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By Fieldofscreams
Posts:  1315
Joined:  Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:14 am
Ill admit i don't like re-potting, I kind of dread it, its painstaking work for me. Its cool to see the rhizomes in all their glory and to see how long the roots got and how many divisions you got for free. But man its hard work, cleaning off the old junk without ripping roots, very very tiny divisions that fall off that don't stand a chance of surviving but you painstakingly pot them anyways, trying to bury it to the correct depth with a bunch of dormant leaves curled down and back making it impossible to get the rhizome covered well or to depth (of course you break off leafs in the process), you get all the plants potted and you realize you don't like the depth/spacing/configuration so you pull it all out and do it again, the mess you make all over your kitchen because its still too cold to do it outside and of course the debating about what pots will work best this year.

The tiny divisions are what i don't like most. I have a very low success rate with them. I pot them the best i can but few survive. I do have a BigMouth division that has survived two years and is the same size its always been, about the size of a dime. Other than that they usually die....but i pot them anyways.

BTW Coquillage is the most pain in the butt flytrap to re-pot, wow.

So here they are starting the season after re-potting.

Looking a little shabby, by July they wont be recognizable though.

This seed grown went completely maroon.

Then there is these ugly looking things. I just use peat moss and perlite for these and i top them with NZLFSM so there isn't a mess when it rains.
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By SundewWolf
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I don't really mind repotting, but I have to repot my whole collection soon as well. Just one more week before nice spring weather comes in and I can transition everything out to the patio. Mine are all in round pots currently so I want to get them in the space-saving square ones. Plus I've got that thick carpet moss on a bunch of them which I have to remove. Turns out I may have to order another box of the pots though since I also started repotting my whole sundew shelf.
By Fieldofscreams
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I used to love it.....when it was a couple plants.

Right now i put them outside in the mornings and then bring them back into the garage at night. Day time temps are mid 40's but the night is below 30F.

What i love most is watching them change once the re-pot is done and spring gets fully underway, by mid July they are unrecognizable to what they are now.
By Doublebass1985
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Fieldofscreams wrote:.

The tiny divisions are what i don't like most. I have a very low success rate with them. I pot them the best i can but few survive. I do have a BigMouth division that has survived two years and is the same size its always been, about the size of a dime. Other than that they usually die....but i pot them anyways.
I've had that same problem and I can usually pin point it to them drying out since the rhizome is only like 1/4 under the media and the roots are not very long at all, but mainly the rhizome gets cooked in a few hours in intense sun or light. You would have to baby them throughout the day and water them a couple times to make sure that they aren't dried out for too long most people don't have the time in the day to check on them several times too so it does make it a pain in the butt.
By TheTrapper
Posts:  82
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When I repot I put my new divisions in a grow box covered in saran wrap with a tray of water in the bottom to maintain high humidity and then place them in an area that they will not get cooked in and water them if the get kind of dry. Overall I find myself doing very little maintenance . Then I wait about a month or so until I see some good new growth and then begin to harden them to the normal growing conditions. I have had a fairly high success rate so far. Good Growing and Happy Spring Dividing!
By Fieldofscreams
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Yeah I'm not too worried about it. I just think it's funny I even bother lol It's no wonder they aren't going to take easily, I mean they are super tiny and the amount of energy in their little rizhome isn't much. Oh well, sometimes they take and I'm good with that.

I think next year I'm just going to cut the leaves off about mid way when I repot all my plants, way easier. Especially Coquillage, what a pain that one is to pot.
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By _-SphagnumFromHell-_
Posts:  702
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Tell me about it. Although my plan collection isn't as large as yours, repotting is still insanely tiring. It feels like such a dirty job that never ends up being easy.

What do you do with the old sphagnum moss? Do you throw it out or reuse some of it? When I used peat moss I always threw the old stuff in the flower beds.
By Fieldofscreams
Posts:  1315
Joined:  Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:14 am
I just toss it out. Nothing else I can do with it really. It's cheap enough for me anyways so it's not a big loss.

This year I used the big white square pots but I lined the bottom with NZLFSM, then fill half the pot with peat moss/perlite, then rest of the way with NZLFSM.

I'm starting to debate whether they even need to be repotted yearly. I'm wondering if you can go 2 or even 3 years before repotting.

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Amazing as always, wish it had color though ;)

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