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By Mufasa
Posts:  858
Joined:  Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:45 am
not exactly sure what a bonsai is... isnt it along the lines of... you grow it in a small container to maintain a small size or something?... not sure that would work on CPS
By MrsMuscipula
Posts:  473
Joined:  Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:01 am
From what I understand, bonsais are often cuttings of actual, full grown trees that are shaped by pruning, crown cutting, and root trimming to look like miniature versions of mature trees.

Carnivores don't have a trunk that can keep growing branches, and I imagine most won't respond well to regular pruning or cutting of any kind. So no, I don't think they'd respond well to bonsai treatment.
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By Cory
Posts:  1149
Joined:  Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:42 pm
Every CP that I have grown over the years had pretty much stopped growing when it exceeded it's minimum pot size and if let go longer it would decline rather quickly without a fresh repot.

The only exception I have found is with certain sundews.

It's not the same as bonsai but under potting is a very easy way of propagating them.
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