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By Deftinwolf
Posts:  36
Joined:  Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:43 am

I got a few longifolia plugs 3ish weeks ago and so far I've had barely any progress on them. At one point there were three little sprouts coming up but two of them have disappeared, and the third hasn't done anything for a while. Getting decently bright windowsill light, and I'm flooding it periodically. Any input would be appreciated!
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By nimbulan
Posts:  2398
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I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure this species should be grown in LFS or live sphagnum with less water as it is generally considered an epiphyte.
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By SFLguy
Posts:  1726
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nimbulan wrote:I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure this species should be grown in LFS or live sphagnum with less water as it is generally considered an epiphyte.
No I don't think it's an epiphyte
It's actually not part of the section orchodiodes which contains the showy flowers and more epiphytic species
I think lfs works fine for this one
By Deftinwolf
Posts:  36
Joined:  Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:43 am
Yep I've hunted around a good bit for info, it isn't picky and does well in either peat:sand or LFS.
By carnigrower
Posts:  92
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Yeah its a terrestrial species, and pretty unfussy with substrate, Herts a pic of mine on a West facing windowsill, it's in a mix with peat, perlite and fine grade orchid bark with a top dressing of live sphagnum. I flood it then leave it to use up the water and when only quarter of the water is left in the container I fill it back up, in winter I just keep it moist. Personally I wouldn't flood it till it is well established in the pot..

By carnigrower
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I'm taking it back to the shop to complain, Best before date is still a week away

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By tommyr
Posts:  1753
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carnigrower wrote:Yeah its a terrestrial species, and pretty unfussy with substrate, Herts a pic of mine on a West facing windowsill, it's in a mix with peat, perlite and fine grade orchid bark with a top dressing of live sphagnum. I flood it then leave it to use up the water and when only quarter of the water is left in the container I fill it back up, in winter I just keep it moist. Personally I wouldn't flood it till it is well established in the pot..

Nice plant! Mine is in a west window in 50/50 peat moss/perlite but my leaves (the few I do have) are long and skinny. About 9-10".
By carnigrower
Posts:  92
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Cheers! Mine was like that for a number of years and then this year it just decided to grow, nothing changed either same pot, substrate and position. Go figure

By tommyr
Posts:  1753
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carnigrower wrote:Cheers! Mine was like that for a number of years and then this year it just decided to grow, nothing changed either same pot, substrate and position. Go figure

Thanks Mark!

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