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By Panman
Posts:  6708
Joined:  Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:41 pm
Grow List

Cephalotus folicularis
  • Clone 1 - FTCF PlanT640847401
  • Clone 2 - Geff Cosgrave
  • Clone 3 - Geff Cosgrave
  • californica - FTCF Carnies
Dionaea muscipula
  • 'B52' - FTCF MikeB
  • 'A2' - FTCF MikeB
  • 'Akai Ryu' - Javier Garcia
  • 'Archangel' - FTCF Blackfeather666
  • 'B52' - Ismael Hernandez
  • 'BCP Z02' - FTCF WONE
  • 'Big Mouth' - FTS
  • 'Bohemian Garnet ' - FTCF BCavanaugh
  • 'Bristletooth ' - Vanessa Valenzuela
  • 'CCCP Pinky Fingers' - Ismael Hernandez
  • 'CCCP Razor Blade' - Ismael Hernandez
  • 'Coquillage'
  • 'Crimson Sawtooth' - FTCF Carnies
  • 'DC XL' - FTCF Carnies
  • 'DC XL' - FTCF -Stanley-
  • 'Dente' - Sarracenia Northwest
  • 'Fine Tooth x Red' - ?
  • 'Flaming Lips' - FTCF Carnies
  • 'FTS Maroon Monster' - FTS
  • 'FTS Towering Giant' - FTCF WONE
  • 'G16' - FTS
  • 'Giant Microdent' - ?
  • 'Gold Strike' - FTCF Blackfeather666
  • 'Jaws' - FTCF MaxVFT
  • 'King Henry' - Ismael Hernandez
  • 'Purple Ambush' - FTCF Carnies
  • 'Purple Ambush' - FTCF WONE
  • 'Royal Red' - FTS
  • 'Sawtooth'
  • 'SD Kronos' - FTCF Stanley
  • 'Scarlatine ' - FTCF Carnies
  • 'Schuppenstiel ' - FTCF Carnies
  • 'UK Sawtooth' - FTCF Carnies
  • 'Vigorous' - FTS
  • 'Wally' - FTCF Carnies
  • 'WIP Slim Snapper' - FTS
  • 'Yellow' - FTCF MikeB
  • "CHB6 red sawtooth" - Atlanta Carnivorous Gardens
  • adelae - Benjamin
  • affinis
  • aliciae
  • anglica temperate - FTCF Hollyhock
  • binata dichotoma - FTCF Optique
  • binata multifida - FTCF ChefDean
  • binata multifida extrema - Ismael Hernandez
  • capensis, Bot River, Ellenic
  • capensis
  • capensis 'Big Pink' - FTCF MaxVFT
  • capensis "Red"
  • capensis alba
  • capilaris, Eatonville, Fl
  • capilaris, Bertioga, Brazil
  • capillaris 'Emerald Envy'
  • capillaris, Panama City, FL - Benjamin
  • carbarpup
  • filiformis - SG
  • filiformis 'Dreamsicle'
  • filiformis floridana 'White Flower' - FTCF ChefDean
  • filiformis 'Florida Red'
  • fliformis filiformis - Carnivorous Plant Nursery
  • intermedia
  • intermedia - Atlanta Carnivorous Gardens
  • madagascarensis - FTCF Hollyhock
  • micrantha "Cranbrook"
  • nidiformis
  • omissa
  • paradoxa
  • regia - FTCF Herbz187
  • rotundafolia, Ely, MN
  • scorpiodes
  • spatulata 'Okinawa' x 'Tamlin' - FTCF Apollyon
  • spatulata 'Tamlin' - FTCF Apollyon
  • tracyii Anthocyanine Free
  • tracyii, Bruce, FL - FTCF ChrisAggie
  • tracyii - Flytrap King
  • x californica - FTCF Supercazzola
  • exappendiculata Amuri x (heterodoxa x ionasii) - FTCF Hollyhock
  • heterodoxa x minor - Nancy Martens
  • aff Sanguinea - Lowes
  • ampularia x rafflesiana x kuchingensis x globosa x mirabilis - Phillipe Connois
  • edinburg x bicalcarata - Phillipe Connois
  • globosa x rafflesiana "Red" x rafflesiana "White" - Phillipe Connois
  • klom - Phillipe Connois
  • Miranda - Pikes
  • NoID - Phillipe Connois
  • rafflesiana "Long" x rafflesiana "Dark" - Phillipe Connois
  • sanguinea - FTCF Carnies
  • Ventrata - Cotton Picking Fair
  • 'Aphrodite' - Troy Alexander
  • 'Pirouette' - Troy Alexander
  • agnata x gypsicola - Francisco Palacios
  • cyclosecta - FTCF Apollyon
  • emarginata x gypsicola - Francisco Palacios
  • emarginata x laueana - Sarracenia Northwest
  • lutea - Lee's Botanical Gardens
  • planifolia - Lee's Botanical Gardens
  • primulaflora - Lee's Botanical Gardens
  • 'Abandoned Hope' - BleauxExotics
  • 'Bog Witch' - FTCF TracieH
  • 'Bug Bat' - Troy Alexander
  • 'Dixie Lace' - Courting Frog Nursery
  • 'Doreen's Colossus' - Courting Frog Nursery
  • 'Judith Hindle' - FTCF Carnies
  • 'Judith Hindle' x self - SG
  • 'Kew Gardens' - Javier Garcia
  • 'Leah Wilkerson' - Nancy Martens
  • 'Phil's Mitchelliana' - Atlanta Carnivorous Gardens
  • 'Red Bug' - Carnivorous Plant Nursery
  • 'Scarlett Belle'
  • (Crazy Quilt x White L) x Doreen's Colossus) - FTCF ChefDean
  • (Fuzzy Pink L x (O x F)) x Berry Pastry - FTCF ChefDean
  • (lecuophylla x flava Ornata) x flava rubricorpa 'Claret' - SG Sarr026
  • (minor x psittancia) x flava LW5 ornata - SG
  • aff Judith Hindle
  • alabamensis "Christian Klein"
  • alabamensis alabamensis - Meadowview Biological Research Station
  • alata - Javier Garcia
  • alata "black" (old German clone) x alata "black" pubescent - FTCF ChefDean
  • alata 'Night' - SG
  • alata 'Night' - Nancy Martens
  • alata "Maroon Lid" - Lee's Botanical Gardens
  • alata rubrioperticulata - FTCF Supercazolla
  • catesbaei - Ismael Hernandez
  • catesbaei "Bronze Beauty" - SG
  • CFN aff rubra Anthocyanine Free - Courting Frog Nursery
  • CFN Hybrid 1 - Courting Frogs Nursery
  • CFN Hybrid 2 - Courting Frog Nursery
  • CFN aff flava - Courting Frog Nursery
  • CFN aff ornata - Courting Frog Nursery
  • Cooks Hybrid 1 - Ismael Hernandez
  • Drew McLain x King Cobra - FTCF Hollyhock
  • Drummond's Giant x flava rubricorpa MWS - FTCF ElaineO
  • flava
  • flava, Brunswick Co, GA
  • flava
  • flava "FTS01" - FTS
  • flava "FTS02" - FTS
  • flava "FTS03" - FTS
  • flava "Mom"
  • flava "OP2&3" - SG
  • flava cuprea
  • flava OP - SG
  • flava ornata "black veins/red throat" - FTCF Supercazzola
  • flava ornata x self - SG
  • flava rubricorpa, Bay Co, FL - Mike Wang
  • flava rubricorpa - Carnies
  • flava rubricorpa - FTCF Mike B
  • flava rubricorpa x self
  • flava rubricorpa x self - SG
  • flava x flava 37M - SG
  • Green Hornet x mitchelliana - FTCF TracieH
  • jonesii - Meadowview Biological Research Station
  • Leah Wilkerson x Judith HIndle - SG
  • Leah Wilkerson X[(Bloodmoon x flava rubricorpa) x Wilkerson's Red Rocket] - FTCF Supercazzola
  • leucophylla
  • leucophylla - FTCF ElaineO
  • leucophylla - FTS
  • leucophylla
  • leucophylla, Washington Co, AL
  • leucophylla "FTS02" - FTS
  • leucophylla "Red" - FTCF ElaineO
  • leucophylla "White x Solid White" - Mike Wang
  • leucophylla "White" - FTCF ElaineO
  • Meadoview Hitchiker aff purpurea heterophylla - Meadowview Biological Research Station
  • Meadoview Hitchiker aff rubra - Meadowview Biological Research Station
  • Meadowview Hitchiker 1 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker 2 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker 3 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker 4 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker 5 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker 6 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker 7 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker 8 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker aff alabamensis - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker aff leucophylla - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker aff purpurea 1 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker aff purpurea 2 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker aff purpurea 3 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker aff purpurea 4 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker aff purpurea 5 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker aff purpurea 6 - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker aff rubra - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • Meadowview Hitchiker aff rubra Anthocyanine Free - Meadowview Biologic Research Station (SG)
  • minor - Lee's Botanical Gardens
  • minor minor - Insectinside Nursery
  • minor okeefenokeensis - Robert Barr
  • montana, Transylvania Co, NC - Mike Wang
  • moorei {Leuco Wash Co AL OP} - Atlanta Carnivorous Gardens
  • oreophila - BleauxExotics
  • psittacina - Javier Garcia
  • psittacina 'Golfballensis' - Lee's Botanical Gardens
  • psittacina okefenokeensis, Liberty County, FL - Insectinside Nursery
  • purpurea "OP1" - SG
  • purpurea "OP2" - SG
  • purpurea purpurea - Carnivorous Plant Nursery
  • purpurea venosa, Tattnall Co, GA - FTCF Herbz187
  • purpurea venosa, Montgomery Co, NC - Mike Wang
  • purpurea venosa, Tattnall Co, GA - Mike Wang
  • purpurea venosa
  • purpurea venosa, Tattnall Co, GA - Atlanta Carnivorous Gardens (SG)
  • purpurea venosa - Sarracenia Northwest
  • purpurea venosa "Calabash Christmas"
  • rosea - Sarracenia Northwest
  • rosea "Giant" - Javier Garcia
  • rosea Chipola - Lee's Botanical Gardens
  • rubra - Ismael Hernandez
  • rubra - Javier Garcia
  • rubra
  • rubra gulfensis
  • rubra gulfensis - Lee's Botanical Gardens
  • rubra wherryii - Lee's Botanical Gardens
  • rubra wherryii 'Chatom Giant', Washington Co, AL - FTCF Supercazzola
  • Titan x Doreen's Colossus
  • Compact Green
  • Compact Red
  • bisquamata, Betty's Bay - FTCF Blackfeather666
  • longifolia - FTCF ChefDean
  • sandersoni - Troy Alexander
  • nephrophylla - FTCF ElaineO
  • sandersoni 'Blue' - FTCF ChefDean
  • subulata


New Sarr species/varieties
New Flytrap cultivars
Temperate pings
New temperate sundews/hybrids
Any plant with Green Swamp or Brunswick County, NC location data
Heliamphora (indoor climate friendly)
Last edited by Panman on Mon Oct 30, 2023 4:57 pm, edited 47 times in total.
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By Apollyon
Posts:  1663
Joined:  Tue May 05, 2020 2:49 am
Someone else with inflata :D I got a cutting off ebay and threw it in with one of my submerged epiphytes. It just sat there and then next day (not really) it was double the size. They're neat to watch. I set it up so I can see the traps of both species. How's yours doing?
Last edited by Apollyon on Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Panman
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I bought a 6" cutting and put it in a pot of water and it grew pretty well. So much that I tore off a couple of chunks and threw them in the watering trays for some of my deeper pots. Then I did some research and decide to try and set up an environment for them, with some peat at the bottom of a pail of distilled. Well, the plants that I took care of turned white. The were alive but white. The plants I chucked in the trays went bonkers and grew. So now all of them are in a pail of regular water and have turned green. They haven't formed hiberniculum yet so I am a little worried. I already had a layer of ice form on the pot. I really want to see them flower. Where I grew up there was a pond where they grew wild and it was loaded with flowers in the spring.
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By Apollyon
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I had an utricularia vulgaris cutting I received with the inflata that turned white as well when I transferred it into my pot. It just looked dead. I honestly was debating throwing out but kept telling myself "Maybe there's a live piece on there I can't see" Sure enough the plant exploded with some new green growth after about a week or so after that. Interesting though. My epiphytes actually are grown in a way that fits the aquatic needs. I used an oblong shaped tupperware container where I had the bottom layer peat/sand with sphagnum moss sitting on top where the epiphyte grows. I left half the container open with water to see the traps of the humboldtii when it grew out. I threw the aquatic species in there to do its thing.

Interesting, they form hibernaculum? I'll admit I didn't research them that well. I was actually curious if it could keep the water clean for my humboldtii/nelumbifolia as far as algae goes. Do you keep yours in the full sun? Mine is indoors but I'd like to do a pot outside to let it get some size. I'll admit I have no idea how I plan to work with this plant when it gets too large. The other reason I left it there in the pots is so I manage it well :lol: Perhaps a giveaway or ebay in the future :/

That's amazing man, growing these does have me look at nature more and I have an appreciation for it in a different way. Few months ago I went out with my friend to hike a site about a half hour from here where they had pingicuila. S. minor and d. capillaris growing wild. It was awesome finding my first one in nature. Thinking back now, I believe I've encountered utricularia as well as a kid but always just thought of it as some kind of "random growth" I want to go back during a different season to catch them flowering.
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By Panman
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I used the wrong term. It is not hiberniculum but turions. Regardless, the form a bud and sink to the bottom until spring. I've had mine in full sun all summer long and the did fine. Algae is a problem. When it gets too bad, I pull the plant out, rinse it in clean water and give it a fresh batch.

My first experience with a CP in the wild was a drosera intermedia in a bog in upstate New York. I had no idea what it was other than it had sticky tentacles. Someone told me what it was and I was hooked. That was 38ish year ago and this hobby is as fascinating as ever.
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By Greenthumbs Garden
Posts:  644
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That's an impressive growlist Panman! I'm hoping to get my hands on a G16 also. I'd also love to expand my Drosra collection.
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By Panman
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Last year when I joined this forum I only had about 5 species. Lots of plants but little variety. I've done a lot of trading, selling, and buying over the past year. And it is all @ChefDean's fault. :D
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By Greenthumbs Garden
Posts:  644
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trading is the best way, I wish I could find more people to trade with here in Europe. hopefully when I get my new vft cultivars I should have a nice selection that should help me win more trades.
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By Panman
Posts:  6708
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I finally got around to getting pictures of everything I have kicking around in the Squirrel Defense 5000.
Tray of typicals except for Akai r'yu
Tray of typicals except for Akai r'yu
IMG_19072021_210229_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (557.14 KiB) Viewed 9881 times
Judith Hindle, rubra vars., oreophila!
Judith Hindle, rubra vars., oreophila!
IMG_19072021_205756_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (546.83 KiB) Viewed 9884 times
Leucos, rubra, alabamensis
Leucos, rubra, alabamensis
IMG_19072021_205742_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (542.24 KiB) Viewed 9884 times
Psittacina, leuco, minor, flava
Psittacina, leuco, minor, flava
IMG_19072021_195834_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (514.49 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Flava, purp, and hybrid seedlings
Flava, purp, and hybrid seedlings
IMG_19072021_195848_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (416.41 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Another pot from the 25
Another pot from the 25
IMG_19072021_195909_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (514.96 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Pot of flytraps (from 25 babies)
Pot of flytraps (from 25 babies)
IMG_19072021_195923_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (531.25 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
My daughter's 'red' bog featuring
My daughter's 'red' bog featuring
IMG_19072021_200007_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (703.9 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Another flava bog
Another flava bog
IMG_19072021_200041_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (658.91 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Flava and purp bog
Flava and purp bog
IMG_19072021_200056_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (671.33 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Flavas, purps, psittacina
Flavas, purps, psittacina
IMG_19072021_200110_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (521.35 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Flavas, Judith Hindle, and Judathip Soper
Flavas, Judith Hindle, and Judathip Soper
IMG_19072021_200133_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (472.96 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
A giant tracyii
A giant tracyii
IMG_19072021_200202_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (462.44 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Temperate pings
Temperate pings
IMG_19072021_200227_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (505.46 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Tray of flytrap cultivars
Tray of flytrap cultivars
IMG_19072021_200249_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (536.6 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
A pumice rock experiment
A pumice rock experiment
IMG_19072021_200321_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (405.58 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Sarr seedlings
Sarr seedlings
IMG_19072021_200426_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (521.36 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Growing out baby flytraps
Growing out baby flytraps
IMG_19072021_200527_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (431.2 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Intermedia and Dragons
Intermedia and Dragons
IMG_19072021_200546_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (573.58 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
A forest of filiformis
A forest of filiformis
IMG_19072021_200602_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (601.71 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Capes and friends
Capes and friends
IMG_19072021_200627_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (503.14 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Growing out specimens
Growing out specimens
IMG_19072021_200616_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (515.36 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Seed starting
Seed starting
IMG_19072021_200638_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (431.3 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
My Darlingtonia rig
My Darlingtonia rig
IMG_19072021_195814_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (461.11 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Maybe miranda and some more unknown basals
Maybe miranda and some more unknown basals
IMG_19072021_200717_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (570.66 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
IMG_19072021_200829_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (221.3 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
Another vetrata with a couple unidentified pots
Another vetrata with a couple unidentified pots
IMG_19072021_200658_(1200_x_900_pixel).jpg (613.46 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
One of several ventratas
One of several ventratas
IMG_19072021_200844_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (470.86 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
IMG_19072021_200938_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (639.29 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
A few veggies too
A few veggies too
IMG_19072021_200950_(900_x_1200_pixel).jpg (607.56 KiB) Viewed 9885 times
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By Panman
Posts:  6708
Joined:  Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:41 pm
Added some more plants from this weekend's swap meet.

Pinguicula, Mexican
- Aphrodite
- agnata x gypsicola
- emarginata x gypsicola
- Piroutte
- rotundiflora x gracillis

- Red Bug
- leucophylla Tarnok

- inflata (my last one didn't survive the winter)
- subulata
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By Cross
Posts:  1871
Joined:  Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:25 pm
Hey, for some reason I can't seem to PM anyone. I was wondering if you have an extra d. Cap. Red. Turns out, I had 4 divisions from that Coquillage lol. I was wondering what those ultis look like too. I love them but it seems not so easy to just get a plug lol. But I really want another red lol. Image

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Peter D'Amato passed today

I'm sorry to hear this.

Hello from Chicago, Illinois.

I'm just starting out with carnivorous plants &[…]

Has anyone heard about this population of giant tr[…]

Received. Thanks!

They arrived! thank you! :D

Just saw this[…]

Thanks. Yeah I’ve been trying to find a loca[…]

Thanks guys I’ll cut it. I haven’t got[…]

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