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By Wahter
Posts:  198
Joined:  Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:05 am
Starchy wrote:Congrats to the winners, and thanks to everyone that participated. I really enjoyed the photos.

@ Wahter - did the frog croak, or did it make it out? Just curious.
That's a green tree frog - they can latch onto glass windows, so it can easily move in and out of Sarracenia pitchers. I've had an unusual amount of tree frogs around my house this year - a couple have even jumped onto my arm for a ride while I'm changing out the water trays (to clear out the mosquito larvae - next year, I'll try the mosquito dunks). I haven't noticed any dead frogs inside that plant's pitchers yet (plenty of moths though).
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By Wahter
Posts:  198
Joined:  Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:05 am
Just an update - the Dionaea muscipula "Mirror" did make some of the 'wing' growths last year (previously, I only saw maybe one set per year, but last year, there were multiple traps with the 'wings' on them).



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