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By xr280xr
Posts:  2807
Joined:  Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:29 pm
Anyone know if there's app that specifically lets you control the focus distance on of the iPhone camera? Whenever I try to take closeup pictures, I can tell it prefers to focus no closer than about 12 inches although I know it is capable of much less. When I tap on the spot I want to focus on, it always decides to focus farther away anyway. It would be cool to have a slider to control the focal distance.
By Veronis
Posts:  2202
Joined:  Fri May 29, 2009 8:41 pm
Not that I know of with stock camera, but there's an app for that.

Compare these for the features you want, check reviews, and get the app that you like best. These apps all say they allow you to do manual focus. ... 56737?mt=8
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By Adam
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A used <$75 cannon elph will do much better on close up macros than any phone camera. Although HTC has put an incredible camera in their latest phone if you want to use your phone...
By bananaman
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No, but when I use my iPhone for macros, I use a special lens called an Olloclip, that has a macro lens.
It has a very tiny depth of field (<1mm) and a very close focus distance (3mm).
With this, it's pretty easy to get awesome macros.
I now use this and my iPhone when I need extreme macros.

If I need even closer macros, I use my camera and my dissecting microscope or my camera and my compound microscope.

But I get pretty good results with an iPhone and Olloclip or a microscope.
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By xr280xr
Posts:  2807
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I got an Olloclip about 3 weeks before I dropped my phone and broke the camera. I still use it w/ my wife's phone when she's around. Just posted a few pics using it here: ... ml#p178446. The depth of field really is tiny on the macro lens!

I checked out the apps above and either couldn't verify the manual focus was more than just tapping to focus, or I was just feeling cheap at the time. Still wish they'd just put in a slider like they have for the zoom.
A used <$75 cannon elph will do much better on close up macros than any phone camera.
No doubt! Just not ready to buy or own another device at the moment.
By Tryner78
Posts:  133
Joined:  Tue Aug 01, 2017 12:41 am
It is possible, but very annoying. For some reason it is not interested with plants, but is capable of hi-res focus without modification or apps.
My tips:
#1- clean your lens!
#2- change distance very slowly from subject matter, try to have a plain white or black background
#3- bright light on subject
#4- patience
Here's some pictures of old CRT Tv tuners I took with my Iphone SE.
By Smooter80
Posts:  1038
Joined:  Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:33 pm
Not what I would call macros but not bad for an old iPhone 5. Zoom all the way in, don't try getting super close. Don't click on the screen for focus.
image.jpeg (580.5 KiB) Viewed 5966 times
image.jpeg (483.5 KiB) Viewed 5966 times
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