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FlytrapCare Forum periodic photo contests

Moderator: Matt

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By Panman
Posts:  6708
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We all have that one plant that we are super impressed with. It may be a spectacular specimen, or it may simply be a finicky plant that we have managed not to kill. Whichever it is, this month we want to see your best plant. All species are eligible for this contest.

When I told @Matt and Leah that this month’s theme was “Best Plant”, Leah responded with this:
Top of our best-of list right now is SD Kronos, so that would be our pick
SD Kronos flytrap from The Flytrap Store’s top of the best-of-list! What could be better?

From the Flytrap Store website:
SD Kronos is a giant Venus fly trap grown from seed started in 2011 by Stephen Doonan. Steve describes the plant as: "The best Venus Flytrap of thousands grown from the Flytrap Ranch's own seed over the years." It is truly a giant flytrap, producing traps that are exceptionally large, on average. For us, the largest trap hasn't yet quite reached the size of the largest DC XL trap we've seen, but the traps are much larger on average throughout the season than most of the giant flytraps. SD Kronos also has really attractive coloration on its traps. A beautiful Venus Flytrap indeed.
It's time to shine. Show us that beautiful baby of yours, and be picked the best of contest! Also, be sure to give a thumbs up and like your favorite photos!
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By sans
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I got a baby from the flytrap store that looks like that picture...
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By Intheswamp
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Ok. Not a photo contest winner does mean something to me. Back last year in May my middle granddaughter went to Wallyworld with "Gigi". She returned with this little plant...a vicious man-eating flytrap. As fortune would have it she was leaving on a weeks vacation/cheer-competition the next day so Granddaddy "got" to babysit his new, great-grand-flytrap. :o She had researched their care, instructed me well...a deserted me. :lol: As it is with youngster, her fast-paced, jet-setter life took a toll on her carnivorous plant interest as she slowly distanced herself from the plants. Of course I couldn't help but get a wee bit interested...especially after I found *THIS* forum. :lol: So now, I've ended up with few pitchers, a few flytraps, lots of sundews,...a few shelves of different ones. So, that one little flytrap my granddaughter excitedly brought to her granddaddy's house started all this madness I'm in with these plants. I'll figure out a way to get even with her, maybe give her a cage full of gerbils or something...that oughta thrill her mother, too!!! :mrgreen:
It's a rescue, tiny, but it started a tidal wave...
It's a rescue, tiny, but it started a tidal wave...
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By Bluefire
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I know I'm not eligible for the prize, but I wanted to take this time to spotlight a plant that I'm quite fond of. Far from a show-stopping specimen, and not quite finicky enough to make me scream, this is Dracula (unoriginal, I know). It's a N. bicalcarata that I've had since before the pandemic.

I bought this plant from the Carnivorous Plant Nursery in Maryland while on a trip to see my grandparents there. It had tiny, green, toothless pitchers and flimsy leaves. For a while I wondered if I had the right plant! But before long, it began making teeth and coloring up. This year, it finally got repotted.

I don't know if this is just the human tendency to anthropomorphize whatever we see, but I think of Dracula like a big baby. It throws a fit every winter without fail, producing smaller pitchers and acting like it's the end of the world, but I leave it alone. Come spring, it goes back to making perfectly normal growth as if nothing ever happened. It never was in danger of dying, but I'd still say it's the moodiest plant I've ever had the honor (dishonor?) to care for.
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By ChefDean
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Freddy the frog, napping on a Tarnok flower.
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