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Moderator: Matt

By Shes Crofty
Posts:  872
Joined:  Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:06 pm
Daniel_G wrote:
Shes Crofty wrote:
pieguy452 wrote:I was also wondering, are the people who win always master photographers with amazing cameras? )
I've got a Canon Powershot SD1400 and I won 3rd place in the last photo contest. :D
I'm definitely no master photographer either, I just spend a lot of time playing with my camera.
Hehehe, i have a crap camera and i never get a prize :lol:
Tho', my plants never look that good for the contests :(
Aww why not? :( Just bad timing?
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By Matt
Posts:  22531
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
Contest is now open for submissions! Submission thread is here: ... 12992.html

Good luck everyone! There should be some nice photos. My plants look the best they have all year right now.
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By jht-union
Posts:  3205
Joined:  Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:43 pm
I thought the contest ended on Friday 13, 2011. :( :( i was planning on putting the pic on the last day, but i see the contest is already over. :(. I must have gotten days confused :( ;(

Well i guess next time will do, good luck to the submitters! :)
By jht-union
Posts:  3205
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dantt99 wrote:jht-union wrote:
Friday 13, 2011

Sorry to hear, but it's Thursday the thirteenth
Huh, and now i have the dates confused :lol:
By Darkrai283
Posts:  2491
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Sorry to hear that jht-union. But I wouldn't get the date confused as Friday the 13th cuz my friends was born on that day and he had his 12th b-day last year which was on Friday the 13th and there is the same date on the calendar very 12 years sooooo.... Yh
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By Matt
Posts:  22531
Joined:  Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:28 pm
Seems like quite a few people were confused about the closing date for submissions. That's unfortunate. I'll have to make sure I make it "louder" next time on the submission thread and announcement thread.
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