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By Bhart90
Posts:  729
Joined:  Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:38 pm
Last year I lost everything. But it was also simply sitting in the middle of my lawn. This time I buried them. I have burlap wrapped around them and I stuffed excess space with this shiny material.

Would you approve? Change anything?

What do you think about having a bag over them or not. There is airflow. Not completely covered.

I need serious input. Thanks

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By Fieldofscreams
Posts:  1315
Joined:  Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:14 am
I wouldn't do it.

Frost depth here 42". Anything at or higher than that will freeze solid.

One member here (hollyhock?) pulled it off but i still wouldn't do it.
By SundewWolf
Posts:  2219
Joined:  Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:38 pm
Well, purps sit above the frost line in the bogs so they should be good even frozen solid right? mine are currently icy in the garage along with the purp hybrids. Not sure about any other cp's.

They have this pipe heating cable at hardware stores meant to prevent pipes from freezing in winter. I wrap a strip around my bonsai pots and stick them in the garage. They get a cold dormancy but the soil is never frozen solid, just soft and cold. Maybe give that a shot.
By Kenneth
Posts:  134
Joined:  Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:46 am
Purps are very cold resistant from what I read up, so they can handle freezes to a certain extent. Frost/thaw is a death sentence but that doesn't look you're going through that anytime soon. Might as well bring them inside your garage or in a cold part of your house.
By mo_carnivore
Posts:  556
Joined:  Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:20 pm
I just took off my winter protection from my bog (I live in a slightly warmer climate but it still got into single digits this winter) and all the plants looked fine. There was definitely a freeze-thaw going on towards the end of it, but I don't think I'll have any losses this year. These plants are truly hardy, and as long as you don't bang them up too much, they should be fine.
Hello again from Florida


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