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By Greenthumbs Garden
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Dionaea Muscipula
B52 (since 29.03.14) from M. King
South West Giant (29.03.14) from M. King
Royal Red (29.03.14) from M. King
Jaws (19.05.21) from T. Cox
Sawtooth (19.05.21) from T. Cox
UK Sawtooth II (27.05.21) from C. Klein
DCXL (27.05.21) from C. Klein
Bimbo (27.05.21) from C. Klein
Unknown Clone (29.05.21) from Viveros Margarita.

Cephalotus Follicularis
'typical' (07.01.16) from a UK garden center, traveled back with it on the airplane.

Bloody Mary 'ventricosa x ampularia' (18.05.16) from local garden center.
Ventricosa x Lowii 'red' (03/03/19) - from Toms Carnivores
Hookeriana (30/04/21) - from Garden Center Viveros Del Valle
Ventricosa x Mira (27.05.21) from C. Klein

Capensis "because who hasn't got one off these lovable weeds in their collection, lol" (since some time in 2007 from some seed that accidentally fell out of a dead flower and into my hand in the garden center ◔_◔, my first success)
Scorpioides (30/07/20) - from Garden Center Viveros Del Valle

UPDATED 12/07/21 Bigmouth loss
Last edited by Greenthumbs Garden on Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:57 am, edited 13 times in total.
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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Today I aquired drosera madagascariensis from a small basel pulling. Im optimistic it will do well.
Last edited by Greenthumbs Garden on Fri Jul 31, 2020 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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Yesterday I saw a little Dorosera Scorpioides in the garden center and for 5.85e I could not resist. I took it home and gave the media a good flushing out. As they typically water with normal water at the garden centers, despite my many rants in the past they don't care. The first Pygmy Drosera in my collection.

Shame the Madagascariensis basel pulling did not survive... it was doing very well then it got placed on my vft table where it's much hotter and I think that's what killed it. it dies soon after to my distress :x

Dorosera Scorpioides
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By Apollyon
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That's awesome. They don't really have CPs in the garden centers where I'm at. Haven't seen a "Death cube" in like 10 years lol. That's a cool pygmy, I've been trying to expand on my collection but they're apparently hard to come by right now lol.
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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Today I filled an order with an Irish grower to get 3 new Dionaea cultivars, I can't wait to receive them. Jaws, Sawtooth, and Big Mouth. Sometime in the future he should have Maroon Monster and Fused Tooth so let us see what this order looks like, and in the future then ill be able to get some more.
Last edited by Greenthumbs Garden on Mon May 10, 2021 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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Picked up this guy today at the Garden center, most of the carnivorous plants they have never last long and look good on arrival then die. They don't give a monkey's rectum about what water to use and my previous rants fell on deaf ears. Found this though and looks like I should be able to get a few divides on it when I repot tomorrow. I'll get it out of that media and plant it into NZ Sphagnum.
Nepenthes Hookeriana
Last edited by Greenthumbs Garden on Mon May 10, 2021 9:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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Just paid for my new little order from Christian Klein's nursery in Germany :D for a DCXL! I been hungering for this plant for years now.... I also ordered a Bimbo! I was impressed with its cover pics... and finally a seed-grown N.Ventricosa x Mira. I'm pumped to receive them.
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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@Matt, I'm hatching a little plan, Matt. I want to make a very small-scale CP shop to start with just to get the ball rolling and then target Europe and sell through my channel. Then get into TC as I've been desiring to get into it for years now and never get there. I have seen some ace aluminium greenhouses on amazon for very good prices and think it could serve great for my Neps, and orchids and flytraps that are coming out of TC... seeing your new greenhouse makes me want one...just a 5% of the size for now. Check it out, 11sq space, for about 600euro.
at the min we in a transition of moving house so we don't yet know where we going, we may go to Portugal. So that would be until we settle. I would love to just be pottering around my plants all day long... I get attached to my plants though... I don't think I could see them go... :lol: We got a friend with kids come around from time to time and they love to see the flytraps and feed them... he always asks, "can I have one".. and I say... "do you know how to look after it?"... it would be dead in a week. I love them too much. I've rambled on a bit there...
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By Matt
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@Dr GreenThumb, NICE!!! I'd love to be able to help you get set up. Maybe a winter vacation to Portugal would be in order :lol:

Leah and I too are in the processing of moving, having just signed a contract to sell our home in Oregon on Wednesday. Ahhhh!!
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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@Matt, Oh wow it's sold, congrats man! That would be awesome, you guys would be most welcome to stay with us!! We are looking into Portugal at the moment as taxes are cheaper, and the weather is a little cooler which would suit me better. Life, in general, is cheaper too. I hand-pollinated one of my phalaenopsis orchids and read the only way to grow them from seed is in vitro in aseptic conditions as in the wild they have a fungus or endosperm that helps them germinate and grow. So I think it would be a cool chance to get into some basic TC at a minimal setup cost. Get your selfs over here man, even if we stay in Spain you will be welcom :D
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By Matt
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@Dr GreenThumb, Leah and I looked at living in Portugal but not really intensely. It wouldn't really be feasible for us to move the business there! It looks like a great place though. We would definitely love to take a trip to Spain or Portugal, depending on what you end up doing. I lived in Spain for a couple of months in high school and in college as part of an exchange program and I loved it. Would be excited to get back over there!

That's cool that you have some phalaenopsis seed pods to work with. I did one of Steve_D's phal seed pods many years ago now when I first started TC work. It was fun and I learned a lot.
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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Matt wrote: I lived in Spain for a couple of months in high school and in college as part of an exchange program and I loved it.
Was that Salamanca by any chance?
Matt wrote:I did one of Steve_D's phal seed pods many years ago now when I first started TC work. It was fun and I learned a lot
That's awesome, how did they turn out? I think working with the phal seeds will be a nice start... I just need to reread all the TC threads again and work out what I need then find a supply shop and get the basic stuff. It's a bit overwhelming at the start, more sourcing the gear rather than actually getting down to doing it I find.
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By Matt
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Dr GreenThumb wrote:Was that Salamanca by any chance?
Madrid both times, though my sister did a semester in Salamanca and loved it!
Dr GreenThumb wrote:That's awesome, how did they turn out?
I had no idea what I was doing at that point, so the culture got contaminated early on and I had to plant them out when they were super tiny. They would have lived (and did for a while) but I had too many other interests and, unfortunately, didn't keep them alive in the long term.
Dr GreenThumb wrote:I just need to reread all the TC threads again and work out what I need then find a supply shop and get the basic stuff. It's a bit overwhelming at the start
Yeah, starting TC is a big hurdle to get over, but once you're over it and have all the necessary gear and knowledge, it becomes pretty easy.
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By Greenthumbs Garden
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Matt wrote:my sister did a semester in Salamanca and loved it!
Ah Madrid. My wife is from Salamanca, so we visit occasionally to see her family. It's a beautiful city, very historic, the city Plaza Major is real beautiful.
Matt wrote:the culture got contaminated early on
That's what I can see happening to me, but then I would prefer to practice on these seed pods before trying some CP seed, or if I ever order some vitro cultures from you. This will give me some practice.
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