My Nepenthes (so far)
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 7:35 pm
I started growing some nepenthes at the beggining of the pandemic because, well why not get back into the hobby! Heres what i have so far,
N. Hamata tambusisi x lumut
N. Hamata BE 3380
N. Hamata Wustuba clone 2
N. Rajah NE-048
N. Diabolica wistuba clone 14
N. Lowii trusmadi sg CK
N. Villosa BE 3225
N. Macrophylla wistuba clone 1
N. Hamata x edwardsiana wistuba clone 1
N. Burbidgeae x2 (sg from CK and BE 3873)
N. Spectablis x hamata BE 3871
N. Singalana x diabalica BE 3900
N. Spathulata x diabolica BE 3983
N. Glabtrata x hamata
N. Sibuyanensis x hamata BE 3562
N. Edwardsiana Marai Parai SG
and my favorite(s) so far are the ten seedling edwardsiana I've started from horticulturaly produced seeds!
N. Hamata tambusisi x lumut
N. Hamata BE 3380
N. Hamata Wustuba clone 2
N. Rajah NE-048
N. Diabolica wistuba clone 14
N. Lowii trusmadi sg CK
N. Villosa BE 3225
N. Macrophylla wistuba clone 1
N. Hamata x edwardsiana wistuba clone 1
N. Burbidgeae x2 (sg from CK and BE 3873)
N. Spectablis x hamata BE 3871
N. Singalana x diabalica BE 3900
N. Spathulata x diabolica BE 3983
N. Glabtrata x hamata
N. Sibuyanensis x hamata BE 3562
N. Edwardsiana Marai Parai SG
and my favorite(s) so far are the ten seedling edwardsiana I've started from horticulturaly produced seeds!