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Photos of subjects other than carnivorous plants, such as orchids, landscapes, etc.

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By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
Joined:  Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:45 pm
Yes, I like birds more than squirrels (I have a bird feeder setup but squirrels like it too) but seeing two of them helpless just made me help them. Unfortunately, birds are harder to care for than squirrels. Give a squirrel puppy formula, a bucket with a towel, and a heat mat and they will be fine. Sorry to hear about the chaffinch though... He looks exactly how you described him.
By Grey
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Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
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It was a gift to take care of Chirpy for a few hours, I'd never seen a baby bird that close before (face-to-face). I was in my early teens, so it really impacted me (both positively in seeing him but negatively in his passing). Mixed bag, lovely bird! I love listening to chaffinches.

Speaking of birds, I heard some seriously enthusiastic singing this morning that I didn't recognize; living somewhere for 16 or so years you learn to recognize the local birds - this guy was something I'd not heard before. He was on the large trees a couple of doors away from our house, but I was able to get a dark shot by zooming in fully. I think he is a great tit, sure looks like it. Definitely not a blue tit. Anyway, his song was stunning and a real treat - there was such a stillness in the air this morning!
Sometimes you can really feel God's peace in the air, it was a wonderful morning...

Loads of starlings about today, it was fanastic listening to them chatter amongst themselves. Played with the zoom on mum's camera and took some photos. I saw an albino starling a few weeks ago, I was hoping he'd return but I haven't seen him since. I sure hope it comes back so I can get a photo!
There seemed to be a starling having a merry conversation with an uninterested collared dove, too. Eventually the dove took off and the starling proceeded to mimic a blackbird "pop" call.

The corncockle flowers are continuing to go over - lots and lots of seed pods!

Last time I updated I said I thought it would be another day or two before the D. dielsiana flower stalk blooms. Boy was I off... still waiting!

I'm getting some dead leaf tips on the D. capensis, this mass of plants needs repotting as soon as possible, there's a bunch of fungus on the dying leaves and not enough air can get in to remove it. That'll be fun.

Repotted two of my Mexican Pinguicula in a new growing mix: perlite, silica sand (fine grade) and crushed egg shells. This mix was recommended to me by a friend. I'm excited to see how the plants do! The first is P. 'weser', the second is P. 'tina'.

And, finally, all the Mexican Pinguicula left in the perlite tray. As old leaves die off it discolours the perlite, so not the easiest way to keep pretty plants. If the two divisions do well I'll be repotting everything in the new mix.
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By katya_dog1
Posts:  2412
Joined:  Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:45 pm
I do not know what types of birds you have in England because I am in the US, but that first picture is a chickadee, or looks extremely like one. Excellent photos, I look forward to more. How long did it take your Capensis seedlings to get that big?

OH, yes that's a chickadee! I just now looked it up, and I have hand fed them before (quite amazing, especially for hummingbirds) and that is a chickadee. Have you really never heard them before? It may be an escapee from somewhere, I will look it up again, and see if they live in the UK.

Never mind, my above post was wrong. Great tits look a lot like chickadees, just saw a picture.
By Grey
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Thanks for the comment, katya! I had a listen to both birds songs and it is a great tit. :) I'm not sure if we get chickadees in the UK - they really are beautiful, though, what a thrill to get to hand feed them! I may have heard a great tit's song before but don't honestly remember. Very exciting regardless!

The first D. capensis sprouts were spotted on 28th March this year so the oldest plants are reaching 6 months of age.
By katya_dog1
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Alright, Thank you. Hmm, 6 months. I hope mine do that well. Sorry for the questions, this will be the last one, but are you growing all your plants in a windowsill with no lights?
By Grey
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Slowly waking up from a nap, not quite coherent yet - but yay sleep! Need it sooo badly haha. Right. Photos. OK! Going to start with one of my sister's birthday cake that I made last week. I was hoping it'd be pink but my plans did not turn out quite right... it's not the best cake ever but considering how much effort I put into it and how much pain I ended up in... my sister liked it at least. xD

I was diagnosed with a dust mite allergy and advised to empty my bedroom of plants temporarily; I seem to keep forgetting to take most of my carnivorous ones out, but the orchids have been dumped in my sister's old bedroom and somewhat forgotten. They appreciate it - lots of new roots and some new foliage coming through.

The D. dielsiana flowers have mostly opened and shut. Didn't get any photos of the blooms themselves, sorry about that. Still, it's nice to see.

My large P. Tina has surprised me with a couple of late season blooms. The temperature is seriously mild for this time of year so this isn't entirely unexpected.

Here are the P. weser (first) and P. Tina (second) growing in the sand mixture; a little leaf loss, as is the usual case when repotting takes place, but I haven't seen any signs of distress (or benefit) yet.

I'm excited to have a terrarium thingie back in my bedroom, even though it just has substrate in it at the moment. It'll be for a Madagascar hissing cockroach. I spent this morning rearranging the same two bits of driftwood about seven different times trying to get it to look right. Methinks I need another bit. For now you just get a reflection of my leggings.

D. capensis still needs repotting. Fungus needs eradicating, it's slowed down though so that is brilliant. I was very happy to discover a box in the shed filled with three filled, completely sealed, large bags of pre-mixed carnivorous plant potting mix. HOORAY!

Skatty still seems to be responding to his medication; vet seems pleased with the progress. Skatty had a couple of coughing fits yesterday but seems OK otherwise, we're keeping an eye on him.

And a blurry, not-so-good photo of Misi because she's grumpy and hasn't had a spot in the topic for a while.
Edit: would help if I actually POSTED the photo, wouldn't it? :roll:
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By Grey
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Thank you IHaveNoIdea! :)

I understand it's been a little while since I last posted a photo update; I've not really been so well and just haven't felt up to fiddling with the camera and taking lots of photos. Doing much better today but only have two photos as an update for the time being... Misi is grumpy about it... she kept trying to climb onto my lap today, which is lovely, but I wasn't staying sat in that position for long... she was determined, even sitting on my crossed over arms!


And the other photo was taken Sunday, I believe... (GASP! The nerve, not even a photo from today!) a very exciting first: these little cases of carnivorous goodness are the first seeds I've ever acquired from a carnivorous plant I have grown from seed. Yup! The D. dielsiana seed pods have ripened and some are starting to burst! WOO! This really lifted my day before church, I tell you! LOL. Praise God!

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By Grey
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*Insert some witty remark here to introduce proceeding photos*

Earlier in the year, some of you may remember a photo I posted of a young dwarf buddleia; it was repotted in a large container in the front garden, and has since expanded quite a bit! It's now over a foot across; only seven to go and it'll be fully grown. Woo!

I've been observing an interesting growth on one of my mum's phalaeonopsis plants... it would seem the dying flower stalk has sprouted something. Say what?!

The Drosera dielsiana is continuing to produce seed; I've used a cable tie to keep the two stalks together and position them over a piece of paper to catch the seeds.

I'm preparing the Mexican Pinguicula for their dry season; they seem to be doing OK.
The P. 'Tina' has actually started to divide - which is amazing, my old P. 'Tina' never divided so I'm really pleased.

Anyone who has viewed "The Exotic Pets Thread" (warning to arachnaphobes: lots of tarantula photos) will see that I posted some photos of the newest addition to our family. He has simple tastes: cat biscuits, muesli and a little veg or fruit here and there.
His name is Nineveh, after the town in the bible featured in the book of Jonah, and he is a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach; I understand cockroaches aren't everyone's cup of tea, so I'm posting links to the photos rather than displaying them outright.

He's fairly big, although I haven't measured him yet... I'd estimate him at about 8cm in length. He seems to be quite a character (2), as far as cockroaches go. I've only had him for a few days so far, but really enjoy his company.

You can tell he is a male by the large "bumps" on his prothorax (head plate); he's only hissed twice so far (that I've been awake to hear, these guys are nocturnal): once when he first arrived (he fell on his back when I was trying to move him to his main enclosure) and randomly earlier today. He sounds like a rattle snake, quite amazing. They make the sound by forcing air out of their breathing tubes.

I could watch him for ages, even if all he does is sit there wiggling his antenna everywhere for an hour.
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By IHaveNoIdea
Posts:  536
Joined:  Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:28 pm
Mate, you are really enthusiastic for remind me of one cartoon character. Anyway, the most beautiful Pings as usual. Mine look lets say, not so well.
Once I was considering buying Leopard gecko, so I've seen some Madagascar cockroaches before (they are his food). Pretty big buddy, but I wouldn't be comfortable having him at home :D

Accept my sincerest apologies for the "mate". Whole time, I thought you are a guy :D
Last edited by IHaveNoIdea on Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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By MrsMuscipula
Posts:  473
Joined:  Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:01 am
Hey Grey! I may have missed it, but did you pollinate the d. dielsiana yourself or just leave the flower alone? I would like to harvest seeds from my sundews next spring, but have no idea if I should intervene or let them be.

How are you preparing your pings for winter? Just reducing the water?

I really enjoy your pictures! :D Even the hissing cockroach. ;)
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By Grey
Posts:  3255
Joined:  Mon Jul 26, 2010 3:48 pm
Thank you all for you comments. :D

IHaveNoIdea, LOL! I'm curious about this cartoon character you describe. I am very passionate about my relationship with God, yes, I wouldn't be who I am without him. :) I'm sorry your pings aren't looking so well, is there anything I can do to help? I like geckos! Madagascar hissing cockroaches are often used as live food for reptiles, they're super easy to keep in large numbers so that's understandable. Hehe, they aren't everyone's favourite. And no worries! It can be hard to tell my gender online. S'aaaalllll gooooooood.

MrsMuscipula, I left the flowers to themselves. I wasn't sure if they would self-pollinate or not, and wasn't sure if I wanted seed, but this has been a most pleasant surprise! I wish you the it most success with your seed, too. All I do for my Mexican pings for winter is reduce water; they're on a windowsill so temperature and photoperiod decreases naturally.

Tish, thank you! I hope you get lots of seed! One thing I'm having to keep an eye on is ensuring that my curtains don't brush the paper too much, or it may get knocked off, throwing the seeds everywhere. Keeping the plant pot right on the edge of the paper, or sitting something heavy on it, should fix that though.
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