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By Nikson
Posts:  424
Joined:  Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:47 am
Hey all,

Third attempt at propagating a sundew, and all I did was cut off one big trap on my binata multifada extrema and wow, it's growing like CRAZY in the water!

To me it looks ready to pot up, but I just wanted to make sure from more experienced people if it looks alright. I THINK the black fuzzy things coming out the bottom are roots, which is pretty exciting to see.

Any tips with the repotting process? For some reason ALL of the plantlets decided to cluster up together like that on the tip of the trap, so I guess I don't take them apart and just bury them in LFSM all together in a clump like that?

I guess I need to cover their new pot with wrap as well to slowly acclimate them to air as well?

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By Nikson
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optique wrote:As long as you start off a 100% humidity and acclimate down they will be fine.

this is how i do it.
Over what period of time do you normally acclimate them down to regular room humidity? Do you just wait until they've grown up and look like proper plants before you slowly start opening up the humidity dome?
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By Nikson
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Makes sense! It's funny, I've done props 2 times already, first time was with a cape drosera and it pretty much died off even though I was careful to slowly do it over time and it even had grown roots, no idea why that happened.

Second time I did it with spatulata, and had absolutely no issues with them.
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By Apollyon
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ill chop some LFS as a top layer if i dont have roots (usually wont) to make contact and take the guesswork out.
I second that. total humidity and they're ready to go. Im flexible on times. i recently shocked several small cephs with no trouble. I look for vigor in the plant before I make a call. I try to get them out now sooner if thats how i intend to grow them
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By Apollyon
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Yeah, looks great! You do the best you can. Thing that's most important is it just maintaining contact. If it's problematic, I usually try to get both ends covered and throw a small piece along it just to keep it from drying out while it gets going but in the bag like that it'll be fine.
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By Nikson
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I'll be careful with the temps, they're just some Yescoms so I haven't had any heat issues with them so far. Room is air conditioned as well!

And yes, this is the first time I've had them kind of grow sideways so it's kind of weird haha. Although a few of them put out those thick, black roots which surprised me! They're not very long, but that huge cluster of larger leaves is pretty firmly planted. For the others I cut up some pieces of LFSM and used some tweezers to gently place them over the "gaps" to make sure they're properly covered, hope they like it!

They're a bit sideways for the ones around the edges of the pot, but I feel like they just need to root themselves and they'll stand back up!
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