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By optimus prime
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Do you think aliens are real? Have any weird lunar experiences? In my opinion I didn’t believe in them know I’m in between.
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By ChefDean
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Maybe not like aliens depicted by Hollywood, but the universe is just too vast and diverse for us to be the sole lifeforms out here.
There's no way to accurately count them, but there are an estimated 200 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy (the one we're in), and an estimated 100 to 200 billion galaxies.
There are 3,700+ discovered planets, 2,200+ more possible planets that just haven't been confirmed, and more being discovered every year.
I believe that there is life out there, in fact, I believe it would be a harder pill to swallow that we are alone in the vastness of the universe.
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By optimus prime
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I do agree somewhat. It’s just weird that the universe is huge and we’re the only life there could be a whole race of aliens across the universe and we wouldn’t even know
By optimus prime
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I do think that if aliens do exist and If they came to earth they wouldn’t be portrayed by the movies where they invade and brainwash be honest they probably wouldn’t be hostile I mean why would they attack us?
By uxleumas
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it's possible that there is life on other planets. there are certainly planets that may be able to support life, like a few planets in the TRAPPIST-1 solar system.
how did we get from cps to aliens again?
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By Artchic528
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It’s extremely narcissistic to believe we are the only planet with life in all of the unimaginable vastness of the cosmos. The reality of the fact is that Earth is either deemed too unimpressive and non noteworthy for other sentient interstellar beings to bother with, or they believe we are entirely too self destructive as a species and would sooner leave us alone. I’m leaning towards the latter.

Alternatively, we could debate the existence of an infinite multiverse and the life contained therein, but that would be opening a whole other can of worms entirely.

The images of little grey humanoid creatures with large dark eyes may be entirely made up by Hollywood, given the extreme improbability of two separate planets developing similar looking beings, but it’s not unheard of in nature. In fact there is a term for this called evolutionary convergence. However you explain it though, it doesn’t make the nightmares I’ve had of them abducting me any less scary.
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By Artchic528
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uxleumas wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:23 pm how did we get from cps to aliens again?
I honestly thought by the title alone that this was about the flytrap mutation, not space faring extraterrestrials. :lol:
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By _-SphagnumFromHell-_
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The weird thing to consider is that if aliens do exist, they'd be so completely different from us. There are so many variables that came into account when we evolved. The reason we even have eyes that can see color has something to do with the way the eye developed in prehistoric lifeforms underwater. Not to mention the gravity, atmosphere, terrain, climate, sun exposure, and loads of other stuff that could lead to a wildly different form of life on such a fundamental level.

There's a documentary-style movie made by the discovery channel called "Alien Planet" that attempts to capture this idea. All of the creatures look completely unlike us. I quite liked it.
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By ChefDean
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I tend to think that when aliens are flying past Earth, they roll up the windows and lock the doors due to how messed up things are right now.
(Humor people, satire. I'm not trying to start a political debate here)
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By Benny
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I honestly do not believe there is alien life forms on other planets. This is from a religious point of view, though. I believe that the Earth contained the only life in all of space. I am sure many of you, if not all would disagree, but this is just my point of view.
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By optimus prime
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Benny wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:40 pm I honestly do not believe there is alien life forms on other planets. This is from a religious point of view, though. I believe that the Earth contained the only life in all of space. I am sure many of you, if not all would disagree, but this is just my point of view. IMO
When you say religious do you mean Christianity? I am too a Christian the Bible doesn’t say anything about Americans but i still wonder sometimes 🤔
By optimus prime
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To be honest I only asked this because I got a new board game called twilight imperium
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By Artchic528
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Benny wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:40 pm I honestly do not believe there is alien life forms on other planets. This is from a religious point of view, though. I believe that the Earth contained the only life in all of space. I am sure many of you, if not all would disagree, but this is just my point of view.
You are most certainly entitled to your opinions but the truth of the matter is that we aren’t at a technological standpoint yet to have a definitive and reputable yes or no answer. Perhaps humanity might never know as we’ll more than likely destroy ourselves before we can get organized enough to build the appropriate technology to do so.
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By Artchic528
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optimus prime wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:59 pm
Benny wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:40 pm I honestly do not believe there is alien life forms on other planets. This is from a religious point of view, though. I believe that the Earth contained the only life in all of space. I am sure many of you, if not all would disagree, but this is just my point of view. IMO
When you say religious do you mean Christianity? I am too a Christian the Bible doesn’t say anything about Americans but i still wonder sometimes 🤔
Probably because way back in biblical times, the continents known today as “The America’s” hadn’t yet been labeled as such.
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By Nepenthes0260
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I agree with Artchic and Dean and that I'd be surprised if there was nothing else out there. I find it highly unlikely that little green aliens have visited earth :lol:, but on the microbial scale I believe that almost anywhere where liquid water exists small-scale life can exist.
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