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By GardenNub
Posts:  176
Joined:  Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:01 am
Hey, so I ordered these 3" pots thinking they would be good for single droseras, pings, and small flytraps. When they arrived I found out they were shorter than expected :( Now I know that pings have a somewhat smaller root system, can I still use these pots for pings or should I try to return them?
By jht-union
Posts:  3205
Joined:  Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:43 pm
Even if a plant has short root system, you need to give a little more of space to the plant to extend its roots to be a healthy plant(even if they don't), lets say a plant that normally grows 4-inch roots, should be allowed 5-inches or 6-inches more of space to extend more a little(if they do), often small pots dry fast in sunlight because the word says it all, they're small, a 6-inch pot is the best thing for plants, and if we come in reality, they should be growing in 1 ft pots or more instead of inches pots, but anyway, i think 3' inch pots are very small for growing plants that are already grown, a baby vft, or small plants can be kept for a short period of time in 3-inch pots until they grow bigger and then they can be transfer to 6-inch pots. But is not benfecial either to grow them in small pots( in my opinion) because in their habitad the soil is miles deep.

So probably return them, and just buy those long ones like i do those that are 8-inch deep, or buy them at the dollar store, i got all those nepenthes, and square pots for a dollar, some come in packs of 3 or 4, a really good deal, and the material is excellent.

Good luck!

(edit): 3-inch pots are okay to use, but i think they cause more trouble because they keep the media very wet, or very dry, while in a 6-inch pot, this is easier to control.
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By GardenNub
Posts:  176
Joined:  Sat Jan 29, 2011 1:01 am
Thanks. i guess i shoulda done more research before buying them haha. I just thought 3" would be good because that is what I received mine in from the greenhouse. Though, those were deeper, more like what I was hoping to get.
By dantt99
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I like to use at least 4 inches deep for sure. I'd go with 5-6 for sure, but 4 will probably work for some small Pinguicula species :)
By Grey
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I use 2-3" trays for my Pinguicula as I find it easier to water. I had moisture control issues with my Pinguicula when they were in taller pots, so I moved them to try and prevent dryness or root rot. When the plants reach a larger size I'll put them in something deeper but in the meantime they are doing very well in their current containers.
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By Matt
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Yeah, even adult Pinguicula can grow fine in an inch of soil. They really have no root system to speak of. As long as there is enough soil to stabilize the temperature fluctuations, or you're growing them indoors where the temps don't change much, they do fine in very shallow pots.
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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
I did keep Beatrice (Pinguicula Weser) in less than an inch of soil inside an abalone shell for a time and she did well. In fact it was easier to put her into dormancy whilst in the shell because I could control moisture easily.

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