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Submit a photo to enter the contest or vote for your favorite photo submission

Moderator: Matt

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By Matt
Posts:  22528
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
Got some time tonight before going to bed to tally the votes. The results of the Seventh FlytrapCare photo contest are in!

First place goes to "Wahter's Sarracenia hybrid (leucophylla x purpurea)":
Wahter lives in the US, so he'll receive a Dionaea muscipula "Mirror" and a FlytrapStore T-shirt!

In second place is "ThomasL's Dionaea muscipula "Trevs Red Dentate"":
ThomasL resides in the EU and will receive two packets of FlytrapStore Venus fly trap seeds and a FlytrapStore T-shirt!

Third place goes to "archimago's Drosera intermedia":
archimago resides in the US and will receive a Dionaea muscipula "Square Teeth" and a FlytrapStore T-Shirt!

All winners please email me ( the address you would like your prizes shipped to. Congratulations to all the winners!

A big thank you to all who participated and voted in the contest! As usual, there were many great photos and choosing just three of them to vote for was challenging!
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By Wahter
Posts:  198
Joined:  Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:05 am
Thanks for all of the votes!!! I really appreciate it.

Last year, I wanted to submit this photo, but I missed the submission closing date by a day (I took the photo the day after the closing date).


I thought this photo was kind of funny because it looks like the mantis is looking at what insects have fallen into the S. rubra and wants to reach in there to grab it's next meal.

Thanks again!
Wahter, Wahter liked this

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