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Post here to organize or join a group order

Moderator: Matt

By charlie
Posts:  545
Joined:  Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:08 pm
My b-day was recently so I'm going to be doing a Wistuba order. If anybody would like to jump in on this and get a discount for shipping please pm me by Saturday, March 14th! We can work the details out through pm's.

(matt, if this is off topic please feel free to delete/move it)


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By BrunoL
Posts:  242
Joined:  Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:23 pm
Wow this is great! Eric (Dionae) and I have trying to get more people on the previous group order but no one decided to join. Glad to see that you're interested in a group order for wistuba. I'll join for sure!!
By KissMegan
Posts:  659
Joined:  Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:07 am
nimbulan wrote:Wow those are some of the cheapest prices I've seen on Heliamphora. Will any of these grow without elevated humidity?
I'm pretty positive all heliamphora need elevated humidity. I tried my minor at 50-60% RH and it withered in a day. That was 3 months ago and it's still recovering haha
By KissMegan
Posts:  659
Joined:  Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:07 am
I'd love helis from wistuba but all the ones I want are of course the most expensive on the site... maybe I could ask my boyfriend to buy me one or 2 as a birthday present and get back to you all about it haha
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By Matt
Posts:  22529
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KissMegan wrote:I'm pretty positive all heliamphora need elevated humidity.
In my experience, H. minor is very tolerant to lower humidity levels. I've grown them at humidity levels down into the 20% and even the teens and they did fine. H. nutans is not as tolerant, but it can get by too.
By KissMegan
Posts:  659
Joined:  Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:07 am
Matt wrote:
KissMegan wrote:I'm pretty positive all heliamphora need elevated humidity.
In my experience, H. minor is very tolerant to lower humidity levels. I've grown them at humidity levels down into the 20% and even the teens and they did fine. H. nutans is not as tolerant, but it can get by too.
Well then :/ I guess mine just really didn't like lower humidity. Now that you've said that I may try again but not with the same plant. It's been kind of sickly since I got it but I could give it another go with a stronger heli :)
By BrunoL
Posts:  242
Joined:  Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:23 pm
charlie wrote:We can work it out through pm's. PM ME!!!!!!!!
Already pmed you. Did you get it?
SgtSarracenia wrote:What is the shipping cost now? I got used to getting free shipping from group orders. What kind of fees and shipping split are we looking at so far?
The shipping cost now to the US is 40 euros ($42) for standard shipping or 50 euro ($52) for expedited shipping. The cost is the same if you order only 1 plant or 1000 plants. The more people join, the less each individual has to pay for shipping. For example, lets say that 10 people joined. Therefore, if we chose standard shipping, each person would pay $4.20 for shipping from Germany to the leader of the order (Charlie) and then $6.00 (USPS Priority Mail) for shipping from Charlie to you. Overall it is about $10.00. Doesn't that sound much better than paying $40 for an individual order? :lol:
Also, we do not need to pay for phytosanitary certificates since Wistuba ships via a US distributor.
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