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Photos of subjects other than carnivorous plants, such as orchids, landscapes, etc.

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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
It is absolutely gorgeous - and I had my first experience going up a mountain and being inside a cloud. :lol: Good grief, you should have seen my face! Awh, I never thought I'd be well enough to go away for a weekend, to be honest, seemed impossible - but we were actually away from Saturday to Monday, because it was a bank holiday, and God provided immeasurably for the entire journey. Quite something, couldn't have done it without Him!
By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Still haven't forgotten about this topic, just not had the "oomph" to update and am looking for a new place to store my photos!

In the meantime... here's a frog. :D
2015-10-10 Elijah.jpg
2015-10-10 Elijah.jpg (79.8 KiB) Viewed 9511 times
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By ironjaws
Posts:  574
Joined:  Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:28 am
Hey! There you are Grey!!! I hope everything's going well for ya'!

That's a great pic; I really like that the webbed feet are super clear! Frogs are very interesting amphibians. I've been wanting to get some turtles(which I know are reptiles) but don't have the space at the moment.
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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
HI ironjaws, so great to see you! How've you been? Things here have been busy but I'm getting into a rhythm again gradually. Been focusing on getting some major updates on the website done between other odd-jobs but making progress bit by bit!

Thanks for the comment. :) These are African dwarf frogs, fully aquatic - smaller than the width of my thumb. Soooooo tiny at the moment, they should get a little bigger but are, in general, a very small frog species (by small I mean compared to the frogs I rarely get to glimpse roaming around outdoors). They are rather mad, especially when food is put into the aquarium as they hunt via smell and vibration...

Food goes in. Ezekiel gets curious. Ezekiel gets bitten. Frogs flail around as though the world is ending. Frogs lunge at each other. Frogs bump into things. Frogs flail around in mad mass as they found the pile of food.

They are virtually blind so it's understandable... but so adorable.

And I don't blame you for wanting turtles! They had some at the aquatics shop where I bought my set up, Ezekiel and the frogs. I started wiggling my finger at them and the moment others in the tank would spot it, they'd swim over. Amazing little things. I'd love a pet tortoise as well, something as slow as I am! :lol:
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By ironjaws
Posts:  574
Joined:  Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:28 am
I've been super busy, now that I think about it. I'm glad you updated this thread.

Slow and steady, Grey; absolutely the opposite of what my mind's been doing lately! I should slow it the heck down! So many thoughts that they get backed up!

I can imagine it is indeed a sight when the African dwarf frogs feed. That's how it is when someone leaves Mexican food and a six pack of beer in my house!! :lol:

Awww, a tortoise would be awesome!! I've a goal of attaining some acreage one day. When I do, I plan on having sooooo many CP's; especially Sarracenia and Darlingtonia and any native Drosera. I'll wait until then to adopt a tortoise :) .
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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
So... it's been a while, eh? Hello! How are you guys doing? I wanted to share some of the goings on over the last few months, and hopefully explain why I haven't been around all that much except to check my messages and reply to butterwort questions. I'm sorry that I haven't been more active more frequently, it's just been an incredibly difficult few months.

Last July, I very suddenly became an aunt. We knew that my sister was pregnant but she went into labour far too early -- four months early -- due to reasons that we still aren't aware of, and this meant that both she and my tiny, tiny niece (1lb 4oz/580g upon birth) needed special care. We didn't know if my niece would survive, but thankfully she made steady progress by the grace of God, with the help of the doctors and nurses supporting her. She had to stay in the hospital for a good four months before being released, and during that time lots of complications came up which caused us a lot of stress and exhaustion.
My niece upon birth
My niece upon birth
2016-05-18 Dana (1).jpg (14.34 KiB) Viewed 9213 times
I can't really succinctly describe the events that took place or the way it affected us individually as well collectively, as a family, so I won't try. I wrote an extended post about it on my blog, which you can find here. (I started a blog, yay!) To be blunt: I was in a position where I needed to be much more involved in my niece's care than would, perhaps, ordinarily be expected of an auntie. This was an immense privilege and blessing, but also a challenge, so the bulk of my energy went into that. Here is a more recent photo of my wonderful, miracle niece...
A more recent photo
A more recent photo
2016-05-18 Dana (5).jpg (16.16 KiB) Viewed 9213 times
Isn't she stunning?

In other news, as mentioned briefly a moment ago, I started a blog that is separate from my main website. It's more about life with M.E. and how that works when you believe in an all-loving God who could heal you any second and yet, so far, actually hasn't. It's called "of Christ and Chocobos" and has an underlying video game theme. I try to update it once a week... it's been fun and I'm really enjoying it, and hope to expand the site a little bit in the near future. I'm considering moving the "not so secret garden" over to WordPress as it's not a bad system, though Weebly still wins out over it for ease-of-use in adding images to posts.
New blog logo, yay!
New blog logo, yay!
ocac-logo.png (17.24 KiB) Viewed 9213 times
As well as that, I've been getting more involved in my church in the area of worship; I've been a member of our church band for nearly two years, but have recently started taking on the responsibility of occasionally leading the worship time, which is a big responsibility. I'm very shy, actually, and don't really like putting myself on the "front lines", so-to-speak, so this made total and complete sense. :roll: I do enjoy it but it is a challenge and when I'm due to lead I can get a bit panicky as I try to navigate nervousness as well as balance the practical stuff that I need to do so as to fulfill my role properly. I'm really, really grateful for the opportunity to serve my church more in this way, but I am finding it very challenging. It takes me out of my comfort zone entirely, which is generally a good thing, but yeah.

And I've been learning how to play the ukulele, which is awesome. I really enjoy it! I can't play guitar due to my condition but a ukulele is much smaller and the chords are a whole lot easier to learn! It made sense to try and learn an instrument to help me to lead the worship at church... I never imagined that I would actually be able to play an instrument like this -- so I'm very excited and am enjoying the process of learning new songs and how the instrument sounds with others. I've still got my harp and am gradually learning stuff on there but it's a lot more complicated than the ukulele, so it's nice to have some dilution from the difficulty.
My larger folk harp and ukulele
My larger folk harp and ukulele
ocac-harp-ukulele.JPG (36.06 KiB) Viewed 9213 times
Speaking of things that I never imagined would happen... I have some really, really, really big news.
One ring to rule them all... eventually. ;-)
One ring to rule them all... eventually. ;-)
2016-05-03 ring (1).JPG (44.25 KiB) Viewed 9213 times
Stephen proposed! He took me for a walk up a local hill on Sunday afternoon and asked me to marry him. We had been talking about marriage for a long while, and so far have been together for fifteen months. While I'd hoped that he would ask soon, I didn't know he would propose there and then! It was a very blustery day with a chilly wind but the sun was shining and we could see for miles and miles all around us!! I didn't know if I'd actually be able to manage climbing the hill due to my illness, but something in me told me to keep going and we were able to get as near to the top as we could. An amazing walk -- we basically floated back down!!! Have any of you ever seen the film "The Englishman Who Went up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain"? More like "The Englishwoman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down Engaged". Hurrhurr. That's become our pun.
One ring to bedazzle them...
One ring to bedazzle them...
2016-05-03 ring (2).JPG (41.66 KiB) Viewed 9213 times
I just can't believe it. I mean I can, yes, but it's so incredible. I grew up not thinking I was worth anything and, since meeting Christ and becoming a Christian, have gradually learned that I do have value and I mean something, but even so I couldn't have fathomed that someone would love me enough to want to marry me. There's a lot to think about -- housing (we don't want to live together before marriage), the day itself, family (his family is in Wales) -- so yes, tons to plan, but we're just going to enjoy this for a couple of weeks before we start planning properly. I'm sure I'll keep you all apprised in some way or another. With photos. Photos!!! Might be a while as I have no idea what to expect over the next few months (except that things will be busy), so I do continue to ask for your patience.


(Oh, and I'm doing a Master Herablist (herbology) course, which is fascinating but difficult. But fascinating! So yes. Yay!)

And... for posterity...
Le chat croissant
Le chat croissant
IMG_20160420_222000413.jpg (56.93 KiB) Viewed 9213 times
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By Matt
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WOW! Thanks for the update Grey! CONGRATULATIONS on the engagement. And thanks for all of the other information about what's been going on with you and your family. You've certainly been busy.

I'm very happy for you and for Stephen!
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By xr280xr
Posts:  2807
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Congrats on your aunthood and engagement Grey! Great stories!
grey wrote:As well as that, I've been getting more involved in my church in the area of worship; I've been a member of our church band for nearly two years
Cool, I did this for several years when I was younger. I never lead though...I think that requires your singing not to sound like a drowning yak.
grey wrote:And I've been learning how to play the ukulele, which is awesome. I really enjoy it!
I took this up last year too! Amazing how much music you can get out of such a small instrument with only 4 strings. If you haven't heard of him, check out Jake Shimabukuro. I've been learning some of his stuff.
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By ironjaws
Posts:  574
Joined:  Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:28 am

I'm so happy for you!!!!! Your niece is adorable!!!

Congratulations on the engagement! I'm sure things are going to be really busy for the two of you soon.

The harp seems so daunting to me(I play guitar). Have you checked out Amy Turk on youtube? She is AMAZING!

Ukelele is beautiful. Do check out Jake Shimabukaro, he is an awesome musician!

I'm so happy for you!!! Congrats!!!
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