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By bananaman
Posts:  2059
Joined:  Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:54 am
Hi everyone!
So, I collect lots of plants that aren't carnivorous, which means that I have extra seeds. So, I thought I'd share them with y'all. Basically, I'll list the non-carnivorous seeds I have available here, and you PM me with what you want if you are interested. You can either send a SASE or I'll mail it in a padded envelope if you cover shipping. For smaller seeds, I'd recommend SASE and for larger ones, I'd recommend a padded envelope, but I'll leave it up to you. Each packet will contain 10-20 seeds unless otherwise noted. I may list available quantities for some plants or I may not. The seeds could be old, but they're stored in the fridge and should have decent germination.

Seeds I currently have available:
Allium tuberosum (Garlic Chives)
Allowissadula holosericea (False Indian-Mallow)
Asclepias curassavica (Tropical Milkweed) -- both red and yellow, though IDK if they come true from seed
Bauhinia lunaroides (Anacacho Orchid Tree) (padded envelope recommended)
Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum (Wild Chiletepin)
Mirabilis jalapa (4 O'Clock) (padded envelope highly recommended)
Myrtus communis (Myrtle)
Ricinus communis 'Impala' (Red Castor Bean) (padded envelope highly recommended)
Salvia coccinea — pink, Travis Co., TX (Tropical Sage)
Salvia coccinea — red, Travis Co., TX (Tropical Sage)
Senegalia berlandieri (Berlandier’s Acacia) (padded envelope highly recommended)
Senna alata (Candlestick Plant)

Last update: 8/10/19

Species Profiles:
Garlic Chives — Allium tuberosum — They're chives, but they’re flat instead of round and have a slightly different flavor from ordinary chives. Incredibly easy to grow — it’s a very low maintenance, perennial herb with pretty white flower heads.

False Indian-Mallow — Allowissadula holosericea — A perennial up to about 4-5' with soft, velvety leaves a few inches in diameter and with small orangey-yellow hibiscus-like blooms. Native to the Edward’s Plateau in Texas west to southern New Mexico and south into Mexico. Blooms for most of the summer, very drought tolerant. Looks similar to Indian-mallow (Abutilon theophrasti), but is not invasive and has seed pods with only 5 sections.

Tropical Milkweed — Asclepias curassavica — The common milkweed in garden centers across the country. Perennial in areas that remain above 20°F or so in the winter, annual everywhere else. Should be cut back to the ground in winter. Fast growing and easy to propagate.

Anacacho Orchid Tree — Bauhinia lunaroides — The only Bauhinia native to the US. Native to south-central Texas around Uvalde and also native to northern Mexico. Will take 17°F with minimal damage in my experience. Grows to 15' tall and has long, weeping branches. It often stays smaller than that — 8-10'. Beautiful white, fragrant flowers in the spring on the branch tips. Grows in sun or shade, but stays more compact and flowers better in the sun.

Chiletepin — Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum — The only US native chile pepper, grows throughout the Southwest at least as far north as Dallas and as far east as Louisiana. Perennial shrub that takes at least down to 17°F with some branch dieback. Peppers are small, very seedy, and very hot. They have a wonderful earthy, almost smoky flavor. They’re hotter than a serrano and close to a mild habanero, but the burn is brief and in the front of your mouth. Very tasty, delicious peppers.

4 O'Clock — Mirabilis jalapa — Perennial to about 3' in areas without freezing ground in the winter. Reseeds prolifically. In summer through the first frost, grows fragrant pink flowers that open in the late afternoon and stay open overnight.

Myrtle — Myrtus communis — A small tree or large shrub with evergreen, fragrant foliage. Produces small white flowers followed by bluish aromatic fruit. Grows slowly with a twisted, contorted trunk with attractive bark. This is the myrtle used by the Greeks and Romans.

Red Castor Bean — Ricinus communis 'Impala' — A fast growing, vigorous annual that gets to about 10' around here. Has huge, palmate leaves that are flushed reddish purple. Reseeds somewhat. Has dark purple sap and reddish purple flowers and seed pods. Has darker coloration, but remains somewhat smaller in less fertile soil. The stem can hit 3" in diameter by the end of the year here. Very toxic.

Tropical Sage — Salvia coccinea — In warm areas, a perennial to about 2' tall. In cold areas, an annual. Reseeds prolifically. Produces long spikes of loosely spaced flowers in a myriad of colors from white to dark red. Trivial to propagate from seeds or cuttings. Grows in sun or partial shade. Very drought tolerant. Blooms well even in fairly shady spots. The blooms attract hummingbirds. It’s an incredibly resilient, easy plant. Native from Texas and maybe the US Southeast south into Central America.

Berlandier’s Acacia — Senegalia berlandieri — A semi-evergreen small tree to about 15-20' tall that typically has multiple trunks. Leaves are bipinnate and cast light shade. Has white puffball-like flowers in the spring that make what’s supposedly one of the best honeys in the state of Texas. Flowers somewhat fragrant. Takes minimal to no damage at 17°F, probably hardy to close to 10°F. Native from south Texas through northern Mexico. Also called thornless catclaw because it’s mostly thornless with small, soft spines. Incredibly drought tolerant.

Candlestick Plant — Senna alata — A tropical tree grown as an annual. In this area, can hit around 15', but 5-10' is more typical. A very rapidly growing legume with huge pinnate leaves that close at night or when dehydrated. Produces large yellow flower spikes in late summer and fall.
Last edited by bananaman on Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:46 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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By bananaman
Posts:  2059
Joined:  Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:54 am
mouthstofeed wrote:Is that the milkweed the butterflies like?
This is the most common milkweed in cultivation. It’s not native to the US, but queen and monarch butterflies do eat lots of it. In areas where it doesn’t die in the winter, it can be a concern because of parasites, but that’s easy to solve by chopping it back to the ground a couple times a year.

The seeds are much easier to grow than other milkweeds — toss them into a pot and keep it warm. No stratification or other treatment necessary. These are a few years old, but I had great germination over winter with them.
By bananaman
Posts:  2059
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Bumping because this is still active and I just added the seeds of this lovely pink form of Salvia coccinea I found growing wild. (The seeds are from a plant I grew from a cutting of a wild one.)
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By Artchic528
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Just an FYI for anyone wanting to procure Bannaman's castor beans/plants. Some cities, like Hayward, California for example, don't allow possession of castor beans or castor bean plants within city limits. I'd check with your local laws to see if castor beans and plants are allowed in your area before asking for them.
By bananaman
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Artchic528 wrote:Just an FYI for anyone wanting to procure Bannaman's castor beans/plants. Some cities, like Hayward, California for example, don't allow possession of castor beans or castor bean plants within city limits. I'd check with your local laws to see if castor beans and plants are allowed in your area before asking for them.
I was hesitant to list them for that exact reason, but I decided to list them anyway because I have a lot and they are common ornamental plants. ‘Impala’ is a wonderful purple variety.

Here’s the reason I’m offering all these non-carnivorous seeds for SASE. This is just a portion of my seed stash. Every envelope is a different species, and I don’t have the time or space to grow them all out :p
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By bananaman
Posts:  2059
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Surprisingly enough, at least some the seeds of evergreen or Berlandier’s acacia (Senegalia berlandieri) seem to be polyembryonic! That is, they have multiple embryos and produce multiple sprouts.

This seed germinated in only a couple days and already has roots over 8" long.
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This is a really cool plant and I’m excited that I’ve got so many seeds. Some of y’all should get some! While they’re not terribly hardy (they probably take damage below about 10-15°F), they’re a fast growing, thornless, semi-evergreen acacia with nice flowers in the spring. They’re incredibly drought tolerant and cast light shade you can grow other stuff under.

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