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Ask questions about how to grow and care for Venus Flytraps

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By HappyTheCat
Posts:  4
Joined:  Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:19 am
I've never posted here before, so I hope I'm doing this right,

I bought a fly trap a few weeks ago and followed the care instructions that came with it, but when i checked on it today its was so wilted and turning black!

Im not sure what i did wrong or how to fix it, please help?

The instructions said to put it in a sunny place and water for 3 hours every 3 months, it's barely been a month yet so i dont know what happened.
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By steve booth
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We will need a little more information if you could please, is it indoors or outdoors and what temperatures is it experiencing. I assume you are in the northern hemisphere?
Have you repotted it? If so what medium did you use and what water are you using?
Your instructions certainly regarding watering are wrong so the chances are a lot of the rest is.
If you can fill in the blanks we can point you in the right direction, there is a good section on how to grow flytraps on this site which will help you a lot.
By HappyTheCat
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Joined:  Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:19 am
It's inside on the kitchen window, and gets a lot of sunshine. I'm in Brisbane, Australia and I have the aircon on a lot.

I didn't repot it when i got it because i didn't know what kind of soil it would need or if repotting it so soon would hurt it at all. I've just been using tap water, but now that I've had a look through this forum I'll have to get a water tester thing to see if thats a problem too.

If theres anything else you'd like to know I'm happy to share.
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By tracieh
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That's a big no to tap water. Distilled or rain water is what I use. The more light the better. Just keep a dish filled with water underneath the plant and it will soak up from the bottom.
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By evenwind
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When you were looking thru the forum, did you find this thread? There's a lot of good info beginners-before-posting-your-question- ... 11581.html .

As tracieh said, you've got to use pure water (unless you're one of the happy few with very low ppm tap water). While you're figuring what else could be wrong, I'd get some distilled water and rinse your medium several times to get any probable impurities out. Your light and temps might be perfect but minerals in the water are a death sentence.

Just as an aside, and I may be a bit cynical, but I'm convinced that the huge growers of cheap big box VFTs purposely include bad growing instructions so that the plants die - not immediately but after a month or so. That way, you'll think it's your fault and may go buy another plant. After all, the volume growers don't make any money if you're sitting with a happy plant.
By SundewWolf
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HappyTheCat wrote: The instructions said to put it in a sunny place and water for 3 hours every 3 months, it's barely been a month yet so i dont know what happened.
This is the weirdest set of watering instructions I've ever heard. What kind of pot is it in? Is there drainage hole on the bottom? How large is the pot? Did you soak it in the sink for three hours? How much did the soil dry out over the past month? This looks pretty typical for a plant that has just hit its tolerance to lack of water.

They should be kept moist at all times, but the best way to achieve this is to just use a normal pot and water when they start to dry out. Frequency varies with season, but you water them just like ay other plant, except a bit more on the moist side. In summer they can dry out fast so may need to be watered daily, even sitting in some shallow water, while in winter here in Chicago I haven't watered mine in three weeks since they tend to stay moist in cold weather, especially when packed away for the winter.
By HappyTheCat
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It's only a small plastic pot, but has lots of drainage holes, and I followed the instructions to a T.

I got some distilled water and rinsed it like yall suggested, and I've put a little dish of water under it so it can stay moist.

I'm worried it might be too late for this one , however, but I'll certainly try my best to bring it back yet!
By HappyTheCat
Posts:  4
Joined:  Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:19 am
Even after getting the right water and making sure to keep it moist like you guys told me, it hasn't seemed to bounce back at all.

I think its past the point of reviving, but I appreciate you guys giving me advice!

If i get another one I'll know how to care for it properly,
Thanks again!
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By evenwind
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Since there's nothing to lose, before you toss it, dig down a bit and check the rhizome. If the rhizome is still firm and white, the plant can come back. If only part of the rhizome is still white, you can cut of the brown parts and still have a shot at saving the plant.
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