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FlytrapCare Forum periodic photo contests

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By New_Carni_Mom1
Posts:  10
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ChefDean wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:03 am
Panman wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:48 am
New_Carni_Mom1 wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 12:01 am
I don’t have access to edit my post
Which picture do you want deleted? I'll have an admin edit it.
I already tried, it's not allowing a single pic to be deleted. The whole post will have to be deleted then re submitted, let it stand with a stern talking to about following instructions, or disqualified for posting multiple pics.
Contest MC's discretion.
I have tried everything and it won’t allow me to delete the post either. It won’t even give me the option to delete and it says I don’t have access to editing. I even tried using a computer instead of my phone and it still won’t allow me to do anything.
As far as following instructions goes, you may want to edit the rules to be more specific because it doesn’t state anywhere that you can’t “post” more than one photo. Only that you can’t “submit” more than one photo for the contest. Last I checked, I was VERY CLEAR in my post about which photo I was “submitting” to be voted for the contest.

Exhibit A

So here are the rules:
1. You can submit 1 photograph for this contest.
2. It must be your own picture.
3. Pictures shared in previous contests are not eligible.
4. Minimally edited photos only. No effects, or filters. Cropping is okay.
5. The winner will be the entry with the highest number of thumbs up (likes) votes.
6. Only votes from members with at least 5 posts will count.
7. Members who have won within the past three months are not eligible for prizes but you can still enter.
8. This contest is open internationally, although there will be an alternate prizes for international winners.
So please direct the stern talking to to the ones creating and posting the rules, since they clearly don’t differentiate between “posting” and “submitting”, as I have seen many people each month “post” photos just to share while stating that they aren’t “submitting” the photos because they’ve recently won and they aren’t eligible.

Thus, this concludes that there are, in fact, accepted differences between “posting” and “submitting” when it comes to these contest threads and raises cause for a rewording of the rules before accusing someone of not following instructions.

Thank you gentlemen and have a good night.
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By ChefDean
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@NCM1, you seem to be the only one making a mountain range out of a minor molehill. Nobody is making a big deal out of it other than you. It's been a week since it was suggested, and tried, that one pic be deleted, but it couldn't be done. Nobody has mentioned anything about it since other than to state a clarification, then we all moved on. Nobody broke out the torches and pitchforks, calling for your disqualification due to this small deviation of the rules. The MC of the contest even posted the standings since then, still listing you as in the running even after clarifying the rule when it was questioned...
Panman wrote: Sun Sep 10, 2023 12:57 pm Yes, only one picture per post is allowed.
and you can see that no action has been taken that negatively impacts your chances. In fact, the one person who has the most say in an entry seems to have chosen, after the first question and short discussion (and sarcastic suggestion of options), to overlook this very slight divergence of principle as he understood it.
If you still want to argue semantics (submitting vs posting vs (as you stated on your original post) "entering") knock yourself out. But nobody else has chosen to debate the issue further, nor object that you're still in the game.
As to others "posting" pics but not entering, you didn't really question it, but implied that there's a similarity. However, we all see it differently in that those posts are stated at the beginning that they're not entering the contest for various reasons in their entirety. Plus, they're typically germane in a way to the thread topic such as a pic of the species being offered as a prize, but in bloom to show its full potential and beauty. But it doesn't state anywhere in the rules, either explicitly or implied, that those posts are not allowed.
I'm sorry that you interpreted the rules differently than everyone else, but it wasn't enough of an issue for anyone to pursue it beyond the first question and short discussion, as evidenced by you still being eligible to participate.
If you disagree, and still think that the rules are too vaguely worded in that they're open to many forms of anarchistic behavior, you don't have to enter. That would save you from all the stress that these fun and good hearted contests, run by someone who volunteers his time and effort, for a prize that is offered free of charge (including shipping) from the owner of the forum, have seemed to caused you.
wcrosman, andynorth liked this
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By wcrosman
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ChefDean wrote: Sat Sep 23, 2023 11:23 am @NCM1, you seem to be the only one making a mountain range out of a minor molehill. Nobody is making a big deal out of it other than you. It's been a week since it was suggested, and tried, that one pic be deleted, but it couldn't be done. Nobody has mentioned anything about it since other than to state a clarification, then we all moved on. Nobody broke out the torches and pitchforks, calling for your disqualification due to this small deviation of the rules. The MC of the contest even posted the standings since then, still listing you as in the running even after clarifying the rule when it was questioned...
Panman wrote: Sun Sep 10, 2023 12:57 pm Yes, only one picture per post is allowed.
and you can see that no action has been taken that negatively impacts your chances. In fact, the one person who has the most say in an entry seems to have chosen, after the first question and short discussion (and sarcastic suggestion of options), to overlook this very slight divergence of principle as he understood it.
If you still want to argue semantics (submitting vs posting vs (as you stated on your original post) "entering") knock yourself out. But nobody else has chosen to debate the issue further, nor object that you're still in the game.
As to others "posting" pics but not entering, you didn't really question it, but implied that there's a similarity. However, we all see it differently in that those posts are stated at the beginning that they're not entering the contest for various reasons in their entirety. Plus, they're typically germane in a way to the thread topic such as a pic of the species being offered as a prize, but in bloom to show its full potential and beauty. But it doesn't state anywhere in the rules, either explicitly or implied, that those posts are not allowed.
I'm sorry that you interpreted the rules differently than everyone else, but it wasn't enough of an issue for anyone to pursue it beyond the first question and short discussion, as evidenced by you still being eligible to participate.
If you disagree, and still think that the rules are too vaguely worded in that they're open to many forms of anarchistic behavior, you don't have to enter. That would save you from all the stress that these fun and good hearted contests, run by someone who volunteers his time and effort, for a prize that is offered free of charge (including shipping) from the owner of the forum, have seemed to caused you.
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By Panman
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With just a few days left in our contest, we have a very close race for first. Here are the standings:
wcrosman 8
Shadowtski 7
slicric78 7
Supercazzola 7
Bug_cemetery 6
evenwind 6
Garden_Nymph 6
optique 6
thepitchergrower 6
Blackfeather666 5
Camden 5
andynorth 4
Barlapipas 6 4
Bluefire 4
DragonsEye 4
Panman 4
New_Carni_Mom 3
PalmshoreExotics 2

We have multiple pages worth of entries, so be sure to go through all of them and vote for your favorites!
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By wcrosman
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andynorth wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 6:45 pm It looks like congrats are in order for wcrosman.
It does appear I won. That said I don’t have any desire for more succulents. Lets do a second place run off.
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By Shadowtski
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wcrosman wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 6:59 pm
andynorth wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 6:45 pm It looks like congrats are in order for wcrosman.
It does appear I won. That said I don’t have any desire for more succulents. Lets do a second place run off.
I don't really have room for any more plants, so I will stand aside and let the others vie for the prize.
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By Panman
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So, it looks like we will have a run off between Supercazzola and slicric78 for this month's prize. Look for the run-off page, and vote for your favorite!
wcrosman, Garden_Nymph liked this

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