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By cbennett4041
Posts:  489
Joined:  Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:22 am
The nearest Lowe's is about an hours drive from my house. It's an every-other-Saturday ritual for me and the wife to head over there and check out the "bargains." Much to my wife's chagrin, these trips always include a stop by the carnivorous plant shelf. This time I limited myself to only plants I didn't have in my collection. Luckily, they had a Sarracenia rubra... a new one for me!

I let the plant acclimatize to the ambient humidity before transplanting. I watered it heavily during this time. After a few days I freed it from its cube. Here are some pictures...
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Wait... did you see that?
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Sure enough, this little guy had survived the drowning he endured after I first purchased the plant. I guess he go crammed in the bottom of the pot by accident and was seeking the light through a drain hole. He was definitely part of a separate root system. Here's a picture after excavation.
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Including this little guy, I ended up with three plants from this $5 cube. That's almost as good as the 5 VFT I found in a $5 clearance cube at Lowe's! Finally, here's a picture of them potted up.
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Any body else ever see this with the Death Cubes?
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By AwesomeBobcat2012
Posts:  80
Joined:  Sat May 08, 2010 6:26 pm
I bought my first VFT in March of this year (2010) and I thought it was once plant with three different sizes of plants, but when I transplanted it in June I came to find out it was three plants!! Wow great was that?? A $5.35 VFT cube!! Wow! Haha, but a similar situation occurred when I bought my S. purpurea it was actually two purpurea, then again with my sundew it was two sundews in one pot. Also once more with three VFTs in once cube for $6.00 from Wal-Mart!
By victor
Posts:  2028
Joined:  Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:42 am
I never knew they sold sarracenia rubras at lowes
By victor
Posts:  2028
Joined:  Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:42 am
At my local Lowes they only sell VFT's, drosera adalaes, sarracenia purpurea, and surprisingly sarracenia flava which they call yellow pitcher.

I've seen in some pictures that a few Lowes sell nepenthes and cobra lily.
By Idontkno23
Posts:  203
Joined:  Thu May 20, 2010 2:47 am
victorcai wrote:At my local Lowes they only sell VFT's, drosera adalaes, sarracenia purpurea, and surprisingly sarracenia flava which they call yellow pitcher.

I've seen in some pictures that a few Lowes sell nepenthes and cobra lily.
All we get is some piles of dead VFT, D. Adelae, S. Purpurea, and S. Rubra.
By victor
Posts:  2028
Joined:  Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:42 am
I really wish my local Lowes sold sarracenia rubras.
By victor
Posts:  2028
Joined:  Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:42 am
I wish my local lowes sold sarracenia rubras
By snapperhead51
Posts:  2183
Joined:  Mon May 03, 2010 11:46 am
victorcai wrote:I wish my local lowes sold sarracenia rubras
Well dont go there !! in spring try eBay for a source of plants you will get better quality and ranges of plants,, or ask people on here who are experienced growers in your country ,to see if they have split there sarras up and have spare plants , every 3 years I triple up on mine !! or look up the carnivorous plant society in your state or country and email the secretary or who ever is contactable on there web site and ask where or whom you can get the plants you want , these people like me will know who,when, where and how ,as there are all growers and have a huge resources and knowledge base of most or all CP's , for experience and to gain the proven knowledge you need joining a CP society is a proven way to get all you need from plants , resources , mediums , and supplies or will tell where to obtain them at discounted prices in you are a member !! rather than a store that carries a few un-named plants ??
By victor
Posts:  2028
Joined:  Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:42 am

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