FlytrapCare Carnivorous Plant Forums

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Discuss any carnivorous plant that doesn't fit in the above categories here or general chat about carnivorous plants

Moderator: Matt

By pieguy452
Posts:  2460
Joined:  Sun May 22, 2011 11:09 pm
Like something that shows the weather conditions of a certain area?
By pieguy452
Posts:  2460
Joined:  Sun May 22, 2011 11:09 pm
Wunderground is a website that shows the history and current weather conditions of a specific area. Is this like something you were looking for?
pieguy452 liked this

I mostly grow Sarracenia and VFTs and recently had[…]

Requesting FTS Maroon Monster OP

FTS Maroon Monster OP, S. leuco hybrids OP (bonus)[…]

Order received, thank you

Order received, thank you

Always better to be safe than sorry! Words of w[…]

Got it! Thank you! :D

Ugg…Watering Droso

Yeah. I found the bottom leaves drooping the other[…]

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