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By andynorth
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Is it better to grow a Heliamphora in a terrarium with a good light? I would like to be able to enjoy mine, especially over the Holidays as opposed to having it in my greenhouse where it is not really seen.
By Lilyofthevalley9
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Camden wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 4:02 amThe only way.
Exactly unless your indoor humidity is above 80% at all times which I sort of don't want to believe you if it is given how typical household humidity usually is.
Also don't let it get above 80 degrees they will die. They like it cool but not cold. Ambient room temperature works.
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By Panman
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If you get a hybrid, particularly one with minor in it, it may be possible to grow them at room humidity. These are growing on my desk. The big one in the back has been growing here for 3 years. I do mist them occasionally, but not much.
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By andynorth
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Mine is a minor, but I am not sure how well the wife will take me putting a light and dirt, etc. on her kitchen table!! I might be able to locate a spot in my living room that is useable. Thanks for the tip.
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By andynorth
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Lilyofthevalley9 wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 10:50 am
Camden wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2023 4:02 amThe only way.
Exactly unless your indoor humidity is above 80% at all times which I sort of don't want to believe you if it is given how typical household humidity usually is.
Also don't let it get above 80 degrees they will die. They like it cool but not cold. Ambient room temperature works.
I currently have in my greenhouse on a lower shelf that does not get above 80 degrees. Humidity however sometimes gets quite high, especially when the lights are off. This is why I was wondering about a terrarium specifically for the one plant. I live south of Seattle. Our humidity is typically quite high as I am only a few minutes from the ocean.
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By madrone
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I recently got brave enough to try another heli (previous attempt had a plant going gangbusters that just gave up the ghost on me - it happens, but I felt like a bad heli grower, so opted out for a couple years). I'm keeping the new acquisition relatively humid as I started with fresh divisions. BUT, I found this video from ICPS super interesting. It suggests that (with proper acclimation) maybe humidity requirements are lower than we think. Once I get a few new pitchers under my belt, and some roots on the plants, I'm going to 'humidity wean'. As Panman said - slowly!

Here's the video:
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By Bluefire
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I know someone here in Arizona who grows some Heliamphora in the entryway of their house. Very beautiful plants, I'm amazed at how well they're doing given the conditions.
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