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By dmagnan
Posts:  608
Joined:  Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:37 pm
I'm guessing the concept of this natural humidifier thing is that the porous rock increases the surface area of the water so you get more evaporation. If you have an enclosed greenhouse and the floor is gravel, I would be willing to believe that it could have a significant effect on the humidity in the greenhouse, because it's enclosed and potentially very still air. If you have a large open area with moving air like an indoor room and just a few rocks in the bottom of the water dish, I wouldn't think it would be sufficient to do anything. Someone with practical experience feel free to correct me.
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
I respect what you're saying fully, dmagnan though it is something I'll gladly try. We've used a similar method for regular plants (but by using the gravel on top of the soil) and have found it seems to help. I would also love to hear from someone with practical experience. =]
By dmagnan
Posts:  608
Joined:  Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:37 pm
Do you use a hygrometer? Kind of off topic, I'm just considering picking one up and trying to do research (i.e. how accurate are the cheap ones, etc.)
By snapperhead51
Posts:  2183
Joined:  Mon May 03, 2010 11:46 am
Hi guys though I mite just drop in here because , humidity is some thing I have been all ways improving in my green house , first of all humidity is the amount of water droplets that the surrounding air can absorb and maintain , and its call relative humidity, no amount of water on any floor , pond , wall , gravel any where can produce humidity until its stars to evaporate into the air or is forced into the air by other means other than naturally , and to cause evaporation you need heat or warmth in an enclosed area of which you want to humidify, if your home is low in humidity as mine is !!, this can be done in various ways , after having this process explained to me some time ago ,I have put it into action with very good and stable results.
First you must have a area which can be contained, like a glass house or green house that has walls and roof , the floor made up, from the bottom very thick builders plastic what they use for house foundations , lay this down then put on top of that a min of 6 inches or 200mm cheap builders sand , then a min or 4 inches of gravel , this helps to hold water in the base of the glass house or green house ready for evaporation and water over flow from watering is not just going through the ground and gone , its being recycled , then you need the appropriate size , evaporative cooler , mine is a very large home cooler plumbed into the mains , then you need the appropriate amount of mist sprayers or floggers I have 32 in all , connected to a pressure pump capable of 100 psi with a timer that turns it on & off when the humidity get to low , that is connected to a humidity sensor that operates the flogger pump which is connected the the 4500 litre rain water tank need 3 in total for me any how , and now you have full control of you humidity it runs at 60 to 90 % humidity every day in summer ,tried just about every thing else , and this is the only thing or process that has worked effectively , it can be scaled down of cause as my green house is 25m long and 4 to 5 m wide so need a lot of air movement and humidity as well , light plays a huge factor in this as well with out very good natural light, high humidity and good water rain water , your plants mainly nepenthe dont do as well and in the wild where all this is natural
By snapperhead51
Posts:  2183
Joined:  Mon May 03, 2010 11:46 am
Hi Grey
yes look its just a matter of scaling it all down, a fish tank will be fine , many ways of doing it ,putting water in the base and put a fish tank heater in there to the correct temp use some strong wire mesh to keep the pot above the water , but its the ventilation that will be the hard part i suggest a PC fan may be inside the tank or in the side of the tank ??or just some good old thinking out side the square !! , using the heat of the lighting , put live shag moss in the bottom of the tank and put the plants in there top in amongst it need very good lighting for that as all really , gravel is ok as well but will not hold any moisture it still just sits underneath it ,as stone will not adsorb water !!
ok hope this helps a bit
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