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Discuss Sarracenia, Heliamphora, Darlingtonia, Cephalotus plant care here

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By hollyhock
Posts:  5657
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
When I purchased my sarrs the posting listed the number of growth points. I am considering selling my tall sarrs since my property is just to shady. I have purchased the more shade tolerant purps. So when I describe them how do I count the growth points? Also some have the rhizome and some are just the root system. Just want to be accurate....
By SerMuncherIV
Posts:  1209
Joined:  Sun May 31, 2015 5:59 pm
Growth points are counted as any point from which leaves grow. In Sarracenia, the leaves all originate from one point, so count how many places leaves emerge from, and that's the number of growth points. If you're selling these though, go with counting less growth points than more, just in case they're disputable or you may have made a mistake.
By hollyhock
Posts:  5657
Joined:  Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:56 am
I know its sounded like a common sense question. I counted 20 leaves on this plant but maybe it's best to put "multiple" growth points instead of being real specific... Thanks
Counted 20...
Counted 20...
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