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By bananaman
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Does anyone else here use CHDK?
It stands for Canon Hack Developmet Kit, and it allows a Canon point and shoot camera to have all the features of a DSLR except for the interchangeable lenses.
Someone FINALLY ported an alpha version of CHDK for my camera, the PowerShot SD960IS, so I installed it tonight.
Already, I've gotten some AWESOME macros of a few CP's.
I'll post pics later - I need to sleep!
By tish
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bananaman wrote:Does anyone else here use CHDK?
It stands for Canon Hack Developmet Kit, and it allows a Canon point and shoot camera to have all the features of a DSLR except for the interchangeable lenses.
Someone FINALLY ported an alpha version of CHDK for my camera, the PowerShot SD960IS, so I installed it tonight.
Already, I've gotten some AWESOME macros of a few CP's.
I'll post pics later - I need to sleep!

I've heard of that and has been looking for a similar software/program that will work on my Nikon DSLR, sad to say I cannot find 1. I ended up going through ebay to buy what ever devices I could find to make my camera work the way I wanted it to.

Hope you have a good time with your new functions in your current camera. hope to see some nice photos soon :)
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By Matt
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Yep, I used it after Schill (user here) posted about it. I've created a few time-lapse videos with it. It's pretty cool. To get started, I followed Schill's tutorial here: ... aphy-chdk/
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By bananaman
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I have been amazed at how much better my photos that were in RAW with some prosessing afterwords look than the JPEGS!

See the difference below:

RAW (post-processing, compressed to JPEG):

The RAW is much truer to the actual color of the plant and bud than the JPEG is...
I have a few CP images too (post RAW processing, then compressed into JPEG)

RAW (post-processing, compressed into JPEG):

Here too, the colors on the RAW are much truer to the actual plant, and I finally was able to get photos that are in good focus with the "Subject Distance" function....

Anyway, thanks for looking!
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By dantt99
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Nice. I have the RAW option, I've just never really toyed with it since the files are so big! :)
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By xr280xr
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How hard was it to set up? I never use my cannon anymore cause my iPhone takes such better pictures (except if I need a flash).
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By cyph3r_gfy
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Here too, the colors on the RAW are much truer to the actual plant, and I finally was able to get photos that are in good focus with the "Subject Distance" function....
I always recommend using RAW format when able. For one simple reason...

RAW is essentially a "digital negative". No processing has been done to the image in this format.... As digital photo processing and editing software improves you'll be able to make those RAW images from yesteryear even better than you could in the past because you haven't 'lost' any of the image during processing.
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By xr280xr
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bananaman wrote:It depends on you camera.
The hardest part is making a bootable SD card for it.
There are instructions for this on the CHDK website.
Wow, I had no idea those cameras were even capable of that. Thanks.
By bananaman
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Yea, I agree raw is AWESOME! Especially because it is just a digital negative...

All cameras are capable of this stuff, its just it is harder to use than most people want it to be, so they design it with simplicity.
By stereovisions
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I've Use StereoData Maker which is based on CHDK for years. SDM and CHDK add features DSLR's don't have such as scripts so you can write a script that will do things such as capture lightning. I have built a few twin camera stereo rigs using SDM and I'm able to add external flash and even synchronized zoom.

There is a similar project for Canon DSLR's called Magic Lantern that adds a lot of features.

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