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By David95
Posts:  8
Joined:  Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:29 pm
I started growing some nepenthes at the beggining of the pandemic because, well why not get back into the hobby! Heres what i have so far,
N. Hamata tambusisi x lumut
N. Hamata BE 3380
N. Hamata Wustuba clone 2
N. Rajah NE-048
N. Diabolica wistuba clone 14
N. Lowii trusmadi sg CK
N. Villosa BE 3225
N. Macrophylla wistuba clone 1
N. Hamata x edwardsiana wistuba clone 1
N. Burbidgeae x2 (sg from CK and BE 3873)
N. Spectablis x hamata BE 3871
N. Singalana x diabalica BE 3900
N. Spathulata x diabolica BE 3983
N. Glabtrata x hamata
N. Sibuyanensis x hamata BE 3562
N. Edwardsiana Marai Parai SG
and my favorite(s) so far are the ten seedling edwardsiana I've started from horticulturaly produced seeds!
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By Camden
Posts:  1724
Joined:  Mon May 23, 2022 9:25 pm
I see someone has a thing for teeth :mrgreen: Something’s that you’ll probably note that’s different from terra forums is that it is so much more active here and the seed bank! You’ll find some rare/uncommon drosera, TONS of sarracenia, drosophyllum, VFTs here and there + the random nep/heli seeds.
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By David95
Posts:  8
Joined:  Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:29 pm
Nepenthes0260 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 9:54 pm Very impressive seedling N. edwardsiana... were they from JS seed?
They were, incredibly helpful and obviously super fresh seeds. I would 100/100 recommend if he ever has other offerings like he did. Always wanted to grow this species from seed and im just greatful to get the chance!
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By David95
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Joined:  Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:29 pm
Camden M wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:19 pm I see someone has a thing for teeth :mrgreen: Something’s that you’ll probably note that’s different from terra forums is that it is so much more active here and the seed bank! You’ll find some rare/uncommon drosera, TONS of sarracenia, drosophyllum, VFTs here and there + the random nep/heli seeds.
I may... i mean they are definitely the ones that got me into the hobby haha. And i have noticed a lot more activity on here. Just glad to have some stuff to share on here and terra forums now. Mainly interested in nepenthese though (for now :mrgreen: )
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By Sundews69
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Is he an ig/fb seller or does he have a website?
By David95
Posts:  8
Joined:  Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:29 pm
So im back for a small update. The edwardsiana seedlings are doing very well. Im probably gonna pot them up in their own pots pretty soon. I unfortunately lost my diabolica clone 2 but clone 14 is doing very well and surprisingly quickly, loving the pitchers. Also the only other note is my hamata tambusisi x lumut as well as my singalana x diabolica and spathulata x diabolica have put off some new growth from the base, so excited to take some cuttings!
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By alecStewart1
Posts:  217
Joined:  Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:45 pm
David95 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:35 pmN. Villosa
Oh man, how do you keep that guy cool at night? N. villosa is one of those that I'd love to be able to cross breed some day (N. veitchii or with an N. ampullaria for an extra squatty tooth pitcher), but I have no idea if I'd ever be able to give it the conditions it would want.
By David95
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Joined:  Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:29 pm
alecStewart1 wrote: Tue Sep 05, 2023 9:35 pm
David95 wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:35 pmN. Villosa
Oh man, how do you keep that guy cool at night?
Currently i have all of my highland and ultra highland nepenthese growing in a chamber i made out of a 120 gallon tank, aquarium chiller, pump, radiator and a bunch of timers and sensors. Im going to be upgrading it to a highland/ultrahighland grow tent before too long for the added space :D

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

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