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By Bluefire
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Camden wrote: Sun Jan 08, 2023 1:50 am You got to go to red leaf?! No fair :( :mrgreen:
I got to go to RedLeaf in exchange for crippling depression and losing a lot of plants (read: the move to Arizona, or as I like to call it, hell). I don't think it was a good deal, but it's not like there was anything I could do.
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By Camden
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Man, Im awfully sorry to hear about that. I’ve been through a bit of depression myself in the past &, it is not fun. Filling up my time with projects helped a lot (drawing, electronics, origami, cooking/baking, etc.). I hope you start feeling better :)
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By Bluefire
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Thanks. I'm trying to get back into the things I used to enjoy, but it isn't easy.

Another thing, I guess I'd like to point out that what gets shared online is often the good stuff. So it looks like everyone is doing better than you. But there's always some... Less good stuff going on in their lives as well. Sometimes I still have to try remembering that, so I don't immediately become jealous because someone has a N. edwardsiana or something like that.
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By Bug_cemetery
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I’m at no loss for moss, but none of mine comes close to how beautiful it is growing wild. This rainbow is from one of my favorite bogs nearby.
B47ADFBB-216E-48CF-A854-33CA8C4C8C1C.jpeg (230.66 KiB) Viewed 2914 times
Lain, Camden, hollyhock and 7 others liked this
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By Panman
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Prize update!

This month, @Matt and Leah from The Flytrap Store are providing a FTS Towering Giant flytrap for our prize.

From the Flytrap Store website:
"FTS Towering Giant" was officially named in July 2014.. This elongated monster flytrap creates spring leaves that can reach over 7 inches in length! Couple this with larger-than-average sized traps, and it's definitely an attention well as an insect nabber!!!
Sundews69, Garden_Nymph, slicric78 and 1 others liked this
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By Garden_Nymph
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I know I'm cutting it close but had to wait for my Sphagnum to arrive lol It's not established so go easy on me lol This is ping mountain with a little bunny ears on either side.
Ping Mountain.jpeg
Ping Mountain.jpeg (1.25 MiB) Viewed 2536 times
Panman, Camden, hollyhock and 5 others liked this
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By Panman
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I'm sorry that I haven't been keeping up with the scores this month. We are finally moved out of our old place so I should have more time going forward. At any rate, here are the current standings:
Bluefire 7
Bug_cemetery 7
Camden 7
evenwind 7
hollyhock 7
optique 7
slicric78 7
Sundews69 6
Carnies 5
Nocturne 5
Panman 5
Blackfeather666 4
DragonsEye 3
Garden_Nymph 1

I think this is the most people tied for first that we have ever had. I see a run-off in the future, but in the meantime there is still a week left in the competition. Be sure to check out our entries and vote for your favorite.
Garden_Nymph, Camden liked this
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By sans
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Where do you vote at? i was gonna vote for garden nymph
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By sans
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oh okay thanks
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By sans
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WOW garden nymph already has 7 likes
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Has anyone heard about this population of giant tr[…]

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They arrived! thank you! :D

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