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By pandaking666
Posts:  180
Joined:  Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:36 pm
Freinds call me Panda im 35 live in the Houston tx area. Im an IT network admin and an amateur stand up comedian. Started growing Plants cause my sister bought a vft on a whim and didnt know how to car for it, so i itook it over.
MaxVft, michijake, albertoburrito and 2 others liked this
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By Intheswamp
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Hello, my name is Jimmy Hoffa...would someone get this convenience store off of me? (hey, it looked kinda slow around here, ok, what can I say?...sorry? :mrgreen: )
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By dizzle
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I'm Chris and I'm an electrical engineer working in the mining field. I killed a VFT from Home Depot when I was a kid and due to the lingering guilt I decided to take up this hobby as an adult.
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By Intheswamp
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They have meetings where you can get help with the guilt that you're feeling. They're held in old abandoned greenhouses...but ya gotta know the secret handshake to get inside.
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By andynorth
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I am a bit bored and figured I would chime in with who I am. Although by now most members here know me, I thought I would share my Profile, for lack of a better word. I am 61 and will be 62 in January. Years just fly on by nowadays. I am hoping to retire at 65 but my doctor might think differently. I have been down pretty much since July 4th. Not real sure what I did but I somehow screwed up my back pretty bad. They started me on pain management in Sept. and put me on pain medication as the MRI showed herniated disc in 2 locations. Hoping steroid injection helps but can not do until Jan. due to blood thinners I am on after having heart attack in Jan. So I have basically done nothing but expand my collections of VFTs, Sarrs and Drosera. I only started a few years ago. Walmart VFTs got me started also. I strted doing a lot of research and disccovered that CPs are an awesome hobby. So much so that I plan to make it my retirement hobby. I have been buying a lot of Sarrs and Drosera and continue to buy. I told my wife no more until after Christmas but that did not last long. i am finding great people on eBay and on this forum. I need to get rid all of my electronics😀😀😀. OK, I think that about covers it. If you have any questions shoot me a PM.
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By Jade
Posts:  300
Joined:  Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm
So I figured since I have been checking this site obsessively it might be good to post here.

Hi, I’m Amber Jade, you can call me either or both, I basically respond to anything. I’m 42 and disabled. I’m never sure what’s an overshare because I tend to be too open even with strangers so I’ll try to keep it more bare bones and if anyone has questions feel free to ask anything.

I started having problems in my late teens doing things that seemed normal to me but were not. I just thought all teenagers acted out at some point, but I didn’t realize I was acting out more than most. After some extremely traumatic experiences in my early 20s I went to see someone to get help and was diagnosed with BPD. Not much later I was put on disability. My diagnosis was changed likely because I got more impulse control as I got older and wasn’t acting out anymore.

I met my partner in 2006 and started dating him later that year. We’ve been together ever since, and I’m finally getting unofficially married to him hopefully this year. I say that because it won’t be official in the eyes of the state, but I don’t need that and I’m scared it would somehow affect my ability to get to see all my doctors and get medications.

I ended up with physical issues as well. One of the meds I took for years I believe caused hypothyroidism which is now Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis an autoimmune disorder. And I got diagnosed with cervical osteoarthritis when I was 30. Other stuff too especially since last February. I like to say I hit the genetic lottery for problems lol.

As you might surmise with all my issues I’m always looking for things to distract me. I love getting outside and hiking when possible. I always have a camera with me when I do. The camera on my phone is better than the one I own, but I love to use the other one anyhow. I’ve been thinking about trying to make a darkroom and getting a 35mm so I can develop my own photos. I prefer that option to downloading photos honestly. I tend to like the older ways of doing things.

I was an avid reader until several years ago. Going off a medication I had taken since my 20s seems to have given me back parts of my life but taken some too. I was starting to relearn how to concentrate long enough to read again, and it was working. When my health took a downturn last year I had to take a break from it. I don’t do online books at all. I have to have the physical copy.

I have two cats I adore although I miss having a dog around. I don’t want to stress my older cat so having a dog is on pause for now.

I got into painting stuff that my partner 3D printed and was actually very good at it, but his 3D printer was having problems and he hasn’t gotten around to fixing it yet.

I love to write, but I have to be in a certain headspace to write poetry. I have a book I’ve been trying to write since like 2013, but every time I start I have to start over because it seems like my style has changed, so I have a lot of prologues and chapters 1 and 2. I’m not giving up on getting the whole thing out eventually, but I’m a little sad that it will probably be an ebook because I really don’t like that format.

I picked up a VFT from a store that my family and I visit every year for Xmas. I came here to try to see if I could save it, and that’s what I’m trying to do now. I also got interested in trying my hand at growing carnivorous plants, so I’ll probably be asking a lot more questions and figured I’d post here since I’m planning to be around a lot.

I like to say I can’t make a long story short because I’m Irish, so yeah all my posts turn into novellas. Like this one probably. I can never tell until I post because I’m writing on my phone so apologies.

Oh, and I absolutely love dressing up! This past year I spent a lot of time trying to put together a steampunk outfit from Temu and Amazon, and I think it still needs work, but I wore it for a few things in October for Halloween, and I got a lot of compliments from people who knew what steampunk was. I’m thinking about trying to make a cosplay of a video game character I love next. I’m also very into video games. They allow me to escape into different worlds like books used to do. So yeah that’s me. :?

A pic of my steampunk just because I love it and a normal one (and yes I also love tattoos, but I desperately need some coverups)
Attachment.jpeg (951.14 KiB) Viewed 1127 times

IMG_4178.jpeg (1.77 MiB) Viewed 1127 times
ETA - welp this post skipped right past novella to novel lol. I don’t expect anyone to read it anyhow.
Panman, andynorth, Intheswamp and 1 others liked this
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By Panman
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Thanks for sharing. Many of us here have various challenges that we carry with us. It's just part of this fallen world. And yes, I did read it. NTLDR
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By Jade
Posts:  300
Joined:  Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:57 pm
Thanks. It’s nice to be on this forum really. Everyone has been very kind and patient which is rare on the internet. I usually kind of avoid talking online because I don’t like drama, and it seems to be what makes most places tick.

Fallen world is an apt way to put it. Nice to not feel alone though I truly wish others didn’t have to struggle so much.
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By ChefDean
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Sarcasm is tolerated, even invited. A little drama is expected, as long as it's civil. Expressing your opinion that others may not agree with? Absolutely welcome as long as we keep it a civil discourse.
But just plain ol' rudeness, unkindness, and the general orneryness common in much of Alabama (there's that sarcasm) is a one-way ticket out the door.
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By evenwind
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Wait, what? Alabama sells tickets?
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By Intheswamp
Posts:  3497
Joined:  Wed May 04, 2022 2:28 pm
@Jade, I can see you've had a good many challenges and yet, here you are, working through them. I've found that it's not the challenges that define a person's character, but rather how they handle those challenges. They do tend to make you look at other's trials in a bit different light. Distractions help us (me) decompress from all the pressures we encounter in life. Even if it's for a few minutes we can get lost in them and the less desirable realities drift into the distance...turning those minutes into an hour or three can be even better. And, when we come back from those distractions we are somewhat refreshed and more able to deal with our situations...even to the point of reveling and challenging the challenge (if that makes sense). Like the fellow said, "Just keep on keepin' on!". It sounds like you have done an admirable job of doing that! :)

I enjoy photography, too. One day I hope to get good at it! :lol: I shot 35mm back in the 80's and 90's and had a black-and-white darkroom. When digital started getting popular in the early 2000's I kind of got left cameras were pricey and I just couldn't rationalize spending the money on one. My photography got laid to the side, not just because of the "digital revolution" but also some personal/family issues. A few years later, though, I bought a used Canon T3i, crop sensor and later a 6D...and I've never yearned to smell fixer again. :lol: Being able to shoot and see your captured image immediately helps to refine your shooting and keep you from having to make a second trip to shoot that tree stump or whatever. ;) Yeah, I don't really miss the darkroom. But, seeing an image come up on a blank white sheet of photo paper is still...magical. :) I never did get into color in the darkroom...too precise conditions for me to maintain (but...I was "OCD-Me" way back then, too! :mrgreen: ).

I understand about the cellphone camera versus the camera. I'm kind of in the same situation except my cell phone camera isn't any good...but other folks cellphone cameras are good. The cell phones to day can be handed to a gorilla and they'll make good photos with them (it's been documented!!! :lol: ). Remember, good technique beats tech any time. ;) Keep on shootin'!!!!

Back in college and the days that followed I wrote some, myself. Then "something" happened and I stopped. I've just recently started trying to put together something, just a poem, but I think I feel some metre rising in it. :D

All of your "distractions" are good. Keep at them. As for the folks here on the forum...they are all all absolute nuts!!!! Harmless...but nuts!!! I've been the only sane person here, but now with you showing up there's two sane people here!!! :lol:

You have cats? If you ever end up with kittens *be sure* to send a couple of them to ChefDean...he simply ADORES them. He has one of the largest kitten orphanages east of the Mississippi. And evenwind likes to go on cruises...the only thing is that folks say he insists being called "The Skipper" and constantly goes around asking if anybody has seen Gilligan...I dunno what that's all about. :mrgreen:

Btw, I write novels, too. ;)
Now, I saw some "Alabama" comments I need to go address. Cya!
Jade wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 5:28 pm So I figured since I have been checking this site obsessively it might be good to post here.

Hi, I’m Amber Jade, you can call me either or both, I basically respond to anything. I’m 42 and disabled. I’m never sure what’s an overshare because I tend to be too open even with strangers so I’ll try to keep it more bare bones and if anyone has questions feel free to ask anything.

I started having problems in my late teens doing things that seemed normal to me but were not. I just thought all teenagers acted out at some point, but I didn’t realize I was acting out more than most. After some extremely traumatic experiences in my early 20s I went to see someone to get help and was diagnosed with BPD. Not much later I was put on disability. My diagnosis was changed likely because I got more impulse control as I got older and wasn’t acting out anymore.

I met my partner in 2006 and started dating him later that year. We’ve been together ever since, and I’m finally getting unofficially married to him hopefully this year. I say that because it won’t be official in the eyes of the state, but I don’t need that and I’m scared it would somehow affect my ability to get to see all my doctors and get medications.

I ended up with physical issues as well. One of the meds I took for years I believe caused hypothyroidism which is now Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis an autoimmune disorder. And I got diagnosed with cervical osteoarthritis when I was 30. Other stuff too especially since last February. I like to say I hit the genetic lottery for problems lol.

As you might surmise with all my issues I’m always looking for things to distract me. I love getting outside and hiking when possible. I always have a camera with me when I do. The camera on my phone is better than the one I own, but I love to use the other one anyhow. I’ve been thinking about trying to make a darkroom and getting a 35mm so I can develop my own photos. I prefer that option to downloading photos honestly. I tend to like the older ways of doing things.

I was an avid reader until several years ago. Going off a medication I had taken since my 20s seems to have given me back parts of my life but taken some too. I was starting to relearn how to concentrate long enough to read again, and it was working. When my health took a downturn last year I had to take a break from it. I don’t do online books at all. I have to have the physical copy.

I have two cats I adore although I miss having a dog around. I don’t want to stress my older cat so having a dog is on pause for now.

I got into painting stuff that my partner 3D printed and was actually very good at it, but his 3D printer was having problems and he hasn’t gotten around to fixing it yet.

I love to write, but I have to be in a certain headspace to write poetry. I have a book I’ve been trying to write since like 2013, but every time I start I have to start over because it seems like my style has changed, so I have a lot of prologues and chapters 1 and 2. I’m not giving up on getting the whole thing out eventually, but I’m a little sad that it will probably be an ebook because I really don’t like that format.

I picked up a VFT from a store that my family and I visit every year for Xmas. I came here to try to see if I could save it, and that’s what I’m trying to do now. I also got interested in trying my hand at growing carnivorous plants, so I’ll probably be asking a lot more questions and figured I’d post here since I’m planning to be around a lot.

I like to say I can’t make a long story short because I’m Irish, so yeah all my posts turn into novellas. Like this one probably. I can never tell until I post because I’m writing on my phone so apologies.

Oh, and I absolutely love dressing up! This past year I spent a lot of time trying to put together a steampunk outfit from Temu and Amazon, and I think it still needs work, but I wore it for a few things in October for Halloween, and I got a lot of compliments from people who knew what steampunk was. I’m thinking about trying to make a cosplay of a video game character I love next. I’m also very into video games. They allow me to escape into different worlds like books used to do. So yeah that’s me. :?

A pic of my steampunk just because I love it and a normal one (and yes I also love tattoos, but I desperately need some coverups)



ETA - welp this post skipped right past novella to novel lol. I don’t expect anyone to read it anyhow.
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