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Photos of subjects other than carnivorous plants, such as orchids, landscapes, etc.

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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Thank you all so much for your kind words and encouragements! I can't say whether or not the reality of it has sunk in yet, but it's wonderful to actually be able to start talking properly about some of the practicalities we'll be facing. We've had various discussions over the last few months but, until now, it's all been hypothetical (though hoped for!). We both reckon there'll be a Final Fantasy theme to the wedding somewhere, so I'm trying to find something to that effect to add to my attire on the day that doesn't cost an absolute fortune.

I have a dress sorted already. :lol: Is that bad?

xr280xr, it really is amazing what is available to play when you only know three chords, and then it just expands from there! It's also surprising how much you can actually "fix" incorrect chords when you find them in a song once you start playing regularly as well, pretty cool! Thanks for the recommendation. :-)

ironjaws, the harp is kind of daunting -- I think I struggle with mine more than I would otherwise because the levers aren't in any way, shape or form easy to use. I should be able to raise or lower them during playing but to get them to budge even the tiniest bit I have to pin the instrument down and forcibly pull them like yanking teeth out of a lion's mouth. Probably hurts just as much, too. I can only do basic stuff on there, but it is enjoyable. I'd like a better model but they are way too expensive for me! Thank you for the music recommendations, too, I haven't heard of Amy Turk.
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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Yay photos! I'm pleased to report that I officially have pinkish sticky P. 'Weser' pretties going on right now...
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My P. esseriana is also producing mucus, but was a little slower coming back round to carnivorous growth than the others...
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But in other news: I have the coolest ukulele EVER!
uke (3).JPG
uke (3).JPG (68.9 KiB) Viewed 8523 times
I ordered this King Cactuar (Final Fantasy creature) vinyl sticker a couple of weeks ago from the States and it arrived today. So pleased! It came out really, really well; I wasn't entirely sure what to expect. Wheee!

Also, I have a wedding dress. But no photos. In case Stephen sees it. But. Dress. Seriously. Dress. It's purty.
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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
The shades of pink I've gotten on the windowsill this year seem to be more intense than previous years, it's wonderful! I also have babies. :-D
A baby Mexican Pinguicula... so cute! Even the cotyledons are carnivorous!
A baby Mexican Pinguicula... so cute! Even the cotyledons are carnivorous!
2016-07-15 baby-ping.JPG (115.89 KiB) Viewed 8447 times
Pinguicula 'Weser', Beatrice
Pinguicula 'Weser', Beatrice
2016-07-16 p-weser (1).JPG (64.17 KiB) Viewed 8447 times
Mini Beatrices!
Mini Beatrices!
2016-07-16 p-weser (2).JPG (95.6 KiB) Viewed 8447 times
Lovely P. 'Tina' carnivorous leaves. So ethereal!
Lovely P. 'Tina' carnivorous leaves. So ethereal!
2016-07-15 p-tina (1).JPG (41.15 KiB) Viewed 8447 times
My dehydrated P. 'Tina' is recovering well. :-)
My dehydrated P. 'Tina' is recovering well. :-)
2016-07-15 p-tina (2).JPG (57.72 KiB) Viewed 8447 times
2016-07-15 p-ehlersiae.JPG (59.93 KiB) Viewed 8447 times
I've also been working on my wedding bouquet today as I wanted something fun and interesting to do; I've never done floristry before but decided that it was the main practical thing that I really wanted to do. I thought I'd post a couple of photos of what I've done so far -- this bouquet isn't finished by any means and it isn't perfect -- the photos really don't do it justice, but it's a start and I'm enjoying the process of building on it. :-)
bouquet (5).JPG
bouquet (5).JPG (54.1 KiB) Viewed 8447 times
cascade bouquet (4).JPG
cascade bouquet (4).JPG (71.6 KiB) Viewed 8447 times
We're using artificial flowers as it means that we can do it months in advance, it's also proving to be cheaper than real ones and the flowers can withstand my diseased hands and haphazard method of doing things. The main flowers are cream alstromeria and "vintage" purple phalaenopsis orchids, I'm using laurel and eucalyptus foliage and some white gypsophilia as fillers.

(Please excuse the state of my room; I have boxes and bags everywhere for wedding stuff, identification stuff and church stuff. I miss having a floor! Aaand Misi has just claimed the box that I need to put my flowers in. So considerate.)

All in all... I'm enjoying my plants right now. Yay!!
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By ironjaws
Posts:  574
Joined:  Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:28 am
Jeez louise, Grey! Don't even get me started on messy rooms! Seems as though a cyclone came ripping through my room!

And oh that Misi!

The bouquet looks great!

I know nothing about weddings and all that accompany them, but what about a bouquet mainly with Pings, seeing how some Pinguicula leaves would be similar to the Phal blossoms?
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Hey ironjaws, how're you?

I like the idea, thank you. :-D Unfortunately I don't think that there is much of a market for artificial Mexican Pings; using real ones would likely mean the death of the entire plant as I'd have to skewer it with floral wire.

I have made some changes to the bouquet since this posting (I think it looks better now and Stephen loves it), and also have a box for it. Yay, my first official "wedding stuff" box! That isn't scary at all is it?!
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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
I was out and about in the back garden taking some photos today -- I don't do that often enough, it was very enjoyable. :-) Most of the photos I take aren't amazing, but occasionally I strike a photographic chord or something and get a photo that makes me smile or giggle. In Skatty's case, definitely giggle.
In this particular instance, I can kind of hear him singing "I'm too sexy for my shirt (fur)". He looks rather proud of himself.
In this particular instance, I can kind of hear him singing "I'm too sexy for my shirt (fur)". He looks rather proud of himself.
2016-07-21 (26).JPG (121.35 KiB) Viewed 8369 times
When really, he's just a cutie.
When really, he's just a cutie.
2016-07-21 (25).JPG (78.48 KiB) Viewed 8369 times
I like the way that the sunlight intrudes upon this photo. (Winter jasmine, Misi's favourite play spot.)
I like the way that the sunlight intrudes upon this photo. (Winter jasmine, Misi's favourite play spot.)
2016-07-21 (22).JPG (96.11 KiB) Viewed 8369 times
A wild Caterpie appears! I'd love to know what species this little guy is.
A wild Caterpie appears! I'd love to know what species this little guy is.
2016-07-21 (5).JPG (51.75 KiB) Viewed 8369 times
One of my favourite buddleia, I think it's called "black knight" or something. Butterflies apparently prefer the darker colours. I'm hoping for marbled whites this year!
One of my favourite buddleia, I think it's called "black knight" or something. Butterflies apparently prefer the darker colours. I'm hoping for marbled whites this year!
2016-07-21 (15).JPG (78.21 KiB) Viewed 8369 times
Action shot!
Action shot!
2016-07-21 (20).JPG (104.98 KiB) Viewed 8369 times
Random white flower that I felt like sharing.
Random white flower that I felt like sharing.
2016-07-21 (18).JPG (54.57 KiB) Viewed 8369 times
My bouquet box, yay! Unfortunately I seem totally incapable of getting a decent photo of the amended product. Hmmm.
My bouquet box, yay! Unfortunately I seem totally incapable of getting a decent photo of the amended product. Hmmm.
2016-07-21 (12).JPG (59.36 KiB) Viewed 8369 times
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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
I meant to update to say that the caterpillar was identified as a "muslin moth" caterpillar. The adult moths are grey. I approve. :lol: Here are some other random photos that I've taken (or Stephen took) recently!
A gerbera. (2016-07-24)
A gerbera. (2016-07-24)
2016-07-24 (17).JPG (1.08 MiB) Viewed 8313 times
A cinnabar moth caterpillar (2016-07-24)
A cinnabar moth caterpillar (2016-07-24)
2016-07-24 (31).JPG (66.86 KiB) Viewed 8313 times
A shell I found in the sea at Weymouth, a sea port. We had a day at the beach... was quite a drive but totally worth it. :-) (2016-08-03)
A shell I found in the sea at Weymouth, a sea port. We had a day at the beach... was quite a drive but totally worth it. :-) (2016-08-03)
Weymouth (29).JPG (31.15 KiB) Viewed 8313 times
One very tame wood pigeon! (2016-08-09)
One very tame wood pigeon! (2016-08-09)
2016-08-09 (5).JPG (104.53 KiB) Viewed 8313 times
I thought I had more but alas, not today.
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