moss from FTS (6/11/12-present)
  • Mimosa Pudica - 5 seedings (4/10/15-present)

Coming Soon:
  • S. Minor var. Okefenokeensis
Wish List:
  • Sarracenia Leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek White' Baldwin Co, AL clone F
  • Sarracenia x 'Dana's Delight'
  • Sarracenia Flava(tall) x 'Evendine'
  • Dionaea Muscipula 'Alien'
  • Dionaea Muscipula 'Dracula'
  • Dionaea Muscipula 'SD Titan'
  • Dionaea Muscipula 'Miss Pimbeche'
  • Dionaea Muscipula 'Phalanx'
  • Dionaea Muscipula 'Werewolf'
  • Dionaea Muscipula 'Giant Clam'
  • Dionaea Muscipula 'Bimbo'
  • Dionaea Muscipula 'FTS Purple Ambush'
  • Dionaea Muscipula 'FTS Yellow'
  • Dionaea Muscipula 'Green Dragon'
  • Pinguicula Laueana
  • Pinguicula x 'Titan'
  • Pinguicula x 'Pirouette'
  • Drosera Sessilifolia
  • Drosera Glanduligera
  • Nepenthes Ephippiata
  • Napenthes Bicalcarata
  • Napenthes Hamata
Last edited by Starchy on Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:43 pm, edited 108 times in total.
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By WhereAmI
Posts:  58
Joined:  Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:49 am
Congrats on your first Flytrap.....its super addicting lol.
By pieguy452
Posts:  2460
Joined:  Sun May 22, 2011 11:09 pm
Can't wait for that list to grow :)
By Starchy
Posts:  962
Joined:  Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:58 am
Day 13

I am finally seeing some growth! Little guys are sprouting up all over the place. I planted somewhere around 150 seeds in total. I zoomed in on some of the growth:

Last edited by Starchy on Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
By Starchy
Posts:  962
Joined:  Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:58 am
Day 12

You really have to concentrate, but I found a single bit of growth. I circled it in red so it is more obvious. Of the estimated 50 seeds I planted, I feel good to know at least 1 has a shot!

Last edited by Starchy on Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
By Starchy
Posts:  962
Joined:  Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:58 am
My Jaws VFT arrived!


I let it soak up some water and get some light to recuperate from the trip:


But then I got too antsy, and had to repot. I officially decided on the name "Sharp-Tooth." I used a peat, perlite, silica sand combo (3:1:2) with a top-coat of dead LFS


I don't know what's going on with that weird looking trap. I think it gives the plant a little added character though ;)
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By Matt
Posts:  22528
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
The plant looks good in its new home Starchy!
Starchy wrote:I don't know what's going on with that weird looking trap.
It looks like it was pushed in on itself just a bit. It should reopen and be OK. But if it doesn't, it won't hurt anything...
By pieguy452
Posts:  2460
Joined:  Sun May 22, 2011 11:09 pm
Congratulations on the seedlings and great looking jaws :)
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By Starchy
Posts:  962
Joined:  Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:58 am
Matt wrote:The plant looks good in its new home Starchy!
Starchy wrote:I don't know what's going on with that weird looking trap.
It looks like it was pushed in on itself just a bit. It should reopen and be OK. But if it doesn't, it won't hurt anything...
Yup, the trap righted itself. It half-opened, then was set off (with no catch), then opened correctly. :D
It doesn't even look like the same trap (it's the only open trap that is large and red):


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By Starchy
Posts:  962
Joined:  Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:58 am
Thought I would give an update on how my first flytrap, "Fran," is doing. She has come a long way from how she was when I got her from the death cube from Lowes of Wilmington, NC. I didn't take any pics while in the death cube, but the first photo came within an hour of re-potting:


And as dealt with some hardships along the way:


Once I repotted Fran out of the terra cotta pot is when she really took off:



And this is Fran as she is today:


By Cloudy Sky
Most of the traps on the ones I rescued from death cubes are slowly improving. Glad to know that other people have had success in reviving them! Good work!
By Starchy
Posts:  962
Joined:  Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:58 am
Day 11

So the seed in the picture below may have begun to germinate slightly before day 11, but I was away for the weekend and noticed when I came back. The image was taken yesterday, which was 10 days after I sowed the seeds. I am seeing about 25% so far looking similar to the one circled in red:


The image is zoomed in quite a bit for clarity. The white blocks are perlite, and the large chunk of bark on the top is orchid bark. Both were mixed in with peat to complete the medium in this image.
By Starchy
Posts:  962
Joined:  Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:58 am
Day 110

Slow and steady won the race. If anyone in here gives up on their seedlings within the first year, they are making a mistake in my opinion. I waited over 4 months with nothing but weeds. I tried my seeds under grow light with humidity chamber, without, under the sun, back under the growlight. Finally, about 90 days from sowing the seeds originally, I have 2 spatulata seedlings, and I suspect more on the way.

Here's how they look (I fed them yesterday, so you may notice some crushed beta pellets on the leaves:



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